

This novel has been republished,kindly search for THE OBSESSION and add to your library. The chapters here will be deleted after I'm done republishing it so search THE OBSESSION and add to your library so you can continue reading from where you stopped.

Mel_goddess123 · Horror
Not enough ratings
90 Chs


Dae Hyun read the officers thoroughly and it was clearly obvious to him that they suspected him as the serial killer but they had no hard evidence against him, they only had a useless one that the killer was left handed so he wasn't worried in any way but he would make sure to be extra careful in the future.

"Ahhh I see..." The officers said nervously after he told them that he and Min Hye were fucking. They didn't expect his reply but it was a liable one.

"If you're done with your investigation, I'll show you the way out." Dae Hyun said politely.

"But we have more questions." The officers said but Dae Hyun was smart enough to know that they were only trying to confuse him with questions enough for him to make a mistake with his words but they were wrong because he would never make even the slightest mistake and give them the chance of finding him out.

He was about to say something when the presence of Min Hye coming down the stairs distracted him as he stared at her like it was the first time he was seeing her.

Min Hye was surprised to see the police and Dae Hyun discussing, it was a confusing sight to her and she stopped abruptly in the stairs when she saw them.

"Is that your fiancee?" The officers asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Can we ask her a few questions?" The officers asked. Dae Hyun knew they wanted to ask the same questions he was asked to Min Hye but he wasn't in any way worried about what her replies would be because she was a smart girl.

"Yes of course." He said confidently with a smile as he motioned for her to come over and she did silently.

She bowed her head slightly to the officers as she took a seat next to Dae Hyun.

"We're investigators and we're here to ask you some questions ma'am." The officers explained.

"About what?" She queried with her usual stoic expression.

"The night Shin So Ra died." The officers replied.

"So?" She asked, not a hint of anxiousness in her face as she spoke to the officers unlike others even if they were innocent. They found both the couple's calmness to be quite weird.

"According to a suicide note she left on the rooftop where you were engaged, it said she was madly in love with your fiancee and seeing you both engaged drove her to commit suicide." The officers stated but Min Hye didn't have a surprised look on her face, she had a blank one.

"I know, she used to harass me at work a couple of times because of her feelings for Dae Hyun and I personally thought she was obsessed, the other staffs can back up my words." She said, as the staff were aware of So Ra's outbursts at her, so it was in both their favours.

Dae Hyun had an imaginary grin on his face as everyone would naturally believe the story of So Ra committing suicide because she couldn't bear to see the man she was madly in love with engaged to another woman but he knew the police would prevent the reason from being found out by the public as her parents had a reputation to uphold in the society.

"I see." The officers said and for a few seconds, there was utter silence as if they were choosing their next words properly.

"According to the autopsy carried out on her dead body, it was stated that the body had been dead for about an hour and...according to some witnesses you both came in about five minutes before her body was found so I'm curious, where were you both one hour before her body was found?" The officer said, trying to be as intimidating as possible, hoping her reply would be totally different from Dae Hyun's.

"It's private but since you're the police and you're here for questioning then we were...." Min Hye couldn't complete her sentence since the officers interfered.

"No no, it's okay, he already told us." The officers said in a rush as they cleared their throats, they already knew what she wanted to say and it would match exactly with Dae Hyun's.

Their replies seemed genuine and the officers had doubts that Dae Hyun might have murdered her but they didn't stop suspecting him as the anonymous gift killer, since all his coworkers death seemed connected to him one way or the other but there was not a bit of evidence to connect the murders to him in a logical sense.

"I really hope you'll stop harassing innocent citizens and focus on catching the culprits instead, I'll like to have a peaceful life with my future wife, if you have a wife you'll understand." Dae Hyun said with sincerity in his words, his face was so serene the officers started to have doubts about him being the serial killer but they reasoned he could also be putting on a facade but still, his genuineness and humble look gave them a sense of doubt and they wondered if they were really on the right tracks.

"I understand, sorry for disturbing you, we'll be on our way, have a good day." The officers said and Dae Hyun saw them out like the gentleman he was supposed to be.

"Why were they here?" Min Hye asked, a pinch of worry in her voice, it was obvious she didn't like the regular visits from the police every time a coworker died.

"You don't have to worry...." Dae Hyun paused abruptly as if he just thought of something and he scoffed.

"What is it?" Min Hye asked seeing his darkened face. He motioned for her to keep shut and she did alerted as she watched him rummage through the living room, searching the living room thoroughly and she immediately knew what he was doing.

She admired how smart and devilishly cunning he was, he was smart enough to know that the police might have bugged his house as they came in.

She saw him relax after checking the living room thoroughly.

"It's clean, I guess they're not as smart as they think." Dae Hyun said with a dark grin and he felt even more alluring to her eyes. "Anyways, we have a schedule to see the wedding planner today so what do you want for breakfast?" He asked like a doting husband with a charming smile on his face, it was obvious that he was excited for their wedding but she didn't know just how excited he was until then.

"You." She replied and the excitement in his eyes slowly disappeared to be replaced by dark desires swirling in his eyes.

A smirk cut through his lips as he took off his glasses and dropped them on the table slowly before turning his attention to her. He sat down on the couch as he unbuttoned his shirt slowly, at the same time holding his gaze to hers till he took it off and laid his head back to rest on the couch.

"Come and eat your breakfast while it's still hot." He said with a seductive husky voice and she obeyed as she knelt down in front of him, trapping herself between his legs. She slipped her hand into his pants and she felt his hardened raging monster as she brought it to view.

Dae Hyun shut his eyes in excitement as he felt her hot breath brushing against his raging monster and it twitched as he felt her tongue licking his cap and then sucking on it. His body shuddered slightly as she sucked him harder, making his veins burn with unquenched flames of pleasure. He felt his raging monster been buried inside her hot mouth as she sucked firmly on him, slipping it in and out of her mouth, his hard skin colliding with the walls of her hot mouth made his body burn in pleasure as her pace fastened, he was aroused and she felt aroused watching his pleasure filled face and hearing his deep moans. He moaned deeply as he felt an electric wave of pleasure he could never get used to and by the only woman who made him feel it.

Min Hye loved what she was doing to his body, she loved how she made him feel and she loved that she was the only woman who made him feel that way, she loved that she was the only woman who made him feel things he never felt physically and emotionally.

She sucked on him harder and faster, even though she was tired but she ignored her tiredness and gave him the pleasure he wanted until his raging monster softened as she felt a cool sticky liquid fill the insides of her mouth and she gulped it down.

He watched her as she stood up and took off her clothes slowly and she stood stark naked in front of him, Dae Hyun gulped staring at her naked looking like the goddess of seduction and he immediately went hard.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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