
Deharm Report

In a world where a mysterious phenomenon has caused all nutrition to be lost from food, people can only taste a single, bland substance known as "holy food." A hidden movement called the Children of the Sky has arisen, claiming that the ability to taste is a sin. 15 years after the end of the modern era, the story follows the main character, who is determined to find a way to restore the taste of food. They begin to research and experiment, despite the risks and dangers posed by the Children of the Sky. The main character's journey takes them through a world where the only source of sustenance is the "holy food" and the only hope for a better life is the Children of the Sky. They struggle to survive as they come to grips with the harsh realities of this new world, the ideologies of the Children of the Sky, and the question of whether the taste of food is worth risking everything for. Will they succumb to the dogma of the Children of the Sky or will they find a way to break free and discover a new way of life by restoring the taste of food? R+18 Full of milk

Phantomer1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

7416 0845



It was strange, because the existence of this camera could not capture a single reflection of light that gave a reflection of the color captured by this lens which appeared in the screenshot that only showed a dining table filled with cookie jars.

"Prince Deharm, please respond to this situation because one wrong answer or you will be forced to undergo a purification procedure that will get the building owner and other residents into big trouble. You know that it will disrupt the entire normal life of the residents of this building." The dragon said in a serious voice.

"This is not a building, but a noctrune flying base that I own." I replied in a flat and boring tone.

Out of nowhere, I could see the appearance of white energy emanating from the table top. Before I finally lowered the camera down by setting my sights on the dining table with the small black dragon looking at me with its red eyes.

"Flying headquarters, wait a minute. Please don't make this situation even stranger because after this we have to leave this place right now because this land is cursed." The Dragon said in a serious tone.

"Oh, that's the order." I replied with a calm tone.

That's right, I got the order to leave this land a moment ago.

Before I finally walked to the other side of the room with the black binder covering that side I slowly lifted up until there was a control panel filled with extremely complicated buttons with rudders on the right and left sides of the chair. I slowly sat on the chair with several holograms filling the glass in front as if the status was still [Landing].

I slowly pulled the two levers slowly with the glass in front of me showing the area of large buildings that were heavily damaged with in the ocean area there was a pillar with golden metal that had white stones on top of the water slowly falling into the river below.

Uh, what's going on here?

"It is a symbol of the selfishness of people who think they are gods. A monument built from the blood and tears of innocent humans. You, shouldn't you also fly away from this fake univercity that will sink due to the selfish actions of your friends." The black dragon said while looking at me from next to me.

"Really, sorry, I don't know because I'm often locked up in the room." I replied with a calm tone.

I could slowly feel the shock that made me straighten my eyes forward and press several switches. More surrounding holograms appeared before me before I slowly pulled the lever back with the words [VTOL Active].

"Noctrune, initiate vertical takeoff." I said in a calm tone.

Before I could slowly see the hologram that showed the number 100 increasing until it finally reached 2300, that was the altitude parameter that this aircraft had that I installed to assist the noctrune's flight.

As I looked around there were a lot of people flying in the sky with a pair of white wings on each back as they looked at me with surprised faces from a distance.

"An airplane, so this is really an airplane. This is really strange because you humans can't fly," the black dragon said in a very serious tone.

"Strange, you know if those words would make the wright brothers feel upset because their invention is considered so strange. As I recall airplanes are popular transportation units in the modern era." I replied in a serious tone.

"This airplane is a piece of technology that has been abandoned by humans from the era before the last holy war. No one can control it for people of your generation." The dragon said in a serious tone.

"Oh, I was taught to control this thing by my acquaintances." I replied in a calm tone.

"There is no one who teaches this on earth, I know everything young man." Said the Dragon in a serious tone.

"Not from this world, it might be a bit strange if you hear it. But this is the standard teaching in the place where I was restored from my magical organ removal surgery performed by the soulder." I replied in a calm tone.

There was another hologram whose indicator pointed southeast with the dragon flying toward me before the rudder slowly shot forward with the airship accelerating at high speed.

"Soulder, if they are I am not surprised. So you are the light-bearer of this universe. Your existence is too dangerous to be left unattended, you will sever your ties with the magic associations. Say what you want because I will fulfill it." The dragon said in a serious tone.

"I want to live a normal life. Because I can't use magic like my parents either.":I replied in a serious tone.

