
Degenerate in a Reversal World

Alistair lived a bland life, with no friends or family. Only novels and games to keep him company. Whilst riding a train to his boring job wishing for the day to be over, a light enveloped him. His body was summoned to another world filled with swords and magic. This world's mana could only be wielded by women, leading to men's strength declining. Mana began causing birth defects, reducing the birth rate of males to only 1 for every 8 women. Summoned to become a wolf girls guardian beast. He went with the flow before unveiling a deeper truth to his situation. He realised this was a reversed chastity world! "This world is heaven, foolish males who avoid women. I will take them all! I will make them all mine; Demons, Elves, Dwarves. All females are my target!" --------------------------- I do not own the cover art, can be taken down at request.

Lord_Asmodea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

A Forgotten Witch's Miracle

Rumours spread across the Blackfire Witch Academy, Alistair became the most talked about subject. Marianne spun a story for the witches.

He was the child of a guardian beast and human male, adding a touch of fantasy and romance to the story..

The world where the chances of finding a husband were a miracle, young witches seeing Alistair, a handsome man who acted nothing like they'd seen, made the girls curious.

As the sun had set, the darkness of the academy changed almost instantly. The places of study became eerie and sombre. However, the small town built to support the academy was filled with bright fire and lights, pink signs illumined by magic as the street filled with the decadent and 'forgotten' witches of the academy.

Leaving the academy was impossible, unless on a mission. In order for the witches to have something other than study, a mistress many years ago formed a village, which has become a small town. Here, the girls can find various restaurants run by the men who were usually married to higher-level witches and lecturers.

Alistair felt it like his old world, with several bars and restaurants instead of women touting with advertisements. It was done by a soft, girlish looking male. He didn't have a specific goal, however, was searching for the right target.

The moment he felt the burning pain, he now saw boxes appear next to a witch's head. The girl who was eating a large serving of pasta, for example:




[Mana: 30/30]

[Unique Talent: None]

[Potential: Grade 1, Low]

[Element: Wind]

[Weakness: Anus, Nipples]


Alistair found it quite amusing, just checking out what got the witches going and how they could help him in the future. There was no guarantee a demon lord or something might appear.

"W-wait," a girl said, her small hands gripping his jacket.

He turned around to see a girl with a slightly dirty face and cute glasses. Her red eyes filled with a fiery passion as her black bob blew in the light breeze. Alistair felt she was a stunner, even if dirty, before checking her information.

"Are you by chance the half human guardian beast? C-could give me some of your time?"



[Lesser demon]

[Mana: --/120]

[Unique Talent: Demon fire]

[Potential: Grade 9, High]

[Element: Fire/Earth]

[Weakness: Vagina, Throat, Masochism.]


"My name is Mera," she was seemingly nervous. However, her voluptuous body gained Alistair's attention as he became interested in this woman.

"It is a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman like you. I'm Alistair," Alistair said, grasping Mera's hand, kissing it with a light bow. Mera's body made a like shudder with a flushed face.

Alistair had attended many classes in his previous life, from how to get a girlfriend to how to act like a gentleman. Since he was embracing this new life, he would apply them. 'After all, if the men in this world are passive, wouldn't the cringe techniques be well received here?' He thought.

"It's hard to speak in the open. Would you like to visit my home? I can prepare a light meal I'm confident about my cooking."

"I would be honoured, my lady."


They walked for some time, before reaching the slightly poorer area of the town. Alistair and the girl chatted along the way. She was acting like those girls in shoujo manga. He imagined if his looks in her eyes were overly sparkling with a pointed chin. Alistair felt that his looks and, with the help of his charm stat and his aggressiveness, seducing this lonely girl wouldn't be too hard.

Mera's home was a small little detached wooden house. It was how Alistair imagined medieval buildings to look, making him slightly excited. He originally came looking for a witch to test his abilities on, yet found a gem. Not only was she right within his strike zone, the fact she lived here and not the campus meant she was a 'Forgotten'.

A witch who was forgotten was someone who failed to awaken their mana and are shunned by other witches, and even more so by males as they lack prospects.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Ah!?" Mera said, before running off to hide the large bras that were handing around her room.

Alistair took a brief look, feeling extremely comfortable in this small apartment like house. There was a small kitchen to the side of the living room, a bathroom at the back of the room inside was a moderately small bath, a far cry from his dormitories, looking through the gap, he saw her bedroom with a double bed and very little decor or belongings, likely being too poor to afford them.

Mera came back inside. She seemed slightly flushed now, dressed in a thin red dress, before heading into the kitchen, followed by the sounds of preparing food and the knife colliding with the chopping board.

"Do you need any help?"

The sounds in the kitchen briefly stopped, a murmur of 'It's like being married' was heard faintly .

"N-no It's alright, thank you for offering! You don't mind eating meat, right?"

Alistair found her to be quite interesting. He imagined if this was his previous world, wouldn't it be him nervous to impress a girl trying to get her to date him stressing about mess and her tastes?

"Haha, no no I'll eat anything cooked by a beautiful woman like you"

The sound of a knife clanging against the floor sounded, followed by her scurrying to pick it up and then washing it.

Time flew by as he relaxed on the sofa, thinking about everything he experiences today, still fearing it may all just be a dream. As he was waiting, Mera came in with several plates of western looking food, mainly soup and a meat dish accompanied by mash. It felt slightly different, however, that was likely because the breeds or animals were different.

