

This novel has been republished,kindly search for THE OBSESSION and add to your library. The chapters here will be deleted after I'm done republishing it so search THE OBSESSION and add to your library so you can continue reading from where you stopped.

Mel_goddess123 · Horror
Not enough ratings
90 Chs


Dae Hyun slowed his pace when he neared her. He would have just landed a blow on her head which would make her unconscious but he liked the power of manipulating people into their death.

"Excuse me, miss." He said politely and she jerked her head upwards to meet the gorgeous face of Dae Hyun that made her mouth drop for a second. A small smile crossed her face as she thought the gorgeous man in front of her had some sort of liking towards her.

"Can I help you?" The young lady said with a small voice.

"I don't mean to disturb you but I saw you walking in the street and I thought it wasn't safe for you to be out here alone when there's a serial killer roaming about." Dae Hyun explained with a concerned expression as he pushed his glasses up lightly. A smile formed on the woman's lips as she listened to him.

"That's so considerate of you, I'll take a taxi at the road side." The lady said, hoping he would offer her a ride.

"That's good to hear. I was actually on my way home but I don't know if you'll let a stranger take you home, if that's okay with you." He said, his words were hard to doubt and his innocent, concerned expression made him look harmless and the lady wouldn't have suspected in her wildest dream that this gorgeous, polite gentleman standing in front of her was a sadistic serial killer behind that charming mask he wore.

"Thank you, you're so kind." She said politely as she followed him to his car. His eyes were focused on the road as he started the car silently until the the rumbling of her stomach disrupted the peaceful quietness. He wondered if she didn't eat on her date but it was working in his favour.

"So..What's your name?" He asked as he peeked into the rear view.

"An Yeo." She replied and he gave a faint smile as he glanced at her for a second.

"I'm Dae Hyun, it's nice to meet you." He said like a gentleman and she was too blinded by his amazing acting skills it was impossible see through his facade.

"Same." She replied and a long conversation was engaged with laughter filling the car.

"I noticed you haven't eaten yet." Dae Hyun said after a long conversation with her and had gained her trust.

"No, I'll make something when I get home." She replied shyly at him.

"My house is actually closer and I work as a chef, you wouldn't mind if I made something for you huh? I'd like to get a review." He said as he laughed it off, clearing any hint of doubt from her mind and to his luck, his secret house was truly closer than hers.

"Really? That's nice of you, thank you." The lady said, without thinking twice as she had no doubt about a word that rolled out of his mouth as they seemed too genuine.

"I should be thanking you for reviewing my food." He said and his eyes glinted darkly when she wasn't looking at his direction.

They arrived at his house and she followed behind him as she stared in awe at his nicely furnished house. She made herself comfortable on the sofa and she watched him disappear through a door.

"I'll be right back." He said and she smiled at him as she watched him leave.

She was busy admiring the art display on the wall and she didn't hear him come out of the door as he snuck behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her neck with clenched teeth as she struggled until she fell unconscious.

He carried her effortlessly into the white room as he called it and cuffed her securely on the stretcher, afterwards, he waited for her to regain consciousness as he went through her bag but he didn't need to know her residence since she had already told him earlier, so he went through her bag to make time run faster as he picked out a couple of girls stuff like lipsticks and tampons which wasn't surprising as he had seen a lot of those from the properties of his past female victims. He unlocked her phone with her face as it chimed. He opened it and saw that it was a text from her mother and a sardonic smirk danced on his face as evil thoughts ran through his head. He texted her back as he laughed hysterically. The text read,

Mother: Where are you? It's late.

An Yeo: The anonymous gift killer is about to kill me. Help me mom!

Mother: What? Stop joking around and come home immediately, it's late.

An Yeo: Do you like my long hair?

Mother: Yes, why?

An Yeo: I'll send them to you tomorrow.

Dae Hyun stopped texting when he heard An Yeo grunt in pain from the hit on her head as she regained her consciousness. It took her awhile to study her environment and she tried to move but the cuffs on her wrists and ankles bruised her as she did.

"W..What are you doing?" The girl stuttered in fear as Dae Hyun moved close to her with cold grey eyes peering at her and she almost couldn't recognize him from the gentleman she had met earlier, at that moment, he looked like he was going to kill her.

"I was just talking with your mom, she said she likes your hair so I'm thinking I should give her that as a gift, what do you think?" He said with a dark smile on his lips and it took her a while to realize that she had fallen victim to the anonymous gift killer.

"No! Please, don't kill me!" She pleaded as tears rolled down her cheeks but it didn't move him as his cold grey eyes stared at her.

"Let's get the gift ready first." He said with a stoic expression as he put on his gloves and a plastic apron with a mask on, then he went towards a table and took out a scalpel from his knife collection.

The girl's eyes shone in horror as he walked towards her with the scalpel in his hands. She shook her head vigorously as she cried her eyes out yelling for him to not come any closer but it didn't stop him from doing so. He placed a large hand on her head to keep her still but she kept shaking so he had no choice but to take a bottle of sedative and he injected the contents into a syringe as the girl watched with terror written on her face as he neared her with the syringe and in a swift movement, the needle pierced her neck as he injected her with the sedatives and it took less than a minute before her eyelids closed involuntarily.

He took the scalpel and symmetrically carved the skin her long hair occupied with much diligence and focus as he removed the carved skin with her hair on it, looking like a bloody cap wig as her raw skin covering her skull was exposed and blood gushed out of it.

He folded the bloody cap wig he made from her hair and placed it inside the black box neatly and he smiled satisfactorily as he looked at it and memories from when he murdered Cha Eun's mother in cold blood flooded his head and a sadistic grin tore through his lips.


Yoo Na was about to call the director after the close of school but her phone rang and she was surprised to see the director calling her line and she hurriedly picked it up.

"Did you get the invitation card?" He said almost immediately.

"Yes, thank you but why did you invite me?" She said as she was confused on why he would invite her.

"You'll be investing in our stocks soon, so I just wanted you to be aware of the kind of business you're investing your money in. I know you have the internet but I just wanted you to be there in person." He explained and she understood what he meant.

"I see..Thank you." She said.

"Will you be able to drop by the office after school? I'm taking Min Hye for shopping for the party, I'd like it if you tagged along since you're both girls and Cha Eun's coming also since we'll be picking our outfits too." Dae Hyun said as he had a devilish grin on his face which she was unaware of. He felt powerful whenever he played his mind games, making people see what they wanted them to see instead of his real nature and he felt like a god as he manipulated his way through people without any doubts.


"Don't refuse, I'm expecting you." He interrupted her as he ended the call abruptly and she had no choice but to go since he was helping her out.

She was about to leave when her eyes caught sight of Cha Eun still sitting in the class but with a mixture of anger and sadness on his face and she wondered what could possibly be wrong. She would have ignored but she had to act like she cared since they were now a team.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a flat tone and she heard him sigh heavily before answering her.

"There's a new victim." She heard him say as he clenched his teeth in anger. She didn't say anymore and waited for him to speak. "He killed her exactly the same way he killed my mom...And he wrote a note with my name on it." He said as he showed her the screen of his phone with the picture of a note saying,

'Do you still have the beautiful wig I made from your mom's hair, Cha Eun?'

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