
Deku MHA sad life

hey this is the first fic I'm writing on my laptop and I have Grammarly so yeah, the spelling and grammar should be good, I hope. this is a reincarnation story but it isn't instant op and the MC does have to work for stuff. there are consequences for his actions as well so no killing people only to be forgiven later. Mc has a personality and will only bond with those he would be able to bond with in real life so no set ships but his personality can and probably will change, though this is not instant OP he probably will become, not OP but strong. I will try to do emotions well in this also no harem, I'm not too fond of harem, it can only be done in a story if you are good at writing it and the girls have a reason to share. anyway, this will hopefully be good

EndlessVORACITY · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The new world (not one piece)

The sun grew dim as it rolled off the horizon, a lone green-haired boy lay on the carpet in his hero-laced room, a picture of all-might, the number one hero, on the wall with a reassuring smile. 

The boy lying on the floor of the room went wide-eyed and shot into a sitting position with haggard breaths. he looked all around the room with nervousness and scared eyes, like a small child. 

His gaze froze as he lay his eyes on the mirror across from him, a scared boy looked back at him with a slouched posture.. anyone would assume he was camera shy by his nervous look. 

A subtle word escaped the young boy's mouth, "what?" he looked more confused than anything.

He had a quick scan around until he spotted a wrapped-up plate with a note on it. he hummed in thought as he approached the note and read it carefully aloud.

"you fell asleep before dinner, so I left it here, Mom (Mum/ mother/ biologically related female parent/ mama/ mamma/ matriarch)" 

The boy's pupils dilated as he seemed to realize what was happening was reality. he closed his eyes seeming to embrace the wind howling at his open window.

The determined boy opened his emerald eyes as the trees swayed and the wind howled.


Izuku POV,

'This is happening' I thought, cringing at my situation, 'I would have to pretend to be a three-year-old boy, and the quirkless part coming later in life won't be very enjoyable' I thought with a grimace.

'There was nothing I could do, I have to be like izu... no. better than izuku, I need to surpass him.' I said determined. I glanced at the dinner hungrily, 'and I will start with this meal' I said with a smile.

my three-year-old body waddled over and devoured the food,

"surprisingly good for a cold meal" I muttered

I glanced around the room taking in its posters before jumping into my bed and falling asleep.


3rd POV,

The rays of the sun shone through the blind and caressed the face of izuku as he slowly turned and tossed at the warm rays.

The door to his room creaked open and Inko strolled in with a smile. The smile softened as she gazed upon izukus sleeping form rubbing his cheeks affectionately.

"Time to get up," Inko said as she nudged Izuku with a gentle push. 

The boy turned and slowly opened his eyes with confusion and panic until he laid his eyes on Inko and calmed down. he glanced at the all-might-themed room and his green hair like he was trying to confirm something.

"Time to go to kindergarten izuku, you can play with your friends and Katsuki," she said enthusiastically and a smile.

Faining excited, Izuku smiled happily and jumped out of bed to get changed.

Inko just smiled and left as he happily got ready.

The wind rustled the trees, disrupting the quiet peace as Inko's car arrived at the kindergarten, Izuku happily rushed out of the car running to the kindergarten leaving Inko behind in his excitement. As Izuku walked through the doors his happy expression changed to a grim one.

"How the hell am I supposed to act like a kid when I don't even have his memories" Izuku grumbled in annoyance 

"Luckily Izuku kept a lesson planner in his room so I know where to go," Izuku said, walking off to his class.


Izuku Pov,

"What a day" I murmured in tiredness, pretending to be a three-year-old is tough, I'm planning to slowly but surely change how the old Izuku acted so it seems natural to others.

The day started uneventfully in class but I didn't listen to the teacher. Instead, I chatted with Katsuki, whom I call Kachan, about our aspirations of becoming heroes and developing our quirks. During lunchtime, Kachan and his friends decided to explore the forest with me. the forest seemed Japanese, wich would make sense, and we had some fun until we came across an unusual bug that frightened us, so we quickly left the area. After lunch, we learned about letters and numbers before taking a nap. I am now walking home. 

"This is going to be a long childhood" I muttered with a furrowed brow and darkened eyes.


3rd Pov, 

'Time skip one year'

A boy could be seen sitting in his room staring at his laptop, the wind rustled by as he stared at the laptop with a black face.

"Name these colors?" the boy muttered

"How simple these questions are" the boy muttered again

as the green boy complained about these stupid questions the 6th-dimensional being informed the readers that a year had passed and its been 16 days since the boy's birthday.

Izuku sat there with a black face as he stared at the easy question while only a few meters above him a shelf holding the All-Might bowling ball shifted ever so slightly.

The action rattled the screw holding it In place as it slowly shifted down and came loose.

The screw slowly fell below dropping it in front of the bored kid.

"huh," a single sound escaped Izukus's mouth as the sound of a shelf breaking and the bowling ball falling filled the room.

"A screech escaped Izukus's mouth as he witnessed the bowling ball falling obliterating the bones in his hands, his hand went blue and purple, and fell limp as the ball rolled off his hand onto the ground.

Izuku looked in horror at what had happened as he fell in disbeleafe. 

His eyes gazed upon the the bleeding hand as the intence pain assulted his mind.

His vision went blurry as his mind slowed down, "u...ugh...u.ughu" wimpers escaped his mouth until a strange feeling entered his hand.

Regaining his vision he looked down to see his hand slowly healing, even the bones! 

He looked down in confusion untill his room door burst open and a worried Inko rushed in.

she gazed apon the blood and a sick feeling washed over her. not wonting to worry her izuku explaied what happened.
