
Defiant corruptor of the other world (Moved to a new link)

Clifford Ortis just wanted to survive every waking moment of his life, having a menial job at a company, working eight hours a day. All he wanted was to make it through the day. He was content, happy, and satisfied with his everyday routine, enjoying what little he could. But things make a turn when he gets accidentally thrust into a fantasy world, away from his home and normal life. The worst part was, since he was not supposed to be transported there, the so-called guardians discarded him like trash. With no way home and stuck in an unknown world, the place causes the darkest and vilest side of Clifford to come out, as his urge to take revenge on those who caused the accident. And thus begins his defiance and corruption of the other worldly system, while searching for the truth and a way to get home.

Remnis_Luz · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

"So we are in a world with magic, monsters, and mystic beings. And they have there is this leveling system to help us use it, similar to those role playing computer games that we have back home."

Clifford pictured the set up the lad had by making him describe all the options he had, along with how it looked, then comparing it to his own. With that, he finds out that they had totally different systems.

His face turned grimed, lips pursing with his brows furrowing from the mystery to why it was like that. Though pondering, he kept his attention on the surrounding people.

"We can activate our skills just by thinking about it, so long as you have chosen it and are available. Also, we are only able to use abilities within our class."

Arty, being enthusiastic about his explanation, continued to wave of his hand, pointing his fingers every now in then, probably at the screen of his which remained invisible to others' vision.

Once finished with his preparation, he began chanting. Hands upfront, a ball of green light emerged from his palms, releasing a humming glow.

The sphere let out this calm and warm sensation, relaxing Clifford's senses, removing the stress and tension he'd been feeling a while ago. The pain within his body also faded, making his movements lighter and putting him at ease.

"I see. So that's how it is for you."

He said out loud, absentmindedly, when a thought crossed his mind. With the use of his thoughts, he opens up his system.

A new message popped up. "Acquired, heal." The box showed, probably pertaining to the skill which was used by the lad.

From what he'd gathered so far, there were several ways for him to acquire options within his editor mode. First of was interacting with item, beings, or skills. Some can be gained from actually experiencing it firsthand, or by having his units attacked.

He needed further analysis and trials on how much control and power the system had, along with finding out its limits.

"Sir Clifford, are you all right?"

Arty waved a hand to get the man's attention, concern etched on his face, seeing how he was staring blankly into nothingness.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that I didn't receive any kind of explanation when I arrived here."

Clifford's smile immediately appeared, a usual reaction he had mastered whenever someone sees him spacing out. Good thing he got the gist of it during the entire time, so even though he was half listening, he was able to say properly.

But his reply caught the attention of the others, and one of them was the youngster Jack, who'd been eavesdropping. Eager and excited to get an answer on the invitation to team up.

"Weren't you summoned in the castle like we did?"

The armor clad lad frowned, brows furrowing as his lips straightened into a line. His demeanor changing from the lively, joyful and excited one into a serious and confused look.

Even the others who were there were quick to take notice of that. All of them turning silent, their ears stuck to the conversation, though their gaze remained indifferent.

This did not escape Clifford's senses, yet with his years of experience with such reactions, he was able to maintain his smile.

"No, I actually woke up in the middle of the forest, hence the reason I got chased by those giant wolves."

He states, scratching his head as he let out an exasperated laugh to add up to his dumb act.

Upon hearing this, Arty's face fell, his eyes turning watery, aware of the cause behind the man's bad luck. Shattered by this truth, guilt started crawling inside of him, causing the relief he had a while ago to fade.

"That can mainly be my fault."

He was quick to admit, wishing to remove the weight from his chest. Lips pursing, he ended up lowering his head in shame, aware he had something to do with what had happened to the man.

It was only then that several questions struck Jack. How come they knew each other if they were in that world? Also, why didn't they see him in the summoning ceremony, along with the others?

"What do you mean? Why is it your fault?"

He couldn't help himself from asking as confusion began sinking in, his gaze shifting at the two. Both were throwing these weird, meaningful stares at each other, as if communicating in their own language.

Arty took in a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and courage. He didn't want to be seen as a bad person by the others, but he also could not shrug off the reality of his mistake and actions.

After a long sigh, he puts on a serious and brave face, straightening up in order to not show any signs of weakness. Yet, the humiliation and guilt were too much for him to bear. He ended up looking down again. Head lowering down in a shamed manner.

He swallowed hard, feeling the lump in his throat, along with the immense heaviness and ache inside his chest, knowing that after this, they will consider him a burden.

"It's because I asked for help during the time I was getting transported."

He murmurs, his voice almost unheard.

Because of this, Jack ended up frowning even more, his thick brows nearly meeting in the middle. As his forehead creased in such a manner, it made his attractive face wrinkle up.

"What's that got to do with it? I mean, some of us did the same thing."

He blurts out, hands flailing in the air in utter frustration because of his friend's self loathing.

Though they'd only been together for a few days now, he'd already been used to the guy blaming himself and apologizing for almost everything. It did not sit with him at all, especially seeing how the others always looked down upon him cause of it.

Arty once again exhaled in a low, pained manner. Unable to raise his head from the heaviness inside his heart. Hands clenching, he took in a deep breath, taking in all the strength he can muster before letting it all out.

"It's because mister Clifford came to my rescue, and that's why he got sucked up into this place."

He says aloud, using the anxiety and regret as medium to gain the courage to admit it. That silenced his friend, gaping in shock at the confession, not knowing what exactly to say to make up for that.

Memories of the entire scenario replayed inside his mind, as if it had only happened yesterday, remembering how the man grab hold of him no matter what, though they were being sucked into that frightening portal.