Alistair was about to ask about the drink. When Mera pulled out a slightly old looking bottle of a what was likely red wine, as she poured him a large cup, he truly felt she was trying to get him drunk purposely.

He took a small sip, feeling it was extremely sweet, fitting his tastes perfectly, as even this small sip made him slightly dizzy.


The meal ended with both people's plates empty. Mera, now slightly intoxicated, leaning her soft body against Alistair. He was also quite drunk, the power of that wine beyond his imagination.

"H-how was my cooking?" Mera said.

Alistair really enjoyed the meal. It reminded him of the first meal learnt to cook, eating everything, almost licking that plate clean.

"It was delicious. They say a meal cooked by a beautiful woman is the tastiest."

Mera drank the last of her wine, licking her lips seductively.

"Hehe, is that true? I am a little proud of my cooking. You are the first to taste it."

The pair had been eating and drinking for almost an hour. The atmosphere had become more intense as he felt the desire to devour this little sheep, pretending to be a wolf whole. Alistair could barely resist her when sober, now wearing a light dress that was practically falling off, revealing her naked body to him.

Mera was now proactively pressing her body against Alistair, her breasts squishing against his arm as it was slowly sucked between them, feeling her warm body heat and slightly moist skin, feeling her solid nipples rubbing against his side.

Mera leant over to grab a cup of water before it slipped, soaking Alistair's lower body.

"oh my, look how clumsy I am. Let me help clean it off," Mera said.

Alistair sat back, slightly raising his hips, allowing her to pull off his now soaking pants. With a slap, his dick slapping against her cheeks covering the entire side of face.

She looked up to see a smirk on Alistair's face, seeing he wasn't against it or disgusted. Her long tongue traced along his shaft before taking it into her warm, clammy throat.

"Mmmhnn," Mera moaned as Alistair began fondling her breasts, squeezing her nipples as he pulled them.

"Mrrmm... uggh... uggh...!"

Foamed saliva dripped from her mouth as she struggled to breathe, the sensation in her throat and nipples causing her to orgasm twice in a row as her body uncontrollably shuddered, leaving a trail of liquid dripping viscously to the floor.


With a wet sounding pop as her drool smeared his lower body, Alistair pulled her from his rod, laying her with her front on the sofa, her ass sticking in the air as his dick penetrated Mera, holding her head into the couch causing her to tighten and shiver with excitement.

Mera orgasmed several times whilst being treated like a tool, as Alistair felt the need to relieve himself and filled her with his seed. Mera seeming to have lost consciousness, her body quivering.


Alistair lay on her bed, lower body covered by the quilt with Mera lay across his chest. He felt the need to light a cigarette and smoke it. Unconsciously, his hand stroked the cute nerdy girl's head who held onto him dearly in sleep as if he would disappear.

The sky was now completely black, the little light from the restaurants and bars now closed. Only the brothel was still slightly lit for any last-minute customers.

"Ah... Celia is probably going to worry. Hopefully, she will understand."

"Mmmnn, who is Celia?" Mera asked.

Alistair patted her now messy hair, placing a kiss on her forehead. Diverting her attention slightly as Mera now contentedly snuggled up to him.

"Celia is the witch who summoned me. I am her guardian beast," Alistair said.

"Ah!? I thought that was just a brothels propaganda because you're a beast in bed."

Mera, now embarrassed, hid under the sheets, rolling away to hide all the kiss and bite marks on her body from the second and third rounds.

"Haha, well I'll come visit you if you like. But I have to go back now and make sure she's okay. Forgive me? I'll make it up to you next time!"

Alistair rose from the bed, his body on display for the girl secretly peeking from within the sheets, as she murmured agreeing to what he said to her.

Alistair parted ways with Mera, leaving her with a deep kiss, slapping her behind, ordering her to wait for him to come again.

Mera watched him leave as her imagination went crazy about what she did last night and what he will do to her next time with an excited look feeling tonight was a miracle for her, tears began dripping down her face as she felt the mana within her for the first time in her life.

Alistair returned using the dark alleyways, navigating them towards the dormitory on his way. With nobody around, he checked his status.

[Name: Alistair Crowley (Stage 1)]

[Level 3]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 120/120]


Strength: 2

Agility: 1

Vigor: 1

Intellect: 4

Charm: 8

[Free points: 4]

He wondered what the stage meant, likely he will find out if he's able to study in the future. Being at stage one means he had room to grow, right? Not one to cry over spilt milk, he continued heading home.

"Four bonus points. It seems I receive two per level. I wonder what kind of build to go for... The sex was great though, haha!" Alistair said into the evening sky.

Alistair was trying to decide where to use his free points, currently he was more aimed towards a mage type, however he handn't learnt to use magic yet, hopefully he can learn something tomorrow his skills mentioned he would be talented with ice or water elements.

"Honestly... I like the idea of a mage, but isn't the idea of being a powerful warrior pressing down the mighty women underneath me also interesting?"

Not being the end of the world to delay it for a few hours, he wouldn't suddenly be assaulted by thieves or anything, right?

Alistair returned to the dorm. Celia was sleeping in the enormous bed. He couldn't be bothered looking elsewhere as he was slightly tired from several rounds with Mera and climbed in the bed with Celia hearing an audible sniffing.

"Who's scent is that? Where did you go?" Celia asked.

Celia turned over and hugged onto his chest, rubbing her face against him, as if to mark him with her scent, looking upward to him with a slightly pouting, angry face.

"Never forget, you are my guardian! Don't leave me for some other stinky bitch, hmph!"