
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Primordial of Red, Rouge.



Centuries ago, before empires rose and fell, a lone figure stood gazing into the lifeless world. This was Jahil, the very first high human, born from the divine spark wielded by Twilight Valentine at the behest of Veldanava, the Divine Ancestor. Unlike the creations that followed, Jahil was different.

His mind, a potent blend of intellect and ambition, craved more than mere existence. He yearned for control, a desire that grew stronger under the watchful eyes of the Divine Ancestor. Veldanava, in his boredom, envisioned a world teeming with diverse life. However, Jahil's erratic pursuit of knowledge and power clashed with the Creator's vision.

Frustration simmered in his personal laboratory. Twilight Valentine, the enigmatic researcher, deemed Jahil and his nascent race a failed experiment. Their insatiable hunger for knowledge and constant thirst for power deviated too far from the delicate balance Veldanava sought to achieve.

So, Twilight moved on. With the help of the Spirits that they fetched from the Queen of Spirits. Elves, Dwarves, Orcs were born – each a new note in the symphony of creation, carefully crafted to play a part in the grand scheme. Centuries flowed by, civilizations rose and fell, leaving their mark on the ever-evolving world.

Meanwhile, Jahil and his kin, the High Humans, thrived in isolation. Their advanced technology, a byproduct of their relentless curiosity, surpassed the fledgling nations scattered across the globe. But technology alone could not quell the emptiness gnawing at Jahil's soul. He yearned for dominance, for a world reshaped in his vision. That is why we are led to this current scene.

In Euphoria, the capital of the High Human Empire, a testament to the ingenuity of its founder, Jahil. Within the grand council chamber, Jahil stood at the head of a long table, his piercing blue eyes scanning the faces of his advisors. These were his kin, the High Humans, beings of exceptional intelligence and ambition. (A/N: I just created that name since I can't remember what is was called)

Jahil, their leader and self-proclaimed emperor, wasn't one for pleasantries. "The other races squabble and stagnate," he declared, his voice echoing in the vast hall. "They squabble over scraps while the world waits to be truly claimed."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the chamber. The High Humans, unlike their soon-to-be-spawned brethren, were not content with simple existence. They yearned for knowledge, for power, for dominion.

"We, with our superior intellect and technology, have the right, the duty, to seize control," Jahil continued, his voice rising in intensity. "We will forge an empire that encompasses all lands, a utopia ruled by logic and reason."

The room erupted in cheers. The High Humans, raised on ideals of progress and control, were captivated by Jahil's vision. They saw themselves as the rightful rulers, the shepherds who would guide the world into a new era.

But Jahil knew technology alone wouldn't suffice. He had spent years delving into forbidden texts, unearthing the secrets of a long-lost art: summoning. For weeks, a team of the brightest minds in Euphoria toiled night and day within a secluded chamber. Here, under Jahil's watchful eye, a vast, intricate magic circle materialized on the floor. It was a marvel of arcane engineering, a swirling vortex of symbols and runes etched with precious metals and powered by rare magical crystals.

Days turned into a tense vigil as they prepared the summoning ritual. Sacrifices were made, potent chants resonated through the chamber, and the air crackled with an unseen energy. Finally, the day arrived.

Jahil, clad in ceremonial robes, stood at the center of the circle, his face illuminated by an eerie red glow emanating from the pulsating crystals. Sweat beaded on his brow despite the cool temperature, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension churning within him. He had never attempted anything like this before.

With a final, resounding chant, Jahil unleashed the pent-up magical energy. The chamber pulsed with blinding light, the magic circle glowing so fiercely it seemed to devour the surrounding darkness. The very air vibrated with an otherworldly hum, a sound that resonates deep within Jahil's bones.

Then, a deafening crack echoed through the chamber. The magic circle shattered, the precious crystals dissolving into dust. Smoke filled the room, obscuring the point of origin. Jahil coughed, his eyes watering, but a triumphant grin stretched across his face. It worked.

"How repulsive, using the blood of thousands of women and more souls than that just to summon me? I don't hate it" The demon spoke, staring directly into Jahil's eyes. "Hahaha! Great! This is fantastic! A demon of this caliber was summoned. Now, heed my words demon and eradicate those fools who dares to oppose us!" Jahil was quick to move. He immediately ordered the demon in red to start the genocide. He didn't care about the feelings of the demon since he is certain about the restraints that he possess against him.

