
Degraded: Density

Violence and tragedy wouldn't have occured, but it is for a balance of the system. A boy around his early 20s' simply trying to live peacefully, meets his occurring fate. As they say "More than meets the eye" After an incident of an unknown being More things bizarre are yet to be discovered by his very eyes.

Ashirami_29 · Action
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7 Chs

That Girl...

Previously, Teru thought on his way home. Then heard footsteps, it was a girl running, for her life.

She was followed by a human like creature. Teru tried to distract the creature.


Teru POV

"It-...Its you." I said softly as I felt weaker and weaker.

"Honestly, how could someone like you be this pathetic." She said directly to me, I didn't react much outside, I was startled of the fact that my memories back then felt like it happened again. Other than my back body that got smashed by a thick wall, my heads hurts the most.

She said her name to me, but my hearing isn't good after getting thrown by the human-like 'being'

As she came closer to the 'being', I saw her eyes glowing, with a bright lighted sword that is pretty thin, not long until I slowly fell unconscious.

As I fell unconscious, I woke up after. But I were in a black space, all empty, nothing, just darkness and myself. "Where am I?.." I said but no sound came out as I spoke, "What the hell?!" I looked around

Later after I observed the area around me were nothing but no light

A voice I heard from my rear, I turned around but there were no voice.


I felt a numb in my liver, I felt no pain but only a sensation.

An image of me, like looking in a mirror. It feels off, I still couldn't talk. The mirror of my image moves on its own and said with a deep and muffled voice as it smiled.

"Ẹ̵̷̸̶̶̶̸̸̴̷̢̧̨̢̛̼̱̼̘̱̫͖͙̗̲̦̖͔̪̮͎̖̳̬̩͚̭͚̯̙͕͇͉̳̏̄́̅̈̾̇̇͋̾̄͛͌̆̓̌̆̆̃̓̚̕͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅȉ̵̸̶̷̸̸̴̴̶̷̸̧̟̰͈͎͇͇͕̰̜̯̬̗͖̰͎̝̪͙̫̗̻͉̮̱̝̹͚̮͖̘̠̦͉̹͉̤̞̒̄͗͋̑̇̍͒͌̽͋̔̒́̈́̒͆̈́̒͐̽͒͊̆͆̿͘̕͜͝͝ͅṉ̴̷̸̸̷̷̴̷̴̡̨̨̛̠̻̻͖̲̮͎̘͇̥̬͖̦͉͔̯̤̣͍̟̹̭̹̺̘̫̯̉̈́̋̏̑̌͛̌̈́́̂͛̾͑͒̈́̒͐͂̽̐͂͘͘͜͜͝ ̴̷̴̵̶̷̶̷̶̴̴̡̨̡̡̧͕̪͍̥̥̙̬̙͈͇̠̯̙͖̗̲̩̘̬̪͚͎̜͇̼͓̻̩̼͖͓̟͔̩̰̖͔̦̘̟̗̲̋̓̊̈́́̂́́̒̀̊̊͂͌̈́̅̆̄͋̍͋͌̏̃͗̀̇͗͑͑̑̀͘͜͝͝d̵̷̵̷̶̸̷̶̶̢̢̡̛͈̙͕̤̜̺̮̜̻̭̻͚̮͍̦̟̪̠̖̹̻͙̰̀̂͊̿́̓͊̈͛̓̎̋̔̒́͊̇̈́́͛͊̐̓̂́̌̄̅̚͘̚̕͘͘͜͜͝ͅȩ̸̵̶̴̵̷͚͍̹̖͚͖̫̟͖͖̬̒͋͑̀̉̀̂̾̌̒̈́̉͗̇̂̕̕͝͝u̶̸̵̶̸̴̸̶̴̢̢͉͕̥̳͖̱̮̲͚͙̖̲̬̞̙͔̲̗͔͖̦̺͓͑́͋̀͛̋̔̎͗̀͗̒͒̋̈́̀͂͑͐̋̊̒̐̍͑̈́͛̈́̈́̍̚͜͜͠ͅx̵̸̴̶̵̴̶̴̷̷̴̨̢̡̨̧̛̟̳͎̙̦̥͉̹͕̣͇̮͔̟̮̺͓̣̜̟͈͚̼̙̩͈̊̋̀̈́̈́̏̒̿̽̈́͋̿̽̋͒́͌̿̑̾̈́͋̍̚͜͝ͅͅ ̶̶̵̷̵̷̷̴̴̡̡̝͙̣̼̳̜̠͍̘͉̪̬͈͚̗̖̖͍̭̹͔̠̞̪̺͈̜̼̥̠̥̠̽̐͊̊̎̆̏̃̏͗̈́̈̋̋͆͊̐̄̏̓̈́̔̊̇̓̉̾̀͒̇̚̚̚̚̚ͅț̸̸̶̸̸̴̵̷̵̸̷̡̧̢̢̢̛̥̫̤̪̹̮̗̬͉̪̙͔̟͓̠̦̗͕͖̗̣̺̦̯̤̪͈̼̖̟̙̥̼̼͍̥̞̭͉̊̓͐̀̈́̄̅̏͗͌͊̋̒̉̀̅̀̓̿̂̆̍̆̀͂̆̆̐͊̇̿̎͐̚͘͜͠ͅr̴̸̴̷̴̷̷̶̶̵̨̨̛̛̻̺̫̥̠̹͔̤̟̼̦̦̖̥͎̥̠̼͖̣̣̝̟̬̜͚̫͚̺͙̲̠̻̪̈́̀͋́̓̀̾̀̔̈́̂̃̑̔̄͆̓̀́̊̽̔̍̊̍̚̚̚͝͠ḛ̴̴̴̷̴̸̵̸̷̢̧̡̨̢̧̨̘̞͇̖̣̰͈̳͍̪̫͉̼̫̩̟͇̖̯͙͎͋͗͊̎̎͂̈́̓̇̍͐́̇̉͗̀̎̆̄̄̿̈́̀́̅̌̽̿͋̚͘̚̚͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅş̸̸̷̴̴̶̶̶̷̶̢̧̩͉͎̺̟̣͍̼͙̗͓̝̠̥̺̬̟̱̱̗̖̦͙̗̹̔̑̈́͋̓̈͛̇́̒͑͂́̀͒̂̋̽̈́͛̈́͌̇̌̔̾́͌͐̈́̒̈́̕̕͘͠͝ͅͅ ̷͉̞̤̗͑̀̑ͅ"

I opened my eyes and I were in bed lying an abandoned hospital, that girl was watching me behind the broken curtain. I forgot her name. I also noticed that I feel normal now. Weird feeling I thought of.

As I lay in bed I told her "Who are...you again?", she pouted and slapped me. The hell is wrong with this bitch...

"The hell was that for?!" I was shocked that I slapped her back...

"Ah!-ahhh~...my bad" I said as an apology for her. (she almost cried!) I thought

"Huuu...It's Iari Hanazawa." she said as she hold back her tears.

"I-it was just a little fight or flight!.." why and how the fuck did I hit a girl...without holding back.

"(I yearn for gender equality!)" the hell was that thought of mine?!...

"I can't believe you'd hit me!!" she shouted at me

A moment later

After quite an argument and the both of us calmed down after the situation "Uhm, by the way Iari. There's something I'd like to ask..what was that?" I spoke softly and terrified.

She looked into my eyes and said "Altroids."

Delays of chapters are likely to happen since I write when I feel like it :^

Please feel free to say anything to improve my novel.

Ashirami_29creators' thoughts