
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

I'm tireeed.

Throw some stones.

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The material world was crumbling, an apocalyptic landscape where the very fabric of existence was being torn asunder. Gladsheimr, the castle of Reinhard, loomed above, a dark monolith that defied all logic and reason. It remained unchanged, its form constant regardless of distance, for it was now a concept, an unyielding presence in the cosmos. No matter where one stood, Gladsheimr's ominous silhouette was ever-present, a manifestation of Reinhard's unrelenting will.

All creatures, great and small, were being inexorably drawn towards the floating fortress. The skies darkened as beings of every kind, from the lowliest insect to the mightiest dragon, were sucked into the void, their cries of terror echoing through the dying world. The land itself seemed to rot and crumble, as though the very essence of reality was unraveling.

The demon lords, mighty in their own right, found themselves powerless against the force pulling them towards annihilation. Their forms began to disintegrate, particles of their being breaking off and dissolving into the void. No matter how fiercely they resisted, the Law of the world, now dictated by Reinhard, commanded their destruction.

Guy Crimson stood amidst the chaos, his body slowly breaking apart. His usual confident demeanor had given way to a bitter smile as he stared at his crumbling hands. "So this is it," he muttered, a hint of regret in his voice. Despite his immense power, he too was succumbing to the inevitable.

Nearby, Luminous screamed in anguish, tears streaming down her face as she cried out, "I love you, Reinhard! Why are you doing this?" Her voice was a mix of heartbreak and disbelief, her form flickering as she fought against the disintegration.

Dino, ever the stoic, had already accepted his fate. He stood calmly, his expression serene even as his body slowly dissolved. "It was bound to happen eventually," he said softly, his eyes reflecting a quiet resignation.

Ramiris, the once vibrant and cheerful spirit, was now a silent figure, her gaze fixed on the sky with a look of profound nostalgia. She remembered the days when she and Reinhard would spend hours together, laughing and exploring. Those memories seemed like a distant dream now, a fragment of a life long lost.

Amongst the chaos, one phenomenon stood out. Milim Nava, the powerful yet innocent Demon Lord, remained untouched by the destruction. Confusion filled her eyes as she watched her friends and comrades disintegrate around her. "Why am I...?" she began, her voice trembling.

Guy, sensing her bewilderment, looked at her with a mixture of sorrow and understanding. "Reinhard made sure you would hate him, Milim," he explained, his voice heavy with emotion. "He wanted you to survive. If you had no wrath towards him, you would merely love him, and Reinhard, knowing his nature, would have embraced that love and given you destruction in return. He made you hate him so he could ensure your survival. You're his sister, the only one he truly loves in this world."

Milim's eyes widened in realization, tears streaming down her face. "He... he loves me?" she whispered, her voice breaking. The relief that her brother cared for her was quickly overshadowed by the horror of the situation. "But everyone else... my friends... they're all..."

Her voice trailed off into sobs as she collapsed to her knees, overcome by the hopelessness of it all. The destruction around her continued unabated, the world crumbling as the demon lords perished one by one. Milim's cries of despair echoed through the void, a poignant reminder of the tragic love and sacrifice that had led to this apocalyptic end.

Reinhard's cruel smile remained as he watched from above, his presence dominating the cosmos. He had achieved his goal, reshaping the universe according to his will. The world was his to command, and nothing could stand in his way. Yet, even in his triumph, the bittersweet sorrow of his actions lingered, a testament to the complex and tragic nature of his love for Milim and the world he sought to dominate.

Reinhard stepped into the Singularity, a boundless expanse of chaotic energy and shifting realities. His presence alone caused ripples in the fabric of existence, as he moved towards his ultimate goal. His footsteps were steady, each one resonating with the power to reshape the cosmos. As he ventured deeper, a new realm began to form before him, one that challenged his very essence.

This was the Second Heaven, known as Paradise Lost or the Remorseless Paradise of the Fallen. It was a realm that stood as a testament to the Law of Muzan, a Heaven that respected humanity's freedom and autonomy, allowing man to go about his own devices. It was a World that embodied the Freedom Type, formed from the ideology that goodness could not overcome Evil, for the good would always be too weak to triumph over those who sought Hegemony with unyielding fervor. 

Reinhard's arrival in the Second Heaven was met with an immediate reaction from the very fabric of the realm. The air crackled with dark energy as the Law of Muzan responded to his presence. The essence of this world was a grim acceptance of reality, an Evil that must be committed to defeat Evil, a hellish existence where the natural law was "Kill or be Killed." 

The ground beneath Reinhard's feet trembled as the landscape around him shifted. The twisted forms of countless beings, each one a manifestation of the fallen nature of this realm, emerged from the shadows. Their eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and their very existence seemed to challenge Reinhard's right to ascend further.

"Who dares to tread upon this sacred ground?" a voice echoed through the heavens, filled with a dark, commanding authority. "Only those who embody the true essence of Evil may proceed."

