
Deleted - first version of incarnates hand

This was the first version of inarnates hand, which has now been removed to make way for the full story. I thank everyone for you support.

OldStalarium · Sci-fi
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12 Chs



This chapter took me while to make, but i had fun making it. This is the last chapter of Volume one so if you made it this far thank you. I dont have a relese scedule right now ive just been relesing the chapters that i already mad exept for this one wich finished at 6:12 pm November 16th 2023 pacific time. I will probobly not uploud anything over Thanksgiving break so to you who enjoy my story thank you again for reading the next volume will release shortly. Dont forget to comment any ideas you may have, couse ille be leaving you in anticipation.

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