

This novel has been republished,kindly search for THE OBSESSION and add to your library. The chapters here will be deleted after I'm done republishing it so search THE OBSESSION and add to your library so you can continue reading from where you stopped.

Mel_goddess123 · Horror
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90 Chs


In Ra's hands trembled in anger when she watched Yoo Na and Cha Eun eat together. They were talking so seriously and she wondered deeply what they were talking about. She badly wanted to know what Cha Eun was helping Yoo Na with and she would get the information whatever way she could.

In Ra could see the way Cha Eun looked at Yoo Na when he talked to her. She knew he was harbouring feelings for her and she gulped hard at the fact that she was losing him, but she never had him to begin with. She wouldn't be able to live with the fact that Yoo Na would have Cha Eun and not her, that would mean defeat and she had never been defeated before, she was always winning.

She would be able to get rid of Yoo Na once she found out whatever they were talking about but she wondered how she would do that since she knew neither of them would tell her as she had already queried them both but they refused to let her in. She had noticed Jisoo was no longer with the two and she wondered what happened but that was her ticket as she could get some information from the girl.

"Da Yeon." In Ra called the eating Da Yeon and she looked up at her.


"Where's Jisoo?" In Ra asked and Da Yeon screened her eyes through the whole cafeteria looking for the girl.

"There she is!" Da Yeon exclaimed as she pointed towards the girl seated at one far corner of the eating hall, obviously getting bullied by a small group of male seniors. Seen around with Cha Eun had prevented her from being bullied, but now she was back to square one as Yoo Na couldn't protect her anymore since she wanted to completely avoid her and not act so friendly in front of the public since she thought Dae Hyun would be watching her every move discreetly if he really was the killer and Yoo Na thought it was better that she was bullied than dead.

In Ra walked briskly towards Jisoo who was been bullied by some boys. She was sobbing already as she meekly covered her chest with her arms.

"Show us some titties huh?" One of the boys said with a snicker as he tried to remove her hand from her chest.

"They're fucking big!" Another of the boy exclaimed.

"Get lost you morons!" In Ra said as she came into view and they scurried out of her sight silently. Jisoo was more scared of In Ra than she was of the boys. The boys still had a limit to the offence they could commit but In Ra was limitless as her parents were one of the wealthiest in the country and to make matters worse, her father was the owner of the school.

In Ra slumped on the chair opposite Jisoo and glared at the trembling girl for a minute with contempt filled black eyes.

"I'm going to ask you a question and you're going to give me all the right answers or else I'll make sure those boys do more than just staring at your huge titties." In Ra threatened and Jisoo gulped as she wondered what In Ra was querying about.

"Yes.." Jisoo replied with a low voice and In Ra had a devilish smirk on her face, satisfied with the girl's reply. She glanced at Yoo Na and caught her staring but she was surprised to see she didn't make a move to help her friend and In Ra chuckled darkly as it seemed like Jisoo was being abandoned by them.

"So they finally realized how worthless you are...Cha Eun will realize it too.." In Ra muttered lowly. She stood up abruptly and motioned for Jisoo to follow her out of the cafeteria and she did with lowered head in fear.

They arrived at the empty classroom and In Ra shut the door loudly after her and she sat on the table with legs crossed while the girl stood in front of her like she was about to receive judgement.

"I'm going to ask you a question about Yoo Na and Cha Eun and you're going to give me the right answers." In Ra said and the girl nodded in affirmation.

"Look straight into my eyes so I know when you lie!" In Ra commanded and the girl immediately looked into her black eyes that were dark and held so much malicious intent in them.

"What business do Yoo Na and Cha Eun have and what is Cha Eun helping Yoo Na with?" In Ra questioned and Jisoo bit her lower lips knowing the plan was not to be disclosed to anyone, especially not In Ra.

Jisoo opened and closed her mouth like a fish as she couldn't say anything and In Ra was getting impatient.

"Have you suddenly turned fucking dumb? I asked you a question, didn't I?" In Ra said between gritted teeth in anger. Jisoo's body trembled more in fear.

"I..I..I d..don't know, they d..don't tell me anything...." Jisoo stuttered but In Ra knew she was lying. Anger hit her and she flew her palm across Jisoo's face as hard as she could, making the girl fall on the floor as she held her cheeks in pain and tears fell from her eyes.

"Your eyes dilated, don't fucking lie to me again, you wench!" In Ra yelled angrily, her lack of control over her anger and her dark heart made her feel unremorseful and unsympathetic towards her as she saw lower class citizens as less of human beings and more like garbage.

"I..I'm sorry..." Jisoo said as she sobbed in pain.

"Get up and answer my fucking question. No lies or I'll make you regret it!" In Ra yelled with clenched teeth in anger and Jisoo quickly scurried up to her feet.

"Talk!" In Ra commanded as she poked her forehead aggresively.

"Yoo Na's friend was murdered..By the anonymous gift killer..." Jisoo said with a croaked voice. She felt awful about disclosing Yoo Na's and Cha Eun's private business to her but she was between the devil and the deep blue sea.

"So? Why is Cha Eun helping her?" In Ra questioned impatiently.

"His mom was a victim too..." Jisoo explained.

"I know, what exactly are they doing?" In Ra queried curiously. Jisoo gulped hard before saying,

"They're looking for the anonymous gift killer.." Jisoo informed and In Ra's eyes widened slightly.

"What?! Are they fucking crazy?! Are they planning a fucking revenge heist?This isn't a fucking movie, they can keep dreaming if they think they can catch him when the police can't.." In Ra said with a doubtful tone as she scoffed in disbelief that Cha Eun would actually be trying to find the killer with Yoo Na.

"So I'm curious to know why you've been pushed out of the team." In Ra said with a mocking smirk on her face.

"Yoo Na said it's too dangerous..." Jisoo explained and In Ra laughed hysterically.

"Why then does it seem like you guys are no longer buddies? I need a better explanation." In Ra demanded in a low tone.

"She suspects someone and she thinks the person is aware of her plans so she's trying to avoid being close to me to protect me in case the person is watching her." Jisoo explained and In Ra nodded thoughtfully.

"So she already has a suspect?" In Ra queried curiously and Jisoo nodded.


"I don't know. She didn't tell me." Jisoo replied truthfully.

"Jisoo, I need you to do something for me. If you're being a good girl and do as I say, I'll make sure no one ever bullies you again, not a finger will be laid on you but you have to be discreet about it huh?" In Ra said with a calm voice and a dark smile and Jisoo gulped hard as she knew that whatever In Ra would be telling her to do wouldn't be good.

"Find out everything they're up to, the leads they have, the evidence and Yoo Na's suspects. Find out everything they know and report back to me. I'll make sure you're protected till the end of your highschool year." In Ra offered but she knew she had no choice and she couldn't refuse if she wanted to because In Ra would make her life a living hell. "If you refuse, I'll make sure I hear your screams everyday." In Ra threatened and Jisoo gulped in fear. She could easily gain information from Yoo Na if they texted but it was betrayal and she had no idea what In Ra was planning to use the information for but it was definitely not for a good use.

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