
Chapter 12

The bearded man continued to mumble incessantly, praying to the statue for a clairvoyance, in order to understand the mistake during the summoning.

While Clifford’s group went their merry way, as they finished what they came there for.

Though not what they had expected, they remained jolly as they walked out of the room, leaving the still gawking clergy.

“The hero title seems to be available to certain individuals.”

This was the excuse he made up, wanting to make sure the youths would feel special. He didn’t want to take such a rank, considering it had both merits and drawbacks.

Besides, he was not used to the limelight, let alone get looked up upon by kids with such promise. As he can see, they had a bright future ahead of them.

He concluded it was best to stay as a supporting character, having not much interest or drive to stand out in such a world.

“You’re right, sir. But I don’t think you need such a thing, considering you're strong already.”

Arty’s energy didn’t seem to decrease. Still having the same enthusiasm, positivity, and support from before. His eyes twinkled while looking at the man who saved him.

He had complete faith in him, since even without the additional blessing. Along with being brave, as he had risked his life saving him during the summon.

“Yeah, besides. Who knows what other skills you’ll get once you level up?”

Jack appeared from behind his friend, hooking his arm around his shoulder. He, too, had the same look on him.

He cannot help but admire the man’s cool and collected demeanor. Not flinching in the face of danger, while keeping a clear head.

Also, he found it amazing that the guy argued with such wit and composure, without getting effect by emotions, together with a plastered smile. A thing he can never do.

“Maybe we shouldn’t be focusing too much on this.”

Clifford let out an uncomfortable laugh because of how the two continued to hound him with praises.

He wasn’t used to such attention, being regarded in such awe as what the teens were doing, so he thought it best to tone it down.

A beeping sound alerted him before he can even say another word. From the system map, there was an immense red dot moving at such high speed, prompting him to raise both hands on instinct.

“Take this evil doer!”

A lively voice echoed through the halls, causing the walls to vibrate from its power.

Clifford’s eyes grew wide when a figure appeared out of nowhere at such speed, rivaling that of Jack’s meteor strike.

He wasn’t supposed to move, but then he saw the attack’s trajectory, prompting him to shift at the last minute.

“Arty, watch out!”

Impulse took over, making him push the lad aside at the cost of receiving the hit head on. He grunts, losing his footing along with the searing pain on his side, causing him to fly off into a nearby pillar.

Giant pieces of stones toppled, burying the man in chunks of debris. As the wall, roof, and statues piled up.

“Sir Clifford!”

Arty fell on his ass, screaming aloud in horror, watching the guy get entombed in a pile of rubble.

He trembled in sheer rage, being taken over by the mix of remorse and anger. Teeth grinding, he scoured the place with watery eyes, searching for the person who had attacked.

“Shit, who did that?”

Jack, being the reactive one, had his sword out, moving up front to face their assailant.

He, too, felt as infuriated as his friend, but he believed such a measly kick would not easily take the man out.

A guy with a buzz haircut with a dread on the side appeared from the dust, brandishing a smug look as he stood straight. His grin displaying the sense of pride and confidence he had for his skills and power.

His well built body shining, covered in sweat, unbothered by the fact he was not wearing any sort of upper armor, except for a padding on his shoulders and brass knuckles on both hands.Another person garb in a blue robe appeared from behind. Runes laced on the edges of his clothing, the frills of the cloth dancing as he levitated towards them.

His fingers adorned with several rings, each one having a distinct stone of color which glowed as he moved.

Magic emanating from each finger, which causes the dust to get blown away from the gust being created by it.

“Jack, is that you?”

The lad can’t help but frown, recognizing the guy in front of them. Though it was dim inside the hallway, there was no mistaking they were facing another chosen.

From the stance, the way he moved his weapons, along with the overwhelming state of conviction seeping through, giving away the identity of their current foe.

“You guys are aiding the enemy? I didn’t think you’d stoop this low just because you couldn’t go out.”

Snorts the lad who attacked, the line on his face growing wider, as a rush of excitement took over him. Finally, having the chance to fight the person, deemed the best among all of them.

He can’t help the sense of anticipation, causing an itching to crawl through his palms along with the tickling sensation within his stomach.

“Says the asshole who kicks people without warning.”

Jack’s brow furrowed, switching his stance to that of an attack.

His eyelids twitch, as his rage slowly continued to increase seeing the haughtiness being sent their way.

It made his blood boil and heart race, wanting to deliver a good smacking on the annoying face of their opponent.

“Pedro, back me up!”

With a stretch, the buzz cut kid positions himself right in front.

A surge of energy coursing through him from the increase in exhilaration that they were finally going to settle who was the strongest.

Also, he was bound to get noticed once he deals with the two, proving himself to be worthy of the title hero.

“What? Marco, this is Jack we’re talking about.”

The other youth can’t help his eyes from growing wide, shaking in fear as he knew what kind of individual they were up against.

He was aware of the skills, strength, and power the guy holds. He’d seen it firsthand, as they had a mock test before the team selection.

It was true his companion was an adept fighter, but the person in front of them was better.

Among all of them, the fellow stood atop the others, boasting an impressive prowess in both fighting and skill.

“He has sided with the enemy, so we gotta teach him a lesson.”

Marco’s face twisted, seeing his comrade turn pale.

He gritted his teeth, outrage that his partner remained a scared, even after all the hardships they had gone through together.

“He took down all of us, remember?”

Pedro’s voice stuttered.

Images of their first evaluation flashed before his eyes, along with the ache in his body.

Jack standing atop of three contenders, repelling all who gang up on him, and beating up the rest.

“Our levels are higher than him. What are you so afraid of?”

Marco can’t help but snap.

But in the end he got a nod from his companion, and with that he charges straight up at Jack, throwing simultaneous punches.