He hated himself back then, being thankful that he was not alone while getting taken by that unknown swirling thing. And the worst part was he became complacent when he woke up inside the castle, even without the man along with him.

There he was, safe and sound within the confines of the kingdom, while the person who tried to save him ended up in some godforsaken forest. And he didn't bother to consider about that possibility, as he had only thought the guy had returned to their world.

These were the things which caused the weight in both his mind and soul because of that inconceivable remorse. Especially after finding out what had happened afterwards.

A deafening silence took over them until Arty clench his fist in sheer rage and disgrace. Uncontrolled tears started coming out of him because of those mixed emotions.

Clifford finally stepped in. Aware of what the lad was going to do, he immediately grab his wrist the moment it moved, catching it before the teen could even hit himself.

With a hand on the boy's shoulder, he gave him a good tap, letting out a warm smile the minute he looked at him. He followed this with a playful laugh, before forcing him to put down his fist.

"Hey, I said it's okay. It was my decision, so don't beat yourself over it."

He says, his tone not showing any ounce of regret, anger, or blame. As it should be, considering what had happened to them is the equivalent of an accident.

Of course, not everyone would think of that, seeing as the entire phenomena included that wormhole. Also, he believed this kind of burden shouldn't linger on anyone's mind, knowing the repercussion it can bring to someone.

Thankfully, it lightened up the mood. Both youngsters ended up with a smile on their face, relieved from knowing he had no ill will.

"But it's just odd that you actually saw Ary."

Jack starts off, hands on his chin as he went into a deep thought. Once again, they end up quiet, as the other teen also frowned while considering this.

"How so?"

Clifford asks.

Intrigued, taking over him, noticing the youngsters' confusion and disbelief. It ticks something in his brain, nitpicking at the idea of an additional information which might have eluded him. Not that he had any, given they got separated and had a difference in experience.

The two youths looked at each other, wincing from the fact they did not know how they were going to relay the topic.

In the end, it was Jack who stepped up, clearing his throat to fix his tone and make sure he did not sound too foreboding.

"Well, some of us were in an area where there were lots of people. And the minute the summoning circle appeared, we turned invisible to everyone else. So it's weird that you saw Arty."

He says, recollecting his own experience. He was certain that during the time he tried yelling for help. But even in the middle of a crowded place, his voice remained unheard, and he seemed unseen, as nobody notice he was floating in the air.

And after exchanging stories with the others, he had the same notion that they all had the same experience.

"I don't exactly understand what happened either, but maybe someone else might explain it. So better to set that aside for now. I'd really like to know more about this leveling thing, and how to do it?"

With all the mystery and questions piling up one after another, Clifford decides not to continue. He'd rather focus on the problem he can handle at the moment.

"Ah, yes! Of course you would!"

Upon hearing that, Arty's demeanor shifted in an instant, going back to being lively and joyful. Once again, returning to the confident and active movements. Head now raised to look them in the eye, all the while jumping around in glee.

"Well, if you're familiar with those multiplayer role-playing games, it's basically the same. First off, you'll need to defeat monsters, giving you a point, and so on."

Jack ended up explaining in the end, hearing how his friend got excited that his words became jumbled and inaudible.

"So that's how it is for you."

Was all Clifford could say, unable to hide his smile seeing the energy and cheer return to the two. A sudden notion came to mind, as it had been so long since he'd seen youngsters become so passionate. It seems the change of scenery and scenario in their life wasn't that bad.

Of course, he was certain that deep down it had some kind of effect, but he'd rather not look into it now.

"I don't understand it myself, but it's really neat. It increases your skills, magic, and stats, which affect your body."

Arty did a quick show of how he can throw several punches in succession. Proudly showing off what he could do with his newfound abilities.

"Does everyone in this world the same?"

This was the question that arises from that. As he became wary of the others there, seeing those odd and condescending gazes.

"Well, not really. This seems to be unique to a few individuals, and summoned people. Also, we're the only ones who have passive abilities."

Jack points out, lifting one finger as he explains.

Arty follows, who jumps right beside his friend, his eyes glimmering while looking at Clifford.

"I think what makes us special is our so-called blessings. Only those who came from the otherworld have this. It allows faster leveling up than normal."

He says.

"Wow, so we basically have an edge."

Though Clifford's gaze remained at the two youths, his attention focused on the soldiers, who continued whispering at the sides.

He can't help but become wary of them. He understood that even in another world, people can be quite dangerous when faced with the unknown.

"Yeah, not to mention we get the support from the kingdom, gifting us with legendary weapons once choose a class."

Arty once again displays the staff he was holding for the man to see, happily showing how it glowed with magic.

"Oh, that's very helpful."

Was all Clifford could matter, only adding to his worries, now understanding why some individuals there had this inkling of jealousy in their stares.

"I know, right!"

Jack second the notion, unsheathing the sword that he received, as he, too, wanted to show the beauty and sharpness of the blade he received as a gift from the people there.

"Did they explain the reason you got summoned here?"

Clifford's lips twitch while keeping his smile in place, feeling uncomfortable from all the hostility being thrown at them. And yet the two seemed oblivious to it, too enthralled by the fact they were a special class there to take notice.

But before the youths could even answer him, a loud roared cut their conversation, as they heard the screams of women and children, along with the sudden chaos in the caravan as people started running, scattering together with their animals.

He ended up gaping, eyes widening in surprise upon getting a glimpse of the reason for it all. He was so shock that he wasn't able to stop the two teens when they rush to go to the scene without a second thought, leaving him there to gape.