
Deity's Fragments

In the year 2050, where humanity has advanced to the point of colonizing planets in their solar system. However, a mysterious voice announces the end of their protection protocols and triggers a series of catastrophic events, causing the planets to collide and merge with Earth. This event, known as "The Awakening," causes plants and animals to mutate and evolve rapidly, resulting in new species and creatures that threaten humanity. But with the help of a group of aliens, humanity rises from the ashes and begins a new era of travel, power, and adventure in a chaotic ¿Space of gods? --------------------------- Todos los créditos al propietario de la portada.

BSMM · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Asking for help

*Deadly Forest*

"This cricket is mine, no one interfere"

"I've caught more than you"

"I won the bet," Laughs

Many voices could be heard scattered in the area. These were the students from Pandora Academy. Although they were scared when they arrived, after hunting for a while they were all excited.

The soldiers only watched from a distance and waited in case they needed to intervene.

Some made bets to distract themselves during the time, after all, they were only basic beasts that the students were fighting with.

"Hey, look over there," one of the soldiers said.

A group was in formation while fighting against 3 red crickets. The soldiers, from experience, knew that these were medium-level crickets, but the group was battling well so they decided not to intervene.

"Fireball now. Tanks change position," Chen Mei shouted.

She was the one leading the group that was fighting against the medium crickets. She had a great ability to lead the group so they didn't encounter any difficulties.

Brandon had seen the group leave the shelter, but decided not to follow them immediately. He knew where they were headed so he took his time before leaving.

He took his swords to be repaired by the dwarves. He had made some money with the spider bodies and the second-level beast body he killed and sold to the pirate group.

The wait was not long and he retrieved his equipment. "Hope to see you around again, kid," the old dwarf spoke while smiling.

Brandon said goodbye as he turned his back. He decided to look for a secluded place where he took off his mask and left the shelter.

They were offering a reward for his head, so the best thing he could do was leave without his mask and head towards the forest.

Running through the desert, he suddenly jumped and extended his left arm, spinning his body in the air and firing an arrow.

The arrow managed to pierce a mound of dirt and hit the person hiding behind it.

"Who are you?"

There was no time for the other person to draw their weapon as he already had another arrow aimed at the subject's head.

"I was just passing by, sorry, it wasn't my intention to disturb you."

[After analyzing his gestures, I was able to determine that the probability of him lying is 90%]

Hearing what the AI said, he let go of the bowstring and an arrow shot out and pierced the other person's leg.

"AGH" Scream

"I'll give you another chance, speak."

The other person received a large wound along with an electric shock, which created a burn on their leg and some spasms.

"Forgive me, I was following the masked devil when he entered an alley and then you came out, sorry for mistaking you."

"Hmm, if he had mistaken me, there would be no reason to follow me." Brandon didn't think twice and loaded another arrow and aimed it at the other person's head.

"Forgive me, I didn't..." He didn't finish speaking when the arrow pierced his head. After the fame he had accumulated, he wouldn't allow others to know his identity or his freedom would be in danger.

With a sigh, he scratched the back of his head and thought. 'What was I doing?... Oh yeah, going to the deadly forest.'

*Deadly Forest*

"Something doesn't feel right here," Chen Mei said. After killing the crickets, they continued forward, venturing deeper into the forest and soon encountered bees.

The bees attacked, but they came in small groups and some left after attacking and returned. But when this happened, more and more bees came.

"You're overthinking it, miss. They're just bugs, it's not like they have intelligence," said one of the group. The other students were excited because they had made progress killing crickets, and their view on hunting was softening.

"Bzzzz." Suddenly, there were many buzzing sounds of bees, and the soldiers became alert. The students didn't know why the soldiers had become so serious, but soon their faces changed color.

Unconsciously, the bees were beginning to swarm around them, closing their escape routes.

Unlike with crickets, these bees were more trained, and from the buzzing, one could tell there were hundreds of bees. Not only on the ground, but also in the heights, they could see how the bees were gathering.

"Miss," the minions gathered around Chen Mei. "It's time to show what I've got."

Six flags came out of her hands and covered all the students. "Protective formation."

Everyone was surprised; no one knew what the power of the Chens was, as they were only active from the second dimension onwards.

"Long-range attackers, fire!" Chen Mei shouted.

She had to maintain the formation, so she couldn't attack. The guards who had the elemental power were the first to attack.

Two fire elementals began to set the exterior of the formation on fire and the bees started to fall. Upon seeing the attacks, the bees also started to hit the formation.


Echoes of impacts sounded inside the formation as more and more bees struck it.

"Miss, we can't keep this up, it will eventually break, let's get out of here."

"I don't want to die here," said one student. Many students could be heard sobbing.

Chen Mei could escape with her group if she wanted to, but the others would die on the spot.

With a pale face and some sweat dripping from her forehead, Chen Mei bit her lip.

She picked up a drop of blood from her lip with her hand and threw it at one of the flags.

The flag changed from blue to red and soon the others did too.

"When I shout, everyone runs!"

Chen Mei made a gesture with her hand and in an instant the formation shrunk and then expanded again, but with more force.

When it reached its previous size, it exploded, creating an impact force that sent the bees far away.

"Now!" she shouted.

Everyone started to run, even the people in her group. They had a lot of confidence in their leader, so they didn't notice that she had stayed behind.

As everyone ran, the soldiers tied up the bees with the help of other students, while some were so scared that they didn't even think to attack.

"Aaahhh" a student was impaled by a bee's stinger as he was being dragged.

"Hold on, help will not be long in coming."

One of the soldiers called the school for help. It was only a matter of time before the flying cavalry arrived.

The information about the forest would have to be updated, as there was initially no report of such a swarm of bees in this territory.


A dragon descended while throwing flames at a group of bees. "The cavalry has arrived," said the rider.

Dozens of flying birds arrived. Eagles, griffins, one or two dragons, among others, could be seen.

All the students started to get excited. Soon they started to gather on one side and rest while the cavalry took care of everything. It was composed of elites of more than 300 in power level.

"We did it, miss," said one student. Soon his face changed when he looked around and couldn't find Chen Mei.

"Where is Miss Chen?!"

Even the cavalry was surprised when he said this. Nobody answered her name, which meant she was not in the group.

This could be the worst situation that could happen to them, this would incur the wrath of the Chens.

"Clean everything quickly, look for the miss," shouted the knight on the dragon.

*** Moments before ***

As all the students ran, Chen Mei barely had the strength to run, so she stayed to fight the bees to buy some time, but they split up and only the medium-level bees stayed behind.

She had managed to keep the attacks at bay for a while, but soon she was giving in, she was covered in wounds all over her body. "Am I going to die here? "Someone... Someone help me," she thought.

She remembered that boy who looked at her indifferently and was not influenced by her status.

"Why is he coming to mind now? I think I'm hallucinating, I see him in a tree looking at me," she thought as her eyes slowly closed, but the last thing she saw was one of the bees being cut and she lost consciousness completely.