

In the arena.



The sound of the disorder demons and wyvern are clashing, along with the thunderous crowd. Compared to the wyvern, the disorder demons of Morus were like babies. However, they have strength in numbers.

'I can only limit my manipulation ability to stop those Tartarous wyverns. They didn't have intelligence like those Crypted dragons, but they are hard to kill,' Morus thought.

'I need to reinforce myself too, and Shoot him with scattered demons if I ever saw him.'

He didn't have the time to think when,

"Good. He's coming!"

Morus prepared himself as he noticed that Reyz the foe enhance his sword.

'He will send me those disorder demons. If I were a normal user, I would've been lost to these disorder demons, a pity I am your opponent.'

Reyz's normal sword mutated as he enhanced it with chameleon dragon skin. 'I gave up my specialist ability just to cover my sword and my whole body. This is the condition, but I can cover myself with chameleon properties. I will not wait for him.'

"Bomb him!"

Disorder demons opened their mouth, and like a laser beam, it shot toward Reyz.

'My disorder demons are all slinger like me. I will harass him with countless attacks.'

Aura Slinger, the power that one will have if they experience a Psychotic mental disorder phenomenon.

The strength of an aura slinger relies entirely on the strength of their aura. Though most disorder users' aura grows weaker when separated from their body, an aura slinger can maintain the strength of their aura for a short period after it has been separated from them.

This makes aura slinger one of the most powerful offensive abilities of all the disorder types because of the raw power of the aura itself. An aura slinger can hurl the power of pure aura at their opponents.

"Where is he?!"

Morus exclaimed. He was so surprised when Reyz the hero general disappeared. This made it even more critical and dangerous. 'No wonder he's one of the candidate regents. I made a mistake, all my plans are crushed by his abilities.'

'What?! His aura also disappeared?! A condition?'

Morus said he was surprised. He thought that having this kind of ability would be useless if someone can sense their aura.

'An invisible man needs an invisible weapon. By having myself a Beast enhancer of a chameleon dragon and sword as specialist warlock. I can have the abilities of the chameleon, and put a condition to it, in an exchange that my aura can be hidden but drained,'

Reyz suddenly appeared out of his side, ready to slice him in two.

'Be glad, I only use this ability to a dangerous opponent like you, It's too taxing in the aura but my winning is always a hundred percent and I need to make it sure to stop my opponent to think and counter-attack.' Reyz said in his mind.

Morus was in a tight spot, 'My king Baal Throunos, is this a weakling to you? I'm not sure I could win against your brother. I will give everything in this fight,

'I am serving you because I want to face my fear. I am a man of a plan, but everything fell when I saw you sitting comfortably watching me like a clown.

'My king, someday I will reach your level and fight you equally. That's why no matter how strong your brother is,  whatever it is you're planning! I cannot lose to this one! Even if I die!'

Morus suddenly lifted his arm to block the sword barehanded, covered in fur as a sign that he's also a beast enhancer.

'It's useless, the enhance strength of my sword was stronger than your arm,' Reyz said, convinced that the enemy would be split into two, but then his expression changed.

The arm of Morus reattach from his body, at the same time his eyes lost their color, Reyz panicked.

'I need to make it! I need to make it, ' He said. It was so sudden that his mind was racing about what to do, and then,


The young king, the harem princesses of Reyz, their guards, and the civilian audience that were dumbfounded, waited as the clash was too sudden and extreme.

Is this the end?

They were surprised because this was the first time they saw two experts in the same caliber fight inside the arena.



Morus revealed himself first. His body was covered in bruises, missing arm, and bloody ears. Standing at the now gigantic human flesh meatball kind of thing, He is not immune to his explosion,

"OH NO!"



The crowd was full of disbelief as they tore up, not believing that their hero would die just like that.

'Ruptured eardrum, missing arm and about to be wasted aura and other minority of damages. There's a lot.

'Fortunately, I manipulated myself to remove my arm. I can't do it alone. If I did not do so, I wouldn't make it and would be sliced into two. I'm also an aura slinger. I made my arm explode and I'm sure he'd be dead right now.

Morus looked at the young king who watched them calmly, 'I know the king doesn't care much about his brother but on his expression, his brother is not dead.'

He is right when,


A wyvern with two heads appeared out of the dust. On the top of its head was Reyz that also covered in bruises, and still in his beast enhancer form. The beast's enhancer form was dull of cracks, possibly due to the explosion.





"I knew he is alive."

The crowd erupted into cheers.

*Cough* *Cough*

'I nearly died. If I didn't put all my beasts' enhancement into my body in time, I would've been dead. I underestimated him. That nearly cost my life. I never experienced this. Is this what they call life and death situations?

'My sword was destroyed, but It made my blood boil that I felt my eyes and senses are in their peak condition. Looking at his appearance, he is in the same situation. He caught me off guard earlier, but not this time.'

Reyz instantly disappeared at the top of the twin-headed dragon.

'Here he is. I expected this to happen.' Morus suddenly decided. He closed his eyes, and then his disorder demon that became a giant flesh monster swallowed him.

Reyz wouldn't let it happen, so despite being invisible, 'You won't escape,'

Morus saw Reyz not invisible anymore. He smiled with any ill intent. 'I will squash you together with me!'

Morus's plan was simple, to bait the enemy inside the stomach of his final evolution disorder demon. Then he would control its flesh and squash his foe, Reyz, and he succeeded.




The disordered demon's mouth was forcefully opened wide by a two-headed monster.

Reyz saw the victory. 'My Tartarous twin-headed beast, I tamed it because of its ability to combine strengthening it than ever.'

He tightened his fist with an explosive aura and then he punch!



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