
Chapter 5: Dyne


I thought as I eat the food my mother serves in my front. Though I am excited to eat this special food my mother has given but the chill as well as the fear of the unknown wonders in my mind. Resulting the food to taste bland.

"Kiro, don't you like the food"

Before I knew it, my mother notice my blank expression but to erase suspicion I quickly gulp the chicken breast in my front and my mother smiled back at me.

"Auntie, it is delicious"

"Yup… did you know my mother is the best chef in this town"

"Kiro, you can only say that because the only person you know how to cook is me"

The conversation goes on, as my mind wonders what happened earlier.

[Time Check—1:00, Friday]

'It's already time to go back to school'

I shouted in my mind as my eyes went to the clock, we said farewell to mom and open the door. As soon as I open the door, the chill I felt earlier came back

'I have been left alone'

I began to walk towards the school when a metal bar fall in my front and luckily it fall sidewards


Chills run down on my spine and make me sweat all of a sudden

'That… is a coincidence right. It is an accident'

I convince myself again and again. I even breath a sigh of relief. I look towards the road, it is only fifty meters towards school. But for me it looks much longer than before

'I am just overthinking am i?'

I grunted and continued to walk towards the school, when all of a sudden an out of control motor crashed in my front. Surprisingly, the driver is not hurt because he has been thrown out before the crash yet I feel something is off.

I sighed and walk it off

'There are so many accidents these days'

I told to myself and relieve of the nervousness I am feeling

Suddenly, a man with a bonet was running and he is holding a knife and the blade is pointing at me, no… it is pointing at his front and will be accidentally stabbed if someone will blocked his way. I immediately roll sidewards but when I do, a fast car almost hit me but it quickly changed its direction.

"Hey you… are you planning to die?!!!"

The driver shouted at me but those words did not enter on my mind

I am stunned

"That… cannot be coincidence, … right?"

Sweat pours all over my face down to my chin and the road, I slowly walk out of the road and look at my surroundings.

'It's so bizarre to call it accident'

Three times or not—

'Those are the times I almost die'

Just that thought put me into shivers.

"It's not accident… it's as if the world is trying to kill me"

Realizing that fact made me scared


I suddenly laugh at the pathetic life I have been thrown into, I clenched my fist and breathe deeply.

"If so… I would not bow in it"

I closed my eyes and count one to three and run as if my life depends on it, yes… my life depends on it

I don't know how can I stop it but I know one thing.

'I need to reach the school'

I have a feeling if I am there all the time that is the only safest place for me.

I sprint towards the school gate and VIOLA I came here safe and sound. I look weird as I smile while walking but it can't be helped it is very frightening to fight with nature.

I shouted and puffed my chest though people look at me with disgusted and weird face I don't care. I am alive that's why this level of embarrassment is nothing.

After a few seconds, I bow and hide my face.

'Still it's too embarrassing'

Sighing I decided to continue my life with tint of small embarrassment. Now that I am in the school I am quite relieved that this is my safe heaven, that's right there are no vehicles when a flying saucer went to my way but it hits the pole beside me.

'Wait, does it mean that I am not safe even here. Ahahahah.. that is a joke right.'

"Sorry,... We did not see you walking there"

'What, are you saying that you throw that disc not knowing I am in there'

I sigh and they give their apology and practice at other places.

'Really, the world wants to kill me.'

I sigh and went to my class room when I heard someone calling me.


A very soft voice like a child's, It gives me goose bumps and creeps but I decided to face it whatever it is. When I turned around I saw a tiny kid with emerald hair and has white hood she is – I am freaked out but I decided to keep it from myself also she too is freaked out and look around frightened

"ehh... why you're reaction like that... do you see a ghost here... where.. where?"

she said in a panic.

You're the one who freaked me out;

I exhale then calm myself


she look at me with innocent diamond-like eyes and went closer.

"What did you and what is this?"

I asked bluntly, I need an explanation. Though I have the gist but I need confirmation about what is happening.

"Uhmmm you are in – what is it again"

she look above and think hard but she –

"I suddenly forgot tehee~"

she just laugh it off

"hey, I need an answer, this is not time for joke. Only you can give tell me what is going on right?"

"Uhmm,, De... "

"De... what?"

"De ... baju"

"Debaju!? What is that?"

"Uhmm.. similar to that when you experience a nostalgic part that you feel like you experience it before"

"Oh... you mean Déjà vu"


she jump and smile very earnestly then circle around me while his arm is stretch forward as if she is flying and she is having fun.

"Then how can I leave this?"

