

A few reporters gathered at the carnival of a newly formed kingdom. They started asking the citizens a few questions about their new King. Reporter: What do you think about your new King? Person A: He is a crazy man. Person B: He is a... maniac. Person C: He is a family man. At once everyone around them looked at the Person C as if he had gone crazy. Person C cleared his throat: Well, what I heard is that he wouldn't go crazy until no one speaks a word against his babies. He loves them so much. Everyone thought for a whole two seconds and nodded their heads. Reporter: So, your King has babies? Can you tell us about them? What about your Queen? Person A: They are weird. She is too. Person B: They are... monsters. She is a... Tree. Person C: They are cute and adorable. She is too. Once again everyone around looked at the Person C as if he had gone crazy. He once again cleared his throat: Well, if you want to survive in this kingdom, even if you know what they are, you have to say that they are cute and adorable. Once again everyone nodded their heads after thinking for two seconds. The reporters are confused by their answers. A human and a tree gave birth to monsters? What are they talking about? After asking around for a while, they got the answer: The hate in their King's heart makes the Monster tree grow. At the end of the Carnival the reporters got another news. Person A and B were killed by their King while Person C got a reward from him. Reporters: He really is a Manic tyrant.

Leorote · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Planting the seed


Caesar screamed loudly from inside his home as a bunch of birds flew in the opposite direction of his house, clearly scared of his loud scream.

He raised his clenched hand and punched hard on the wall in front of him to release all his emotions.

There formed a crack in the wooden wall at the point where his fist just contacted.

Caesar opened his eyes to find that his skin just grazed a sharp object that came out of the crack on the wall.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at it sharply.

He was actually not in a mood to look at his surroundings and would have not cared about the so-called sharp object in general.

But he felt like the 'sharp object' was looking at him and was calling for him. It was calling for rescue.

It was asking for his help, 'Help me.'

Somehow the voice of the object started overlapping with a woman's voice in his mind.

The way she was dead. The way she called for help. Everything that happened before her death started relapsing in his mind as he looked on at the object stuck in the wall.

'She is calling for me.'

'She is calling for my help.'

He thought to himself as he extended his hand towards the woman in the pool of blood.

As he reached her hand, the image of the woman was changed to the wooden wall in front of him.

His hand was on the 'sharp object' that was still stuck inside the creaks of the wooden wall.

He did not remove his hand after the realization but instead used greater force to get the thing out of the wall.

He felt a dark purple color coming out of the creaks. But instead of getting scared, Caesar felt excited.

The smile on his lips grew wider and slowly turned darker and then sinister.

With an increased amount of excitement, he pulled the thing out of the wall.

With a strong pull, he fell on the ground over his butt.

He raised his hand to look at the 'sharp object' which turned out to be a giant sized seed.

What seed was it? He did not know.

Why was the size of the seed so big? He did not know.

All he felt while looking at the seed was warmth. Why? Once again, he did not know.

He somehow started feeling closer to a seed? A seed, the most random thing one could find?

Why? What does this mean?

Caesar was not in a state to think of the question of 'why' at this moment.

He was too busy smiling and looking with love towards the seed.

If someone other than Caesar were to take a glimpse of this seed, then the first thought they would have is that it was ugly.

And the second thought would be that it was creepy. Not like a creepy vine but instead a creepy monster.

One would not take a second to think before throwing away the ugly and creepy looking thing away from themselves.

Somehow, Caesar did not have the thoughts of another common man. He felt that the seed looked cute and lovely.

As he continued looking at the 'cute and lovely' seed, he found some red on his hand.

It was the blood that came out of his hand when he punched the wall. He did not control his strength during the punch after all.

He felt the blood moving on his palm.

It moved towards the seed in his hand like the iron sand would move towards a magnet.

As soon as his blood touched the surface of the seed, it started exuding a strong light and yet Caesar looked on without closing his eyes nor did he blink once.

Under his wide open eyes, the blood started covering the seed at high speed as the shape of the seed started changing and a small string-like thing started coming out of it.

The seed sprouted and at the tip of the sprout lay a tiny leaf, as small as an ant.

Caesar brought the seed closer to his face and softly blew on the leaf as if he wanted to give it a puff of air to breathe.

The seed started growing small sized roots, which covered all the blood of Caesar as it could, before the tiny leaf once again started growing.

While the sprout continued growing slowly, Caesar took it and walked outside the house towards his backyard.

He saw the wide open space with not a single plant except for a large batch of weeds growing wildly and sighed.

He continued walking before selecting a perfect place for his 'cute and lovely' seed to grow into an even 'cuter and lovelier' plant before he planted the sprout in the soil.

Once the sprout was planted, instead of water, Caesar showered it with some more of his blood as its food.

This action increased the pace of the growth of the leaves of the small sprout to increase by leaps and bounds.