Jahil's words displeased the demon however since this is his first step into the Cardinal World, he believes that eradicating nations shall serve as his warmup. He didn't bother to take a second look at Jahil and just walked away, ready to finish his mission. "Any settlements or kingdoms you may see on your way are enemies! Kill all of them!" Jahil shouted with madness in his eyes, he can now picture his dream coming true. It won't be long, he is sure!

Jahil made sure to place some kind of surveillance on the demon before letting him go and here he is right now watching the said demon getting close to a nearby kingdom. "This surely will be interesting," Jahil muttered in joy.

The demon, a wiry figure with blood-red hair that waved behind his back, surveyed the city with a sardonic grin. At 220 cm, he towers more than the average human, a stark contrast to the twisted image Jahil might have conjured.

But size was irrelevant. The demon held a power that crackled around him, distorting the air with heat. He snapped his fingers, and a streetlamp bent into a grotesque parody of itself, dripping molten metal onto the fleeing crowd.

Jahil, perched high above the chaos, pumped his fist in the air. This wasn't the monstrous behemoth he envisioned, but the effect was the same. Panic flooded the streets, a symphony of screams that Jahil found strangely intoxicating.

"Yes! Show them the true meaning of power!" he roared, his voice barely audible over the whole empire he is situated in.

The demon, however, seemed to take a perverse pleasure in the chaos. He skipped through the city, a whirlwind of destruction in a surprisingly small package. Buildings crumbled under the casual flick of a wrist, fire erupted from his fingertips like playful sparks.

A thrill of dark amusement danced in his eyes, a stark contrast to Jahil's rigid, almost clinical, delight. This wasn't a calculated war machine, it was a twisted jester toying with his terrified audience.

Despite the carnage, a flicker of unease flickered in Jahil's eyes. This wasn't the controlled dominance he craved. This was chaos, beautiful and terrifying in equal measure. He had a leash, a failsafe, but the demon's playful sadism gnawed at him.

"That can't be. My leash is foulproof, there is no escaping its grip" Jahil muttered to himself. He ignored such little problems for now as he is more intrigued by the scene delivered by the demon. He can't recreate such scenery with his own power so he can only satisfy his cravings with this. "Demon, quickly erase this country and proceed to the next one!" Jahil gave a telepathic order to the demon he summoned. Unbeknownst to him, the arrogance he is constantly displaying is further enhancing the wrath that the demon is currently bottled for him.






'Ah, how long is this going to continue?' the demon thought, staring at the hellish landscape he created. It was a work of art if he may say so, but that is not what made him lose his patience. It is from the fact that some mere new creatures are trying to give him orders. It is not like he can't refuse the orders either, he can easily break the leash that they placed on him but his pride won't allow him to simply walk away without paying his gratitude to the fools who raised him from the Underworld. That action of theirs is worthy of genocides.

'Either way, it won't be long till I finish this. What should I do after that? Nah, the answer is already there in the beginning, there is no need to postpone their deaths. Filths of the world are required of cleansing, he'll at least bless them with his painful torture.

The demon cannot find the perfect words to describe his emotions right now. He is high from the fact that he can now experience more entertainment other than his own Kingdom in the Underworld however he is also infuriated by the fact that insects believed themselves to be of hold to him. "Their reactions are pathetic. I guess I expected too much. Demons are more pleasing to the eyes compared to these marching ants" the demon turned his dissatisfied gaze to the crowd of humans running around in panic. There wasn't a single being who dared to step up and confront him, that would surely earn his respect but reality is far from imaginations.

A few days have passed and the demon finally returned to the empire located in the North. Jahil was excited by the return because this means that the neighboring countries have already fallen to the vicious hands of the demon. He swiftly rushed to meet the demon but was frozen on his tracks when he witnessed what was happening at the gate of his empire. There, the demon was laughing to himself while skewered hundreds of High Humans in the air. "No… impossible! There is no way he can be doing this! I am his master!" Jahil was enraged, he shouted with all of his might trying to find the reason for this action.

Jahil was grabbing his hair and was forcing logic into his head but that all stopped when his eyes met the gaze of the demon.