I asked and notice that people are looking this way, it can't be helped I am with an elementary student and moreover this girl is dressed differently. She did not answer instead whisper something down to my ears.

"Onii-chan, only you can see me!"

huh.. WHAT!!!! So I look a crazy freak that is talking to himself, and how... why did I am the only one who see her. So that's explains why they look weird when they see me. Tsk,. My normal life is over. Even though I want to blame her for what is happening I can't because she saved me and I need to pay respect to that. But I can't be helped to be depressed then she hold my hands and sway it back and forth. That makes me happy and weird at the same time.

"I am Kiro"

I offered a handshake but it is very secretly done.

"I am Dastiny"

the wind blows very hard and what I heard is sounds like Dusty tiny, what an awkward name. I laugh a bit and she pout and look at me.

"Can you repeat again?"


she went closer and

"I am Dastiny, you're guardian angel I mean fairy" huh, fairy.. I became bewildered and see something glowing in her back. Yes, I've seen those quite earlier before I die. Those are wings that explains she is a fairy but—

"haha, you're name is quite ugly"

I said and she began to pout and sob, as if she will cry..

"What.. how rude?" she said while pouting and not looking at me

"That's why I will give you a name more suited than you"

I said then she gives me small hits as she complained.

"From now on, you will be Dyne"

I tap her head and shake her hair but she still complaint as she said her real name

"Noo.. my name is Dastiny, Dastiny..okay.. not Dyne"

"nope, Dyne is much cuter than Dust tiny"

"Ehh... no way" she complaint then I went to my class.

I've met my cute guardian angel but instead of angel she is a fairy, yes a fairy with green hair and golden wings wearing a white hood all over her body. Seems impossible but, in the left corner of my eye in the window beside the locker. There a kid, whose age is about 9-12 is sitting and make her feet swing and looking at us. Yes, she is my guardian fairy and her name is Dyne.

Time check--- 3:00, Friday, Break Time

We have 30 minutes break time and I have a lunch box which my mother gives so I don't have a reason to get out in this class room moreover it is safe in there. That's right I remember, mother made one for Hirai but it looks like she is gone when I felt someone is pulling my shirt.

"Oni-chan" a soft voice coming from my guardian fairy, is pulling my uniform with her small hands. What does this girl wants?

"Are you perhaps hungry?" I asked and she just nods, now that Hirai is not here better to give to her than be wasted. But I remember only I can see her, and will that applies to things she touch.

"Dyne, let me ask? If you eat, will those things become invincible too?" I asked and she just nods and can't wait for me so she grab my lunch and sit on my lap then eat in there. I am lucky there are no people here it will be weird if someone sees it. Dyne is visible to me. But for the others they can see that the chopsticks and the lunch box are floating so I take the chopsticks and feed her.

"Ehh.. Oni-chan, you're quite kind" she is eating happily as I feed her; this guardian fairy is very handy. As if I have a daughter of my own. ... whaha.. so funny to think.

"nyom.. *gulp* Oni-chan, I'll explain to you the rules of this Déjà vu" she said and eat the dumplings I served for myself. Rules, wait like those games. Did I've gone to some games what if I broke these rules. I am scared to ask so I just let Dyne explain how it goes

"First- You are in endless cycle in which you will die" what, it looks like those things are very difficult for me to understand but I still listen carefully

"Nyom... You.. can nyom... ealter noshes' Deth nyom" she explained while eating, the words are too difficult and I can't understand a bit because she has some food in her mouth. Does this fairy know table manners at least?

"You must remember the pattern of the original one before you can alter time" that's the only clear thing to me. Like I've done yesterday I've followed the pattern of what I generally do and in the end change it. But I did change the pattern in the quiz and test but it doesn't break the cycle.

"Can I ask something? How do I know if the pattern is broken?" I asked, this is important, if I can't extinguish how to destroy the pattern how can I avoid that loop.

"hmm figure it yourself" she answer and take a bite again

"One more question? What if I broke the wrong one?" I am very enthusiastic but honestly I can only understand half of it.

"There's no wrong one, everything you do is correct and the small things will help you to have the correct time line" she explain and emptied my lunchbox. I really can't understand a bit of what she is saying.

Altering time, going back.. Ahh. It hurts my head and I am not a genius I can't take it all at the same time. I don't know why should I learned these rules. Will it become necessary as I live? Sigh, but if I will go back to in time I'll make sure it is important because I know everything you do has an equal value.

lYuren here

here she is DYNE~


Im so excited for this little fairy~

lYurencreators' thoughts