
Worried (Love Triangle Arc)

Uraraka was in her seat while Aizawa was teaching the class. Izuku was with Recovery girl still resting from his fight earlier that day. Uraraka couldn't focus however. She kept thinking about Deku and how he was doing hopping he's okay. Then another thought went into her head.

Ughh why do I keep thinking about Ashido and Deku. Its not even that big of a deal. So what if Ashido likes Deku. I don't even like him like that. He is just a friend... right...?

"Alright class school is over make sure you watch the fights that happened today and learn from your experiences." Said Aizawa.

The class then screamed "YES SIR" and everyone started to leave.

Uraraka got up from her seat and started to pack and went to Ida so they could walk home but Ida was no where to be found. She was worried but her mind kept thinking about Deku. So she went to go see him hoping he was awake.

"Alright young man this is the last time that I will heal you. Do you understand?!" said Recovery girl.

Recovery girl was angry, but she smiled and walked out to do her other work. Izuku then looked at his right hand that had permanent scars and balled up his fist. He then thought.

I need to control the power that All Might gave me. There is no way I'm going to be the next symbol of peace if I can't control this. I must work harder. Maybe All Might can give me a harder training plan.

As Izuku was thinking he walked out the room and down the hallway until he saw a familiar girl running towards him.

"Midoyriaaaaaa!!" screamed Mina.

Izuku said "Ashido..."

Mina then stomped right in front of him and leaned right in front of his face and she put her hands on her hips and poked out her butt. Izuku then went super red in the face and threw his good arm up saying.

"Ahhhh so close. Owww." He hurt his bad arm doing that.

"Omg Midoriya I'm so sorry are you okay." Mina said worried.

Is he always like this around girls?

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. J-Just need to rest as all." Izuku said nervously.

Mina then saw his arm in a sling and leg with bandages wrapped all over it. She then felt bad and said.

"Hey Midoriya" Mina said worried.

Izuku noticed something was wrong by what she said and calmed down fast saying


"Since your hurt would you um w-want me to w-walk y-you h-home." Mina said nervously.

Omg Omg Omg Omg what am I doing!!! I don't even have feelings for him like tha-


"Huh" Mina then looked up at him as he was red in the face but serious. She then smiled and said

"Great do you have your stuff."

Izuku replied saying "Yeah but bear with me I'm very slow at the moment.

Izuku then started to limp down the hall as Mina was by his side. Mina was smiling uncontrollably. She was so happy she couldn't believe it. As they walked a certain brown hair girl came running down the hallway and saw Izuku she then screamed


Mina smiled then faded as she saw Uraraka run up to Izuku.

Izuku knew her voice and looked saying

"Hi Urara-"

He then was caught off as Uraraka slammed into him with a big hug causing Izuku to scream in pain and embarrassment. Uraraka saw Deku and realized she just hugged him and immediately went red in the face and pushed away saying.

"OMG IM SO SORRY DEKU" She then was holding her face to hide her embarrassment.

What? Did Uraraka just hug Midoriya?

Izuku looked at her and said

"No no its fine it doesn't even hurt that much" He tried smiling but it was a very nervous smile.

Uraraka then calmed down and got mad saying

"Omg Deku you almost gave me a heart attack out there. Why would you fight so reckless." Uraraka then gave Izuku the look of a very worried girl.

"Im sorry" said Izuku as he looked away to hide his embarrassment. "I just couldn't let Todoroki keep suffering. He just looked so sad" He then looked down at his hand with the scars.

Uraraka calmed down and said

"Well it is you Deku." She then smiled and looked to see Mina standing right next to him.

What the? Why is Ashido here? Again.

"Hey, Uraraka, that was some hug you did." Said by a playful Mina.

Uraraka then went crazy waling her arms around saying

"N-N-NO IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT NOTHING MOREE!" she then laughed nervously.

Mina looked at her with a grin but in her mind she thought

Omg Uraraka likes Midoriya, its clear as day. I should be happy for her but I'm mad instead. She is my friend and I have no feelings for Midoriya.. right?

Izuku then laughed saying

"Uraraka your funny. By the way Ashido is going to join us as we walk to the station."

Uraraka and Mina then looked at each other and at Izuku screaming.