Reinhard's expression remained unchanged, a cruel smile playing on his lips. He raised his hand, and with a mere gesture, the oppressive energy of the Second Heaven seemed to buckle under his will. The twisted beings that surrounded him recoiled, their forms disintegrating into nothingness as his power washed over them.

"I am Reinhard," he declared, his voice resonating with a chilling authority. "I am the one who shall transcend all boundaries, who shall reshape existence itself. This paradise of the fallen shall bow before me."

The realm itself seemed to resist, the dark energies intensifying as if to crush him under their weight. But Reinhard was undeterred. With a surge of power, he blitzed forward, his form moving faster than the eye could see. In an instant, he tore through the obstacles before him, his sheer presence overwhelming the challenges that the Second Heaven presented.

Each step he took resonated with the force of his will, the twisted beings of the realm disintegrating in his wake. The Law of Muzan, which dictated that only the strong could survive in this hellish world, was being rewritten by Reinhard's mere existence. He was a force of nature, an unstoppable juggernaut whose will could not be denied.

As he moved deeper into the heart of Paradise Lost, the resistance grew stronger, but so did Reinhard's resolve. The realm itself seemed to roar in defiance, but Reinhard's power was absolute. With a final, decisive burst of will, he shattered the core of the Second Heaven, the oppressive darkness giving way to a blinding light.

Reinhard stood amidst the remnants of the fallen paradise, his smile widening. He had proven his worth, his qualification to ascend beyond this realm. The path before him was clear, and he would not be stopped. 

As the remnants of the Second Heaven faded away, Reinhard took a moment to relish his victory. The Law of Muzan, the necessity of committing evil to overcome evil, had been nothing more than an obstacle to him. He had faced it head-on and emerged victorious, his power unmatched and his resolve unshaken.

With a confident stride, he continued his ascent, the Singularity bending to his will.

Reinhard's footsteps echoed through the remnants of the Second Heaven as he advanced towards the next realm. The Singularity pulsed with chaotic energy, bending and warping around him, as if acknowledging his indomitable presence. As he crossed the threshold into the Third Heaven, a new world unfolded before him.

The Third Heaven, also known as the Sorrowful Heaven of the Morning Star, was ruled by Nerose Satanael. This realm, the Sombre Heaven of Divine Ordinance, was starkly different from the chaotic hellscape of the Second Heaven. It was a world of cold rationality, born from a desire to cleanse existence of sin following the depravity of the previous realm.

Reinhard stood on the edge of this world, taking in the lifeless beauty of the Sombre Heaven. The landscape was pristine, meticulously organized, and devoid of any signs of life. There were no trees, no rivers, no signs of nature's unpredictability—only an endless expanse of geometric perfection. The air was still, and the silence was absolute.

Nerose Satanael's presence loomed over the realm, a silent observer of this world without ambition or desire. In this paradise, people lived and died without meaning, their lives defined by mathematical precision and devoid of emotion. It was a world where free will and individuality were myths of a bygone era, eradicated in the pursuit of a sinless existence.

As Reinhard took his first step into this realm, the ground beneath him shifted. The air grew dense with an oppressive energy, and a voice resonated through the emptiness.

"Who dares to disrupt the sanctity of my Heaven?" Nerose's voice was cold and unyielding, echoing through the realm. "This is a world free of sin and strife, a paradise without emotion. You do not belong here, intruder."

Reinhard's lips curled into a cruel smile. "A paradise without emotion, without free will? How pathetic." His voice was laced with disdain. "I am here to reclaim what is mine. Your idealized manifestation of Muzan's Law is nothing more than a hollow shell."

Nerose materialized before Reinhard, a figure of imposing presence. His eyes were devoid of warmth, reflecting the soulless nature of his domain. "You underestimate the power of rationality, Reinhard. This is a world where chaos and depravity have no place. Your presence is a blight upon it."

Reinhard laughed, the sound reverberating through the air like a dark symphony. "Rationality? Your world is nothing but a prison. Without desire, without ambition, there is no life. I will show you the true meaning of power."

Nerose raised his hand, and the realm responded. The air crackled with energy as the ground shifted, geometric patterns forming intricate barriers around Reinhard. But Reinhard's will was unyielding. With a mere thought, he shattered the barriers, the fragments dissolving into nothingness.

"You cannot withstand my will," Reinhard declared, his voice echoing with absolute certainty. "Your world will bow before me."

Nerose's expression remained unchanged, but a glint of determination flickered in his eyes. He raised his other hand, summoning forth the full power of his domain. The air grew colder, and the oppressive energy intensified, converging upon Reinhard with relentless force.

But Reinhard stood resolute. His own power surged forth, a torrent of energy that clashed with Nerose's assault. The ground trembled as the two forces collided, the very fabric of the realm bending under the strain. Reinhard's will was an unstoppable force, overpowering the rationality of the Third Heaven.

