
First duel! Who wins?

"With the power gifted to me by the Seven Sacred flames, I evoke, Mastroflame!"

Suddently, a huge flame can out of the ground. Amaterasu quickly took control of it, and then she launched it to Himari.

"Himari Run!!!" Nagi scremead. That was instant death. He knew it.

The smile on Amaterasu's face returned. She was sure of her victory. Himari didn't seem fazed by the sure death that was rapidly approaching her. Finally, when the flame was way to close she put her hand out, and the flame stopped. Then, she closed her hand, and the flame disappeared.

"W-wh-" Amaterasu was shocked. Nagi had no words to say. 

"Cool spell, but that's pretty easy to control" It was in fact, not easy to control. Only a handful of students could ever do it. Amaterasu herself had difficulty doing it. And yet not only did she stop it, she completely stopped the spell.

Before everybody could even recover from the shock, Himari put her fingers in a way that imitated a gun, and shot it. From the tip of her finger, a spell was created, and it went towards Amaterasu at lighting speed. She tried to put up a barrier, but just before it hit her, the spell exploded, not only destroying her shield but also bringing her to the ground, in severe pain.

Himari then walked to her and asked her:

"Do you wish to continue? I can cure you if you surrender"

"I-i" Amaterasu was unsure. But when another pang hit her, she conceded "I surrender"

"Ok! Let me cure you real quick" Himari then got down to her knees, put a hand on Amaterasu's chest, and soon after, the pain disappeared.

She then snapped her fingers, and the huge barrier disappeared. Needles to say, everybody was shocked. How could she, a nobody, defeat Amaterasu, probably the best student of the first years?

Himari quickly turned to Nagi, ready to continue the tour, but Nagi had fainted, once again.

Is anyboyd keeping count of how many times Nagi is passing out?

Poor guy.

Anyways, what will happen to Himari now?

natsume_sancreators' thoughts