Adrenaline taking over him as each hit was easily avoided. He increased his phasing, wanting to overpower his opponent.

Jack’s sword parried each of it. His rage gave him this immense strength and power, allowing him to move at the same speed as the guy.

Flashes of light and sounds of metal reverberated through the corridor as weapons clashed.

It sent a different blast of wind, blowing away dust and dirt in their wake.

Pedro's eyes could hardly follow the two. He can’t even see them until they clash, coming into view as they struggle to overpower one another.

Startled, panicky, and dumbfounded, he cast the fastest and easiest homing spell he had.

“Flame missiles!”

Several sparks of crimson fire shoots out of his palms, turning into spear like shape as they flew for their target.

Marco was quick to grab hold of the Jack’s hand, smirking as he stared straight into the guy’s eyes when he pinned him in place.

“Divine protection!”

A green orb of light covered Jack before getting hit, repelling both his captor and the magical blast.

It was Arty’s spell.

He dawned a murderous gaze towards their adversary, his staff directed at both of them to show them his resolve.

His mind fueled by anger, all he could think of was to get back at the backstabbing individuals. He won’t let them hurt another friend of his.

“Nice one!”

Jack threw a thumbs up at his companion, thankful for the save.

With that, both pair prepared themselves, ready to face off into a last bout.

All four did their thing, charging their energies to its maximum. Magic trickled through the air, sending sparks of electricity mixed with a gust of wind.

Pedro got covered in a sigil, dictating several words in a hum like tone.

Marco and Jack stared straight into each other, adding more power to their weapons.

Their muscles tense, veins popping out, as they increased and gathered every ounce of strength they had, ready to end it there.

Arty also began chanting, but the glow of his wand seem to transfer to his friend. As he gave all the buff, he knew to his companion, along with layers of protection while healing.

At the same time, the two front liners charge the minute they were done, knowing the importance of being the first to attack.

A flash of light emerge as their weapons came close, but all of that got snuffed out, nullified into nothingness when hands appeared to grab hold of them.

“I think that should be enough from you two.”

Clifford held Jack’s sword and the other’s wrist, canceling the built up of energy before it can erupt into an immense explosion.

He gave out an annoyed smile at the lads.

If he hadn’t intervened in time, things wouldn’t have ended well, as they were in an enclosed area, already seeing the cracks and falling bricks around them.

It forced him to tighten his hold on the other youth when the kid flinch, stiffened from his sudden appearance before them.

“How did you?”

Marco tried to pull out, but this proved impossible, causing him to stagger from being vulnerable for once after arriving there.

Not even putting all his strength was enough for him to escape the grasp.

His knees gave way, receiving a foreboding sensation upon gazing into the man’s eyes.

There was this innate part at the back of his head that told him to yield.

“Marco, get away from there!”

Pedro panicked when his energy surge, losing control of the spell, he put on delay. He’d been keeping it on hold for so long, it started backfiring, sending shrills of pain all over his body.

“I can’t, he’s too strong!”

Marco’s voice stuttered, tears escaping him, as his lips trembling while he sat. His legs felt like jello, tingling from the thrust of fear upon him.

There was this innate terror which took over him, different from the ones he’d experience before.

“Mister Clifford, watched out. There’s a channeling spell on the floor.”

Arty quickly recognize the rotating sigil of light that appeared beneath all three individuals. And basing from how the mage wince, they lack the time.

“I can’t hold it!”

Pedro whimpered when a shock of electricity repelled through the illuminating orb he was holding.

The magic circle glowed brighter, creating a sort of vacuum within the area it was surrounding.

“Not good.”

Clifford grumbled, receiving the brunt of the intense weight thrown at him. Even Jack fell on one knee, gritting his teeth from the sudden force that pushed him down.

Heat formed, along with an increase in a glow from the magic gathering there, signaling that it was about to ignite.

“Think fast.”

With no other option, he pulls both lads towards him, then throws both teens on each side with all his might.

A searing golden light engulfs the entire corridor, shaking its foundation to the core. Larger chunks of stone fell, pillars cracked, and parts of the ground opened up.

It all stop when the blaze shifted into one area only, turning into a beam that sunk into a deep hole that was now on the earth. It created an opening reaching to the tops of the cathedral, leading outside.

After a few more minutes and everything finally subsided, with all four teens coughing from the smoke of dust hovering all over them.

“Are you seriously trying to kill us all?”

Emerging from a pile of rubble, Jack and Arty emerge unscathed, enclosed in a dome of green glow. Both had murderous gaze, faces straight as they made their way towards the two.

“I didn’t think it would blow up like that.”

Covered in dirt, snot, and tears. Pedro held on to his friend for dear life. Regretful for not knowing the attack can cause so much damage.

“I broke something.”

Marco groaned in pain, getting the immense ache from his back after falling on his face. Spent and can hardly move. All he can do was crawl on all fours.

“You’re going to pay for that!”

Arty’s voice stuttered. Though wobbling, he raised his staff at the ready to pass judgement at the two.

All four ended up in a staring competition, as the first pair waited for what was about to come, while the other had this inkling at the back of their head, doubting if they were to send the final blow.

“Okay, break it off, you guys.”

Clifford’s voice cut through the tension, instantly changing the hostile atmosphere that took over the teens.

“Mister Clifford!”

Jack and Arty cheered, quickly turning around to find the man standing on the side of the pit.

“Seems everyone is all right?”

Clifford breathes a sigh of relief, seeing as no one got harmed. He couldn’t say the same about the temple, with the amount of destruction all over the place.

While Marco and Pedro gaped, gawking in astonishment upon realizing the guy only had a few bruises on his body. Barely showing any signs of damage except for his tattered clothes.

The youth had fallen into despair, understanding they were facing someone who was completely beyond them.

A being that could rival them in both power and strength.