In panic, he immediately turned back and began running away. The bloodlust he felt from that gaze was enough to throw away all of his reasoning and just escape. Unfortunately for him, his speed cannot be compared to the demon. The demon instantly reached his side before its claw grabbed his head. "Are you satisfied now? I cleaned up your ops" The demon grinned menacingly at Jahil showing his feral grin. "W-Why have you done this?! I only ordered you to kill the other kingdoms! No! In fact, bow down before me right now!" Remembering his restrain, Jahil ordered the demon to kneel before him but the exact opposite happened.

Jahil's knees were separated from his body. His eyes widened from the sight but was ultimately covered by the intense pain he felt. "You were a fool thinking that such fragile chains will hold me. Perhaps, it might be because you haven't seen a demon before but nonetheless. Your insolence is not worth forgiving. Worms like you should face the ground and slowly die…" the demon followed his own words and planted Jahil's face into the ground. He also dismembered Jahil's hands cutting all hope for escape.

Without even looking back, the demon left Jahil to suffer in pain and humiliation until his death. He returned to the streets where all the citizens were screaming in panic. What took the demon's attention though was the single chant they always scream when they encounter him. It was a single word but somehow amused him more than ever.


"Hm, I like the sound of that… Giyaa huh? Fine. Since they are so persistent, I shall reluctantly call myself Guy" The demon, now named Guy, basked in delight as if he discovered the goal of his life. "Oh, there were those two. They'd be useful in this situation" he suddenly remembered something so he created a new summoning circle and forcefully pulled two demons that had pledged allegiance to him before. It was the result of the two challenging and losing to him. The circle lit up and the figures emerged from it.

The first one to appear was a fellow Primordial demon. This demon wears a deep-red maid outfit with blue long sleeved gloves. She has medium-length blue hair, blue eyes, and can be considered very beautiful.

The second one was the same. Just like the first, she wears a deep-red maid outfit with green long sleeved gloves. She has curly long green hair, green eyes, and is also considered very beautiful

The two lowered their heads at the sight of Guy as they greeted him. "We are honored to be at your service" their greetings were mundane but Guy will forgive them for he is in a good mood right now. "Let's see. Bleu, you will be called Rain starting right now in order to honor this magnificent rain of blood. Vert will be Misery for she embodies the despair and misery these pathetic creatures feel. I order you to painfully kill all of them. No use of large scale magic so that they can savor their death more thoroughly" Guy smiled as he gave out his orders.

Guy was about to continue his rampage when a large amount of souls suddenly gathered towards him. "Hm? What is this supposed to be?" He questioned but still accepted the souls, he is ready for some challenge that it might give. Unexpectedly though, instead of causing him discomfort, the souls actually nurtured his current body.

«Notice. Conditions have been met. Harvest Festival for individual 'Guy' will now commence»

Guy was surprised but also happy to hear that. At least with his new profound powers, he has regained 10% of his powers that he possessed in the Underworld. He will continue to strive until he will eventually surpass his previous self. And just like that, the first demon recorded in history has now been born. (A/N: Ashura wasn't in the history because of Reinhard so Guy will be considered first)






Meanwhile in a galaxy billions of light years away from the Cardinal World, two beings were clashing with each other… no, calling it a battle would be an overstatement, it was a simple scene of a large dragon running away from a normal sized being. The two had no difficulty in breathing despite floating in space, they were just going at their own pace playing a game of tag.

"Noo!! Get away from me, you monster! Why did my brother leave me with you!!" Veldora shouted as he sprinted in fear. The unique thing about this galaxy is that solar systems are close to each other resulting in Veldora crashing into planets many times and because of how far they are from the Cardinal World, time moves differently. The difference would be 10 to 100. 100 years from this place is equivalent to 10 years in the original world. With that advantage, Reinhard decided not to hold back in teaching Veldora everything he needed not to be under her sisters.

"Come on. This is far from over, in fact only 1,800 years have passed, we have a lot of time in our pocket, don't waste it with running away" Although Reinhard said that, he is actually pleased with Veldora's progress. He is slowly getting ahold of his berserk like energy, and is now properly using his brain to calculate the proper actions. If this progress continues then he might end this training within just 2 and half millennia. That should be enough. After 2,000 years will pass, Reinhard will then fix Veldora's attitude so that arrogance won't get into his head. Only those who have true strength can possess that, and for him, Veldora was far from worthy.

