
Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon

Crackfic Warning Reborn as the twin brother of Aegon the Unworthy Son of Viserys Targeryen and Alicent Hightower Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. I'm not super familiar with the Dance as I am with the war of five kings era....but I felt like writing one so here we are. I try to not alter the facts as much as possible but Hotd lore is tedious as all hell so dates might not be perfect and I've altered ages only a slight ammount on certain occasions. Also, Valeryons are not chocolate no matter what HOTD tells you and I'll debate you on that.

SERBMADHAUS · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Ch 12 Dark As A Dungeon

(pov larys strong)


Larys heard sweet slow whistling when he woke up..... He remembered questioning a prisoner and then everything went fuzzy.

He realized that he was laying down and when he tried to get up he realized his entire body was strapped to the table of his dungeon as the cold damp air ran across his body.

a gag was placed into his mouth so he couldn't scream for help...

He heard the noises of rustling metal and turned his head to see the back of a young boy as he heated up the furnace and placed several tools into the flames.

Larys saw the pale white hair and his heart sank.....

Prince Maegor had borrowed his torture table many times in the past...He knew the pure evil that ran through the cold veins of Maegor Blood Eyes.

He shivered at the thought of what the monster would do to him...

He didn't know why that devil had strapped him down but it didn't matter right now.

The Evil Prince whistled a sweet tune then moved to a different table and began to sharpen several small blades on a whetstone.....

Larys often saw him preparing those little blades when the Prince needed to skin someone who looked at his Milk Maid the wrong way.....

now he saw the monster preparing those blades for him and sweat began to appear all over his body as a terrible fear ran through him.

. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .

(Mc pov)

I turned around as I whistled and stopped when I saw Larys looking at me....he had gone pale and had sweat pouring from his body as he trembled in fear.

I stopped whistling and walked up to him as I grabbed a nearby stool and sat next to him.

I looked down at the Gagged Larys and spoke....."We could have been great friends Larys.....you know I always admired your work....but you betrayed my trust...." I told him as I buffed the scalpel on my shirt to get it shiny.

He responded my shaking his head 'no' frantically, he even tried to say no through his gag but only a muffled noise came out.

I stared at him for a few moments until he stopped shaking his head.

"Now...now.... You don't even know what insult I'm accusing you of, how can you deny of you don't know what it is?" I asked rhetorically then smiled at his trembling face.

"You are guilty of lusting after what's mine Larys..... You know what happens to those who lust after what's mine don't you?" Ask the trembling man and he vigorously shook his head no.

I reached forward and loosen his leather gag so he could speak.


Larys Screamed out frantically to try and clear himself but I just shoved the leather gag back in his mouth and tightened it down.

I waited for him to calm down and stood up as i walked to his clubbed foot, it was a twisted grotesque thing that should've been cut off long ago.....


I looked at Larys as I grabbed his ankle with my hand then spoke.

"It's not Hilde you've been lusting after Larys.... It's my Mother..." As I finished speaking I saw his eyes widen in recognition and that's when I began to cut along his skin.

His muffled screams Resounded as I made a shallow cut around his knee and down each side of his ankles with my razor sharp blade.

Blood began to seep out and I placed some powder from my dimensional store on it and the bleeding stopped.

I then took some forceps and gripped the skin above the knee and pulled softly as my scalpel separated skin from muscle in practiced swishes of my blade.

He writhed and spasmed as the skin on his shin was skillfully peeled off by me, I smiled at his suffering under my blade....tears dropped down from his beady eyes while I had my fun in skinning this bastard alive.

Once the skin on the shin was completely peeled I reached over to a basket of lemons that Larys kept in the dungeon....they were not for eating.....

When he saw me grab a Lemon she shook his head 'no' while crying and screaming through his gag but I just cut off a wedge and walked up to his flayed flesh.

I held the lemon high and squeezed just enough for one drop to fall into his shin and he spasmed in pain at the acid on Muscle fiber.....

I smiled at his suffering then I squeezed the entire thing as the juice poured out of the slice and onto his bare flesh.

He screamed louder than ever as his body writhed and spasmed uncontrollably....then he fainted from the pain.....that didn't last, I cast a cleaning spell on his shin then placed the skin over the bare flesh.

I cast a healing spell and it was as If nothing ever happened.

I sharpened my next tool as I waited for him to wake up naturally, I whistled all the while.

After a few minutes of sharpening and honing I heard him stir awake in a panic....he screamed loudly for a few moments before he realized that he didn't feel any pain in his leg, he was still crying and trembling in fear however.

When I turned around with my next tool he screeched in horror through the gag.....there was only one use for the hook like blade in my hands...a castration dagger, only one use for that.....

He panicked far more and began to fight against the restraints with all his strength but the thick leather bindings would not budge, I walked up beside him and spoke. 

"Don't worry, I'm doing you a favor....My Mother Wouldn't ever consider something as small and useless as yours....you get to focus more on being useful to me from here on out..." I spoke with a smile as I moved my newly gloved hands to grab his tiny cock and peanut sized balls.

I grabbed both and pulled so I got good access to the roots.

He cried and bucked violently in an attempt to save himself....it wouldn't work.

With a slow sawing motion I cut through his cock and balls as I ripped them off with the hooked blade as his blood spurted.

I quickly sprinkled the powder on his new gash and it stopped bleeding but he didn't stop screaming and crying in pain.

I just laughed and placed his cock and balls on a nearby tray.

I pulled out a golden contract from my dimensional store and began scribbling a good slave contract for This Scum as his muffled screams echoed off the walls.

Once I was done and made sure it was perfect I walked over to Larys and spoke to him.

"If you sign at the bottom of this paper I'll stop this, if you don't I'll keep flaying you until there's nothing left." I told him coldly and he quickly nodded.

I moved a Quill into his right hand and moved the paper close to him.....he scribbled his signature frantically and soon the paper glowed vibrantly before disappearing into thin air.

A slave seal appeared in Larys's chest and I smiled.

I then unbuckled his straps and he wanted to attack me but his body wouldn't move....

the more he tried the more unimaginable pain coursed through his body as he remained frozen...

the contract was airtight, he was now completely loyal to me through a magical contract even if he thought otherwise he could never act.

I spoke to him then. "You signed a slavery contract, you cannot act against me or reveal secrets, you can't act against my interests or my loved ones.....you belong to me you fucking Rat." I spoke while looking at the eunuch.

"When I leave this room...You are going to cook your cock and balls over the fire until they are golden brown, then you will eat them with a bit of salt....you will continue as if nothing happened today and if anyone asks where your balls went say you cut them off for spiritual reasons...after that it's business as usual."

I told Larys and he immediately walked over to his cock and balls and skewered them on a metal rod before beginning to toast them over the flames, tears dropped down his face as he cooked his own genitals...that's what he gets for lusting after my mom.....