"There is no other wish, if that I will be able to fulfill because one of your imperatives is to be able to get along with humans." The dragon responded in an annoyed tone.

"May I open a small restaurant, since I want to test my cooking skills. If you want I'll make you a free meal every day, as long as you give me an honest review because I heard that dragons' tongues are very keen to taste things." I replied in a serious tone.

"Of course you can!" The dragon responded in a serious tone.

Before the window could be seen, there was the presence of a large black tower that had a gunner pointing a rifle at me.

"The military is not the right place for you, such delicious food should be served in the best place. I'll put you in the cursed land where you can live! You will be my servant, now give me that delicious meal!" Said the dragon in an extremely enthusiastic tone.

Before I could feel the explosion from the surroundings followed by the appearance of a golden energy explosion on the ceiling that made the forward rudder slowly stop until this plane lost control and spun around.

I moved both rudders until it finally began to stabilize as I saw a city area filled with damaged and destroyed buildings with a large field near the riverbank that made me move both levers but there was no response with all holograms dead.

Then this part of the cockpit continued to spin rapidly until finally there was a huge explosion from outside before I could feel my body bouncing off the steering wheel with my head hitting the control panel in front of me which made my head feel very dizzy.

I sighed as I lifted my head from the panel before I saw that there was a red blood stain that looked extremely fresh which made me bring my right hand to my forehead where I could see the red blood that felt very warm and cold.

Damn, so this plane has hit the ground. Then, what about my food.

However, my gaze was immediately drawn to the kitchen area which still looked neat with me rushing to the refrigerator area to look inside with all the ingredients intact and nothing damaged.

"Thank goodness everything is still intact, if this had been damaged I might not have been able to cook lunch!." I muttered in a serious tone.

"Hey, worry about your head wound because it's extremely dangerous for a witch! The black dragon replied in a serious tone.

"You know that without these ingredients I won't be able to cook the delicious dishes you want." I replied in a calm tone.

"Okay, that's extremely dangerous! But doesn't your body feel pain?" The dragon replied in a very serious tone.

"No. This is something I can predict when flying in space..." I replied in a serious tone while slowly closing the refrigerator door.

"Oh, so it's that far!" The black dragon said in a serious tone.

Before I finally straightened my gaze to another direction with a serious face, namely towards the exit door on the other side of the kitchen that was slowly descending.

The first thing I saw were people with animal ears, people with horns over their ears, and also pointy-eared people who were just looking at me with a surprised face with me looking like they were wearing clothes that could be considered luxurious.

With urban atmosphere around can be seen the1 buildings that have a fairly tall height with classic architecture with black rocks that look very exotic with gothic patterned ornaments.

My gaze was drawn to the figure dressed in all-black formal attire who had jet-black hair slicked back with red eyes that looked at me extremely sharply as he held his hands behind his back.

"391-100, son of the two holy heroes of the last holy war. Look at that badly injured you, you're embarrassing them by getting injured from controlling that toy." Said the red-eyed figure in a serious tone.

"My name is not 391-100 but deharm milford. I'm sorry, but I'm not a magic user like my parents so my body can't regenerate like theirs." I replied in a calm tone.

"Really, you said you can't use magic. This is much more embarrassing, aren't you ashamed of the other magic users, especially your teacher?" Asked the figure in a serious tone.

"No, I was never taught magic by anyone anyway. That's why I couldn't use magic until now." I replied in a calm tone.

"That explains everything. But controlling that military vehicle is something dangerous, you know that it's from the dark era which is forbidden to use." The figure replied with a serious tone.

"I can fly it, so it's no problem." I replied in a calm tone.

The crowd of people with unique limbs grew even larger with reporters snapping pictures at me until finally the little dragon reappeared in front of me.

"From now on he will live here as my servant. This place has medical facilities that can be used to treat her." Said the dragon in a calm tone.

"He is the son of the two heroes who adopted the dark path filled with sin. do you want to accommodate him who will make yourself infected with darkness?" Asked the formally dressed figure in an extremely serious tone.

"I am the embodiment of the darkness of this world, so it doesn't matter if I am tainted with its darkness. In fact, the good news is that this land will not be tainted and you do not need to purify it because it is the land of darkness." Said the figure in a serious tone

The formally dressed figure just fell silent with a serious face. Before from behind him could be seen the presence of a pair of women around my age who moved closer to this place with annoyed faces.

