

What nobody knew was Carl had already been approached by Jason's father while he was on the roof, and they let him off because nobody knew he was present in the castle.

Carl and Jason's father had a not so friendly conversation while Stephanie and Jason where having their discussion, but it happened so silently that no one knew what was going on.

"Carl, I know that you are my son's closest friend and you wouldn't want to see him hurt, that should be enough reason you stay away from him. Don't you think?" Maxwell said.

"Please Mr. Vonchester, do not get me wrong I came here to give him a gift and I have bid him a final farewell, he would not have a chance to ever speak with me again, unless he leaves this mortal realm and heads to the more chaotic realms." Carl smiled as he said.

"It is such a shame that you would compromise your son's happiness just because some other vampire nobles want you to do so, don't you think it is a let down to house Vonchester?" Carl smirked as he asked.

This time he felt disappointed by Jason's father's actions thinking that the Vampire noble had fallen of his high pedestal and was now like a foot stone to the other nobles.

"Before I leave I would make sure to trample on the Dominos, I beg you not to interfere so I do not become hostile to my best friends family, and don't think I don't know that all the Houses have been monitoring me especially the Vampires and those demons." Carl said as his expression turned frosty.

"Just keep in mind that if any of you lay your hands on Claire, then it would be the day of apocalypse for house Vonchester." Carl said.

Jason's father had no expression on his face even while being scolded by a youth his son's age, even when he felt his heart clench from the aura this youth gave, in the end he was a child his son's age at most it was his special bloodline causing his own blood to tremble nothing worth worrying about.

"Carl, if that is your concern then house Vonchester will remove all agents watching you and leave your mother, as long as you do not interfere with the Vonchester and the Sapphire families." He said as he let out a sigh.

"Then that is settled, you should leave before your son's little girlfriend sees you. I would not interfere in your family business but my best friend would not suffer while I am still around." Carl looked at Jason's father and replied him. 

Jason's father looked at Carl and then melded into shadow, he had left.


"Carl did anything happen while I was with Jason." Stephanie asked, she felt that Carl's mood had changed from after he left.

Carl did not say anything as he landed above the roof of the café and turned both of them back to human form.

"From today, you do not know me and I never was a friend of Jason's this is something I agreed to, so you and Jason would not be implicated by what happens next." Carl spoke while looking away from her.

"Stephanie, do not release your contract beast and tell Jason to do the same, there is a saying, a good man would be killed just because he found gold." Carl sent a mental transmission to her.

Carl turned and leaped from roof to roof, vanishing slowly from Stephanie's view.

Stephanie looked at the spot where Carl's figure was last seen, she sighed and turned around only to see her parents looking at that spot with complicated expressions in their eyes.

Carl walked in the middle of the night, after parting ways with his best friend all he felt was endless rage, Jason was the only friend he had and he had never bothered with anyone else, and now he had to let go because he had to consider his safety.

Carl walked and got to a dark gate, looking at the gate there was a symbol of die on the gate, the estate of the House Dominos.

"I will definitely wipe out this clan when I get stronger." Carl said to himself as he walked off.


It was dawn and a young boy walked down the street, Carl's white hair had a touch of red stain on them and so did his clothes.

"Now, that should send a warning to those idiots, I have a few years to grow before I go, now I have to go incognito." Carl said to himself as he walked towards his home.

On getting home Carl saw Claire seated on the couch in the living room, he walked over and hugged her from behind.

"Good morning mom, how are you?" Carl asked with a smile on his face.

"Little brat, where have you been all night, I called Jason's family and they said you left before midnight." Claire replied still looking at the TV screen.

"Ahh, I went to meet a few other acquaintances, but I am fine aren't I?" He said with a soft smile.

After not seeing his real mother or the woman who birthed him in this life Claire became the most important person to him. 

But maybe if Claire turned around she would have seen the sweet mouthed boy stained in blood.

"Alright mom, I am headed to take a shower and prepare for school." Carl said.

"Take care of yourself brat, I am on my off today, maybe when you're back you can come tell your young mother what is bothering your mind." She said as she rested backwards still watching the movie.

Carl walked up the stairs slowly admiring the home he had lived for sixteen years now, "Guess I have to accompany her more, I have neglected her more than I should." He thought to himself.

Getting to his room he took a shower and dressed up in his uniforms a white long sleeved shirt, black pants and a black sweat vest. Checking the mirror he looked at himself with a little bit of satisfaction.

His white mid length hair curled in a unique style while matching his white sleeve and black vest.

"Well, being a devil has it's beauty perks I have to say." Carl said walking out of his room down the stairs.

"Mom, I am headed to school, I would come earlier so we could have dinner." Carl said as he walked over to Claire who was now in the kitchen, he hugged her as he gave a kiss on her head, a tradition that he had followed for so many years now that made him not want to lose this woman.

"Alright, be careful, don't go causing trouble around young man." she said as she watched him leave with a smile on her face. 


Carl got to school it was already 8am, looking around he saw different people headed in different directions, alright it is time to gain modern knowledge on how the power system works.

Carl walked into the class and behold it was Ms. Stella.