With a final, decisive surge of power, Reinhard's energy enveloped Nerose. The cold rationality of the Third Heaven was no match for the sheer force of Reinhard's indomitable will. The realm itself began to change, the geometric perfection giving way to a new order, one defined by Reinhard's own Law.

Nerose's form flickered, his resistance crumbling under the weight of Reinhard's power. "You... you cannot do this..." he gasped, his voice a mere whisper.

Reinhard stepped forward, his eyes blazing with triumph. "Fool, I already have."

With a final burst of energy, Reinhard's Law consumed the Third Heaven, the realm itself reshaping under his control. The cold, lifeless paradise was no more, replaced by a new reality that reflected Reinhard's vision of ultimate power and domination.

As the remnants of Nerose's resistance faded away, Reinhard stood amidst the transformed landscape, his cruel smile widening. He had proven his supremacy once again, his qualification to ascend beyond the Third Heaven unquestioned. The path before him was clear, and he would not be stopped.

With renewed determination, Reinhard continued his ascent, the Singularity bending to his will. 

Reinhard pressed forward, his will indomitable as he ascended into the Fourth Heaven. This realm, the Eternal Recurrence of Mercury, was ruled by Mercurius, where his Law of Eternal Recurrence held sway. The world here constantly repeated itself until Mercurius could experience his desired end. It was a realm of foreknowledge, where everything was predetermined, a never-ending cycle of repetition.

The vast expanse of the Fourth Heaven stretched before Reinhard, an infinite multiverse iterating under Mercurius's Law. The sensation of déjà vu was palpable, a pervasive awareness of previous iterations that weighed heavily on those who entered this domain. For Reinhard, however, this world was simply another challenge to overcome.

As he stepped into this realm, a familiar presence greeted him. Mercurius's left will materialized before Reinhard, a specter of his former self. The figure's eyes widened in surprise, recognizing Reinhard immediately. "Reinhard... my old friend," the specter intoned, its voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and curiosity. "I did not expect to see you here."

Reinhard's smile was genuine, a rare show of camaraderie. "My friend, it has been a long time. I am here to finally ascend the throne that eluded me before."

Mercurius's specter nodded slowly. "I see. The world of foreknowledge has no hold over you this time. Your will is beyond the repetition that binds this realm."

The two regarded each other for a moment, old friends reunited in the heart of eternity. "You always had a way of surprising me," Mercurius's specter said with a faint smile. "But I must test your resolve, as is my duty."

Reinhard's expression hardened, his determination unwavering. "I understand. Do what you must."

The realm of Eternal Recurrence responded to Mercurius's will. The infinite multiverse around them began to shift, each iteration of existence converging upon Reinhard in a maelstrom of predetermined events. It was a test of will and foresight, a challenge designed to break the unworthy.

But Reinhard was no ordinary being. His will surged forth, a tidal wave of power that cut through the repetition like a blade. The cycles of foreknowledge shattered before him, unable to withstand the sheer force of his determination. Reinhard's power was absolute, his dominance unquestionable.

Mercurius's specter watched in awe as Reinhard's will reshaped the very fabric of the Fourth Heaven. The iterations of existence crumbled and reformed under Reinhard's control, the cycle of repetition broken by his indomitable spirit. "Incredible," the specter murmured. "You truly are unstoppable."

Reinhard's smile returned, a mix of satisfaction and gratitude. "Thank you, old friend. Your challenge has only strengthened my resolve."

The specter nodded, a faint glimmer of respect in its eyes. "Go, Reinhard. Ascend beyond this realm. I wish you the best in your journey."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Reinhard continued his ascent, his form radiating power and determination. As he moved through the Fourth Heaven, he could feel the memories and abilities of the previous throne holders merging with his own. Each step he took reshaped the multiverse around him, painting it with his Law.

The Singularity pulsed with his presence, the very essence of the universe bending to his will. Reinhard's Law of eternal recurrence was no longer just a concept—it was a reality that he commanded. The infinite multiverse of the Fourth Heaven bowed before him, its cycles of repetition shattered by his unyielding power.

Reinhard's journey was far from over, but with each step, he grew stronger. The path to the ultimate throne lay ahead, and he would not be stopped. His will was absolute, his power unmatched. The universe itself would bow before him, and he would reign supreme.

As he delved deeper into the Singularity, Reinhard's thoughts turned to the next challenge. The Third Heaven had fallen, and the Fourth Heaven had acknowledged his dominance. The journey ahead would test him further, but he was ready. His Law would reshape the very fabric of existence, and he would ascend to the throne that was rightfully his.

With a final, resolute step, Reinhard moved beyond the Fourth Heaven, his path clear. The ultimate throne awaited, and he would claim it. The universe itself would bear witness to his ascension, and his Law would reign supreme.

Reinhard's journey continued, each step a testament to his unyielding will and unparalleled power. The Singularity pulsed with his presence, the very essence of existence bending to his command. The ultimate throne was within his grasp, and he would not be stopped. His ascension was inevitable, and the universe would bow before his might.



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