"Hey, you, you know that our economy is difficult and you dare to cause property damage in this city." Said one of the women who came with a serious face.

The owner of the voice was a pale white figure with long ears that had a pair of gold earrings in her ears with green hair that was pulled back in a bun with her wearing an all-white dress.

While next to her was a pink-haired, blue-eyed woman wearing a white uniform with a pink blazer and also a short pink skirt who looked at me with a surprised face that looked completely familiar.

"No way, the reincarnation of the crown prince of the unitopia holy empire apparently. Deharm Milford, what a surprise to meet you here." Said the girl in an extremely serious tone.

"You, sakurai princess of the sacred tree yggdrasil. The soulmate of Duke Algores of the human kingdom south of the elsyium continent who took your wings as a child." I replied in a calm tone.

Before the girl could make a surprised face along with the green-haired woman who was looking at me.

"Another Deharm Milford apparently, the original personality that has been dormant for a long time. You woke up again, I apologize, but my connection with him has been severed. Even he kowtowed and I rejected him, but I have been approached by many men." Sakurai responded with a serious tone.

"Let me guess, the prince of the southeastern elven forest. You are very, very close to him." I replied in a calm tone.

"No, I've never been in a relationship with him. Deharm Milford, you have to pay a fine for causing a ruckus. Which you can't possibly pay because the price is so high." Sakurai replied in a serious tone.

As he reached into his blazer pocket, he pulled out a red bill.

Then I also reached for the wallet in my pocket which I slowly lifted and opened with a lot of money that had various colors.

"The red one you said." I muttered in a flat tone.

As I grabbed 10 red bills from the wallet and flashed them to my face with a big smile, with the black dragon approaching me with red eyes.

"Prince Dearm, you know flaunting that money doesn't suit your nature." Said the dragon in a serious tone.

"Just to warm up his heart, you know that the elves use fines to scare others. If I give them more than they want then they will feel resentful that there are those who are much more successful than them. Especially since I'm a person who can't use magic, which in the eyes of the magic association is looked down upon." I replied in a calm tone.

Before I fanned my face with this money I could slowly smell the fresh scent of money entering my nose.

"You, it's not using magic so there's no problem. But this is a secret between the two of us, the members of the magic association can read each other's minds. I don't know what's going on that you can't read their minds, but they are feeling very, very upset right now because they are jealous of your amount of money." Ucap naga itu dengan nada serius.

"So, I have to stop it now!" I replied in a calm tone.

"No, just continue because there are no rules governing it. And I like hearing their complaints, but this time what slavery practices did you do to become this rich?" Asked the dragon in a serious tone.

"Slavery, no, I became a chef in space who is quite popular among the humanoid races because my food is delicious. The pay is quite high for cooking in space." She said with a flat tone.

Before finally the pink-haired woman was seen exchanging glances with her friend who had her hair in a bun.

Meanwhile, my head felt so dizzy that my vision began to blur.

"It's bad, I must have gotten a concussion from the blow earlier." I muttered in a calm tone.

The two women moved closer to me with the green-haired woman making a serious face up to me.

"So, old friend of my assistant sakurai. You know that this problem can be solved by paying a fine and we won't get into trouble with the magic association." The woman said in a serious tone.

In silence I handed the money to the girl who accepted it with a satisfied smile on her face. Then I pointed my hand at my nose which was oozing a blackish liquid.

"Look at you, you have such a severe injury. If you want I'll give you a cure but, it'll cost you extra!" The woman said in a serious tone.

"It's just a nosebleed, a very natural thing if I meet a sweet and charming girl like you." I replied in a calm tone.

With my body slowly balancing slowly moving towards the woman's face that I held back with all my might.

My gaze was fixed on her body which had a fairly slim posture. But her chest looks very flat, it's only natural because elves are flying creatures so they adapted to having a flat chest to make their bodies fly aerodynamically.

"For the sake of tartar sauce, I won't fall unconscious on that runway." I muttered in a low tone.

Before I stepped back by moving to the left, I could see that the pink blazer had a pile of solid flesh called breasts attached to its chest.

Right before my body landed on that thing with my vision starting to fade.