
Degenerate Daoist

In the eyes of society, Khan was an absolute degenerate, a perfect depiction of the word ‘failure’. Food, wine, women... Robbery, assault, murder... Were these not some of life's finest pleasures? Inevitably, Khan's depraved lifestyle landed him in prison. After being stabbed to death in prison, he found himself reincarnated into a mystical new world. Would this life-altering experience cause him to change his way of thinking? Would he take his new life as a fresh start, leaving his evil ways in the past? Absolutely not. Khan was determined to continue living as an irredeemable piece of degenerate trash. This is the story of a degenerate seeking dao in the world of cultivation.

Degen_Writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Fu Clan Sisters

There were actually nine outer sects in the 108th Samsara Branch Sect, each located in a different province of Crescent Nation. The inner sect was located in the centre of these sects, occupying its own region which wasn't within any province of the nation!

The Fu Clan was one of the four major clans in this province, and even in the inner sect, the name 'Fu' carried some prestige!

Khan stared forwards blankly, he clearly didn't even recognise this clan, nor the names that the woman facing him in rage had shouted out just now. Seeing his expression, both Hui and the Fu Clan woman felt utterly speechless. It wasn't until a girl stepped out from behind the woman that Khan finally understood.

"Ah, it's little Ri!" He smiled and laughed out. Hui stared at him dully. Although this situation seemed precarious, she was by now accustomed to such matters. She could already guess what had happened, and what was about to unfold. Despite caring for her master and holding undoubted loyalty towards him, she took three steps to the side as if it was only natural.

"Little Ri, how come you never came to find me again so that we could play some more?" Khan smiled and walked forwards towards the pair of sisters, ignoring the elder sister's furious expression.

Now that he drew in closer, he could see that like her younger sister, this Fu Bian was quite the beauty. It was common for female cultivators to become more gorgeous as their cultivation realm increased, but this pair were obviously both natural beauties.

Hui felt a bit self conscious, standing before them…they were both older and more mature than her. She was always secretly self conscious about her petite stature and childish face for her age, so being next to this pair who possessed a more womanly charm made her feel uncomfortable.

"You never told me where you live!" Fu Rian, who was previously acting meekly before her big sister, suddenly scowled when she heard Khan's question. Her pale face turned red with a mixture of rage and embarrassment, and her silky black hair fluttered about as the wind swept by.

The older sister was a spitting image of her younger sister, only a bit more mature and with a larger chest. Khan guessed that although she looked to be in her early twenties, she was probably closer to thirty; as a cultivator increased their realm, their lifespan increased, meaning that their physical ageing slowed down.

"Ah, was that the case?" Khan tilted his head as if he had no idea that he'd made such a mistake. "Well then, I'm about to move into a new house, little Ri can come visit if she wants and we can continue where we left off perhaps? Ah, little Bi, there's no need to be so frustrated! You can also join us if you want, I suppose you're the type of sisters that like to do everything togeth-"


Before Khan could finish that sentence, a powerful force slammed into his chest and sent him flying backwards. Hui was shocked and turned back towards him worriedly. He really flew back for at least twenty feet, it wouldn't be surprising if he was killed!


"Oof, I guess you like it rough then, little Bi? Mm, I can work with that, hahaha!" Khan picked himself up off the floor and wiped the dust from his black robe, though there was now a massive hole burned into the front of the robe, revealing his gleaming muscles beneath.

"You…what the hell is with your body?!" Fu Bian stared at him dumbfoundedly.

Fu Bian was an inner sect disciple. When she found out that her little sister had her virginity taken away by an outer sect disciple after he tricked her with his vile lies, she rushed to the outer sect and intended to cripple him!

There was a sect rule stating that no sect member could kill another sect member, unless it was an official execution, or an agreed upon official life and death battle. However, there were other ways to inflict suffering upon a person…such as crippling their cultivation and destroying their body!

Doing such a thing was still against the rules, but it would only be considered a minor transgression. The punishment for an inner sect disciple crippling an outer sect disciple would be minor, nothing that Fu Bian couldn't handle.

Fu Bian intended to pierce Khan's dantian to cripple his cultivation. If a Qi Refiner's dantian was stabbed through, they would lose their cultivation and be severely injured! Recovering from such an injury would be expensive, take a long period of time, and then at the end of it, they would need to begin their cultivation again from square one!

If she destroyed his bones on top of this, Fu Bian was certain that an outer sect disciple would take decades to properly recover. In essence, his life would most likely be ruined.

"Big sister, I told you that he's not a Qi Refiner, he follows the Primordial Body Tempering Path!" Fu Rian quickly explained to her sister. Before she could reply, she added:

"And didn't I tell you before that I don't want you to hurt him?" She said sternly.

Fu Bian turned to her younger sister with a bewildered expression. It was extremely uncommon for her younger sister to be so firm with her, no matter the fact that she was essentially defending the guy who stole her purity!

