
Defense Against The Supernatural

Lorian, unemployed and in desperate need of cash went job hunting. But due to his late father's debt to the Four Finger mafia, nobody was willing to employ him. At his lowest point in life, a weird old man named Pablo, came carrying a Taro leaf under the rain. He brought a devil's contract, offering Lorian payment of his debt in exchange for his service. Without thoroughly thinking, he accepted the offer with haste. He was employed in the SDD or Supernatural Defense Department. They dispose of or seal any supernatural beings that disturb or harm citizens. Be it ghouls, vampires, witches, or anything that disturb the peace of humanity, they will vanquish those troublemakers. Lorian's world will start to turn upside down when something he has long hidden resurfaces once again as he ventures into the supernatural world.

Key_To · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Something Romantic or Just Affection

Lorian and Julio arrived outside SDD's base. It was already night when they reached the rundown hospital. The place was quiet, and there wasn't a person in sight.

'Are we too early?' Lorian thought.

They entered the SDD. Ann stood in front and welcomed them when they opened the door.

"Sir Pablo is waiting for you," Ann said as she led them to the office.

Pablo sat on his chair, looking at the monitor and watching the news online. Knocks on the were heard. Pablo permitted them to enter the office. Ann, Lorian, and Julio went inside.

"Good evening, sir. Lorian and Julio are here," she informed Pablo before going back to her desk.

"Come, have a seat," Pablo instructed.

He looked at the two and nodded to Julio. "How was the experience young man?" he asked.

"Thank- Thank you, sir. I gained a lot of experience today," Julio replied.

"That's good then. Tell me the details of the exorcism," Pablo instructed with interest in his eyes.

Julio described their task to Pablo. How they traveled on a motorcycle. Managed to reach their quota of 15 people. Or how Lorian helped him when he was in a pinch, which made Lorian scratch his head awkwardly.

"Thanks to Lorian's help I was able to perform my exorcism smoothly," Julio said.

"Hmm, I see. Thank you for your service, Julio. Please send my regards to your teacher," Pablo thanked Julio.

Julio stood and bowed his head. He also bowed to Lorian before leaving the office. Lorian was about to excuse himself, however, Pablo stopped him.

"Stay on your seat, Lorian," Pablo said, as he lit up his cigar.

Lorian gulped as he complied, sitting back in the seat. "What is it, sir?"

"Our specialized construction team finished adding the additional room. The gym equipment also arrived this afternoon. Tomorrow, all of you can enter there and train yourself. I hope you do your best and improve." Pablo informed Lorian which made him dumbfounded.

'That was faster than I expected," Lorian thought.

"15 exorcisms, would be 15,000 Fiar. I'll be deducting 7,440 Fiar from your account. You'll be left with 7,560 Fiar." Pablo added.

"Eh, 7,440? Isn't it supposed to be more than that? Did sir get a discount?" Lorian asked curiously.

Pablo shook his head in response. "Thank Rain. When she heard it from Sao she volunteered to split the bill between the three of you. If you meet her, don't forget to say your thanks."

"Yes- Yes sir Pablo. I'll be going now. Thank you very much, sir," Lorian became nervous, as he quickly excused himself from the office.

'So they got here first. Also, Rain is such a nice person,' Lorian thought as he blushed.

He grabbed his chest, wondering why he was suddenly acting strange. Lorian went to his room and undressed in the bathroom. He deeply sighed as he soaked himself in the shower.

"What's gotten into me? It's just a crush, don't think of anything weird. Chill, chill, you can say a simple thank you," Lorian whispered to himself, trying to calm his emotions.

When he finally felt at peace, he went out of the bathroom. Lorian wore his pajamas and headed to the kitchen. He discovered that milk helps you sleep fast, and was aiming to try it out.

As he opened the kitchen door, he was greeted by Rain. Coincidentally, she was going out of the kitchen when Lorian arrived and opened the door.

"Hi Lorian, welcome back," she greeted.

"Uh, oh, Hi- Hi Rain. Tha-Thank, thank you very much for helping out with the gym equipment!" Lorian bowed his head as he aggressively thanked Rain.

Rain was taken aback by Lorian's raised voice. "Wow, quite energetic are we? You're welcome Lorian. It's only right that I will pay my share because I'll be also using it. So I should thank you instead for suggesting it," Rain bowed back to Lorian.

"Yes, no problem. Hehe. I'll just get some milk. Good night, Rain," Lorian grinned as he escaped towards the refrigerator blushing.

Rain smiled, she left the kitchen and went back into her room. Meanwhile, Lorian was drowning himself, as he poured the milk into his mouth. He coughed so hard that he choked and the milk leaked out of his nose.

'Ambush! I was ambushed. Hoooooo, my heart, my heart. I thought I'm going to die.' Lorian sighed, wiping the milk that was dripping down his nose.

When he felt that he calmed down. He once again gulped down a whole box of fresh milk. Lorian came back to his room, yawning.

However, when he lay on his bed, Rain's face appeared in his thoughts. Her smooth brown skin was glimmering, and her eyes were captivating, sucking his whole soul out of his body. Yet, he would willingly offer himself and become an empty shell if she did so.

Lorian wanted to feel her hair, feel how smooth it was. Smell her true scent, without any perfume or fabcon. He wanted to hold her hand. And that would be the best day of his life.

When was the time that he felt this way? Lorian couldn't remember. He was so busy worrying about his family that he forgot what romance is.

Lorian only saw the opposite sex before as an acquaintance, somebody that you would know because of certain circumstances. However, they were only temporary. When years pass you'll start to forget their names, or even how they looked.

This was the first time he felt this. Uncertain what was this feeling called. Is this something romantic or just affection, Lorian was clueless.

"Kraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Kraaaaaaaaaa!"

The sound of a beaten chicken rang inside his room. Lorian furrowed his brows. He couldn't get used to this alarm they have here.

Lorian blinked his eyes. Dark circles surrounded his poor eyes as he yawned with tears falling. He couldn't sleep well that night. His thoughts keep on waking him up.

'Maybe I overdosed myself with milk that it backfired,' he thought.

Now that it was morning, the loud sound of the annoying alarm miraculously soothed Lorian's mind. It deafened his brain from all the thoughts and this eased his tired mind. The thing that always annoyed him became his lullaby.

He lay on his bed, snoring loudly. While everyone woke up from their beds and drank their coffee, someone on their bed slept for the whole morning.