
Deity of the Night

A normal teenager Logan Moon finds out that the normal mundane place called earth, Wasn't actually so mundane... embark on the journey of a once normal boy exploring beyond the boundaries of 'earth' and experience the supernatural, Gods and constellations, but who would expect that 'those' would be the greatest threat of all. this novel is my first time trying to write a significant piece of work, do not expect great grammar and challenging vocabulary, all you can expect is that my work will be honest (and hey! you get to see me grow as well.... well hopefully). this novel will include. #overpowered mc #NOromance #plot growth #conquering #kingdom building #system #vampires and hopefully a whole amount of #badass mc.

Moon_67655 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2- It all changes

Gradually, Logan flutters his eyes slowly as his vision starts to restore. His head felt heavy and his body tingling. He gently lifted himself off the ground, With a confused expression on his face he says " ….what the hell... happened?!?!" looking around his room seeing that it's now bright, he looks outside to see the sun starting to rise. "huh... guess I slept the whole night" he murmurs. He tries to remember last nights events, only to remember his chest hurting then seeing 'IT' before passing out. He drags his aching body over to the bed and plops down, grabbing his phone he searched online to see if anyone else experienced anything similar, but to no avail. Putting his phone down he decides that he needs to continue on with the day otherwise he will miss college, even though he definitely doesn't feel like going today. Going downstairs, his body starts to feel back to normal with his usual stiffness and laziness back in place. Finally reaching the kitchen he decides to pour himself a bowl of cereal, and just as he was going place the spoon in his mouth....

~ Congratulations on recovering from the shock off ??????? You have been awarded with System (Basic- cannot be upgraded).

Logan, experiencing shock gasps in incredibility " huh.... system what the hell is tha-" getting cut off mid sentence, he sees this floating in front of his eyes.

[system] - able to see your stats, skills, ??? and ???

shock fills his eyes " I must be dreaming again... but if I really have a so called 'system' I should probably see my stats at least, I don't want to follow those stupid main characters in some light novels that ignore everything. If it's not real then nothing will harm me... but if it is real then it would be stupid not to look."


[Name- Logan Moon]

[Race- Human]

[Strength- 7]

[Agility- 5]

[Vitality- 4(see why it is below average human level here +)]

[Stamina- 4]

[Intelligence- 8]


Logan looked at this in front of him, in utter disbelief "What the hell is going on?!?!" attempting to calm himself down, he analyses the information in front of him "hmm it seems that 5 must be must be the average for a human, which means my total stat points come up to the total of 28 points, which is 3 more than the total for an average human. But what does worry me is the vitality and stamina, well lets see!" as he clicks the + button another window like screen pops up in front of him.

[Vitality- 4(your vitality stat is below the average humans ability because of you suffering from the effects of [overweight] and [insomnia], which significantly affects your health and body.)]

"well.... that solves that..." Logan said awkwardly. "well, what do I do now? Oh wait! I haven't checked my skills tab yet!" Quickly pressing the button, He analyzed the information that pops up seeing only 3 skills as of this moment, and they are as followed.


[Training] + to expand

[Gifted] + to expand

[Leader] + to expand

Looking at the following skills he decides to hit expand on all of them to see their effects.

[Training- a long term growth that doesn't require many things to use, will increase stats, skills and power depending on the training you do and is effected by things such as intensity and difficulty.]

[Gifted- Able to advance skills, powers and experience faster, also allowing innovative ways to use abilities that haven't been acquired and your own. increases intelligence. intelligence +4]

[Leader- The ability to lead is a powerful tool. And you have a natural born ability of this. Increase stats depending on the number and strength of subordinates/territories]

shock. That's the one word Logan is feeling and thinking. "these.... these are great but why do I have these abilities, especially considering our world doesn't have superpowers or easily obtainable land...." thinking of these things Logan then sorts his brain out and decides on to make the most of these powers. "I'm going to look and test things for my abilities of [Gifted] and [Training], with the [Leader] problem, because of the lack of strong people in the world, i will instead become a leader to a few people that can help me with slowly expanding my circle towards more important people and this will become a ball that keeps on getting bigger and bigger."

With that, Logan walks to college with this plan in mind, not knowing this day was the start of him turning from a normal human being to something else.....

I hope you like! if things seem a bit rough on this chapter thats because i have never wrote about a system, and it will take a little bit to get used to it. As i said previously the chapters are smaller than i would like right now, but instead of going for words for the sake of it. I've decided to instead slowly increase my words over time to match what i want eventually!

Anyways! feedback and support is always welcome, thank you!

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