"Damn, the people in this world are so prudish." Khan stretched his arms a bit and walked back towards the pair casually. That punch just now was really vicious, it was too fast for him to defend against. If he had actually been a Profound Roots Realm Qi Refiner, he had no doubt that his bones would have broken and his dantian would have been damaged.


"You, you, you actually possess a Vital Life Realm body?" Fu Bian said in disbelief. Before now, she hadn't examined him too closely, but now that she paid attention, she realised that there wasn't a single drop of Profound Qi in his body!

Usually, cultivators judged another cultivator's realm based on the strength of their aura and the 'level of threat' that they felt from this aura. Khan's aura matched up in strength to a Profound Roots Realm cultivator, so she assumed that he was at this level. Previously, when her sister mentioned that he was a Body Temperer, she assumed that she meant he had achieved the first stage, the Body Transformation Realm, as a side endeavour…

"How can this be, you can't be older than 25, yet you've already developed a Vital Life Realm body?! This, since you don't possess any Profound Qi, you haven't just 'attained a Vital Life Realm body', but instead you're a true Vital Life Realm cultivator!" She cried out. Totally forgetting all about their grudge, Fu Bian now just stared at Khan's body, hardly able to believe it.

It was very common that the physical body's class was much weaker compared to the cultivator's Qi Refining realm, so it was almost unheard of to refer to someone as a 'Vital Life Realm cultivator'.

It made sense, because if a Profound Roots Realm powerhouse developed a Body Transformation Realm body, they would obviously still be referred to as a Profound Roots Realm cultivator, since this would still be their superior cultivation. But Khan…was an actual Vital Life Realm cultivator!

She realised that all three of the people around her were looking at her oddly.

"What is it?" Fu Bian frowned as she turned to her little sister.

"Sister…Khan is 15."

"Huh?!" Her eyes bulged out. At first, she thought that her sister was joking, but from everyone's expressions, this seemed to really be the case.

Such talent! Ah…she just attacked a 15 year old with killing intent…

"Body Tempering improves the body to the pinnacle form…meaning I rapidly aged to develop a more mature body." Khan explained patiently. He had also been surprised when this happened to him, so he understood her shock.

Indeed, although he was 15 years old, he had the body and face of someone in their early twenties. He was also over six feet tall and still growing. Combined with his muscular frame that wasn't common for Qi Refiners to possess, it was easy to be mistaken about his age.

"This…then I'll just break all of your bones!" Fu Bian grit her teeth, forgetting about all of the ridiculousness surrounding this guy as her determination to ruin his life returned.

"Big sister, stop it!" Fu Rian stood in front of her and looked her dead in the eye. Not only was her sister surprised, but Khan was a bit stunned too.

Women in this world were generally much more reserved compared to his homeland on earth. They valued their 'purity' highly, and a non-virgin woman was basically undesirable to the males here.

Khan thought that this was ridiculous, but at least it meant that he was able to take the virginities of most of the women he slept with, which he found satisfying. On top of that, they were all really naive when it came to sexual matters, making them easy to seduce, if you just knew how to go about it correctly.

Khan really had taken Fu Rian's virginity, around a week ago actually, right after he ascended to the Vital Life Realm and he felt like celebrating. Fu Rian just so happened to be training nearby to Khan when he made his breakthrough, and the shirtless Khan with his newfound powerful aura had completely filled her mind with awe.

Compared to Qi Refiners, those who followed the Primordial Body Tempering Path possessed a much more primal, tyrannical aura, like that of a beast or a powerful warrior. She had never seen anything like it before, and after some smooth talking from Khan's side, she was overwhelmed by his sudden advances. She simply didn't even think about resisting as he pushed her down.

So, he took advantage of her. If she hated him for it, he would understand. He felt like being crippled for something like this, mutually consensual sex, was a bit excessive, but in this world it could be considered normal.

Well, crippling a Body Temperer was much more difficult though. Even if she did break every bone in his body, he would make a full recovery within a month, so long as he used some decent medicines.

"When I went to you in secret to tell you what had happened, I didn't want you to rush here and cripple him!" Fu Rian cried out emotionally. Her older sister froze and stared down at her little sister in a daze.

"I just wanted to talk to someone about it, because there's no way I could reveal such a thing to the clan! But you didn't listen, instead you just rushed here and dragged me with you!"

"But, he, he took your purity! He needs to be crippled!"

Khan just smiled wryly at that logic. There were many things he had done in his life that could probably justify such a punishment, but this was not one of them. It's not like he raped her, he just took advantage of her naivety and suppressed sexual desire, using the moment that his aura reached its peak to sway her.

Huh, putting it like almost made it sound like he was in the wrong somehow…

"Big sister, I don't hate him."

"Eh, really?" Khan blinked. Fu Rian turned back towards him and glared, so he shut up for now and listened in interest, curious to see where this was heading.

Maybe he really could subdue this girl for another round…hey, why was Hui glaring at him now?