
Defense Against The Supernatural

Lorian, unemployed and in desperate need of cash went job hunting. But due to his late father's debt to the Four Finger mafia, nobody was willing to employ him. At his lowest point in life, a weird old man named Pablo, came carrying a Taro leaf under the rain. He brought a devil's contract, offering Lorian payment of his debt in exchange for his service. Without thoroughly thinking, he accepted the offer with haste. He was employed in the SDD or Supernatural Defense Department. They dispose of or seal any supernatural beings that disturb or harm citizens. Be it ghouls, vampires, witches, or anything that disturb the peace of humanity, they will vanquish those troublemakers. Lorian's world will start to turn upside down when something he has long hidden resurfaces once again as he ventures into the supernatural world.

Key_To · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Human Devil

The room was filled with smoke, and the smell of tobacco permeated through it. Pablo sat on his table, beside him were Lorian and Sao with their heads lowered like tamed dogs. He kept on puffing smoke, patiently waiting for them to say a word.

Due to the heavy atmosphere, both of them were sweating rivers. The room's gravity seems like it was pulling them to the ground, that their knees involuntarily stiffened. Their breathing became tedious, their eyes started blurring and they could feel the world spinning.

Unable to handle the stress, Lorian gritted his teeth and stood up. "It was me, I killed Pricilla Dela Cerna's husband Anton Dela Cerna," he reported.

Pablo still ignored him, as he continued to smoke his cigar.

"I killed him because he killed a boy called Joey, who he and his wife molested. He is less than a human. He is a monster." Lorian added.

Sao wanted to help his partner Lorian, by at least acting as a witness. But he couldn't muster his strength at the moment, using his skill wore him up so badly that it took half a day to return to SDD. Their travels were full of stops and rest.

Pablo pressed his cigar on the astray, putting off its lighted part. "You do know that you killed a man, right?" Pablo asked.

"Ye-yes," Loring answered while lowering his head.

"Our duty is to dispose or seal supernatural beings that harm humans. We do not have the authority to hurt humans unless they ally with the supernatural themselves and hurt civilian lives. Although he killed and did unspeakable deeds toward that boy, we don't have the authority to enforce punishment. That's why we have the police." Pablo explained patiently.

Lorian shuddered when he heard what Pablo said. He tried to reason out but decided not to. "I'm sorry, sir. I was blinded by rage. I deserved to be punished." Lorian apologized, bowing in 180 degrees.

"Stand straight will you," Pablo commanded, to which Lorian complied. "You both successfully finished the mission and each of you will receive 10 thousand Fiar of incentive inside your debit cards. Lorian, your incentive will be deducted, and will be locked inside the Human Devil's room as a punishment. Don't worry he will not kill you."

"Yes sir, thank you." Lorian accepted the punishment.

Ann appeared by his side and led him to the containment room. Although Lorian already went inside there before, he only saw Sadako, not the other one. But although he still felt nervous, he wasn't scared anymore. There's no horror or dread that he could feel after the baptism of his first mission.

Back again the containment room, it was still the same bright room. This time, they went to the second room. Its door was made of reinforced glass and everything was fully transparent. Inside the room was tidy unlike Sadako's room, it was the same room as theirs. A bed, a bathroom, and a closet, but the difference were this one had a PC and its kitchen.

A long-haired man sat on his gaming chair, his thick black hair covering his facial features. He was playing a MOBA game, fully immersed in it not noticing the two arriving. Ann knocked on the door before opening it and Lorian followed behind.

Sitting down on a chair, they both waited until the man finished playing. While waiting, Lorian took a look at the man. The man looked like a regular human, he don't have any features that you can associate with other supernatural beings. An hour of waiting later, the game ended with a loss and the man calmly stretched his body and arms before smashing it down on his keyboard.

"Fucking trash teammates. You saw that tower is defenseless but you decided to farm instead. Me? You're blaming me? What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you mental? My mom? Fuck you man, try hitting your head in the wall, it might fix your dumbass!" the man cursed throwing his headphone down.

"Please refrain from destroying any more stuff, Virgil," Ann said.

"Woah, chill Ann look it's fine. You've bought me expensive stuff this time and they are pretty solid. Look, it is still working and I have been smashing this yesterday for like a hundred." the man called Virgil explained.

He turned around, with his arms raised innocently. But his eyes looked sinister and malevolent, his eyes were jet black like it was the void itself. Virgil had a young and defined face that was tempting to all ages.

"I suggest you stop playing that game. You're very bad at it." Ann advised.

"Hmmp, nonsense. What are you doing here? Just tell me and go away. I don't want to hear anything from a noob like you," he said.

"I'm leaving this guy to you, his name is Lorian and he is in detention. And sir told me you are not allowed to kill him." Ann explained. "Also, 1v1 at five. Let's see who's the noob."

"Ha! Your on! I'll break your will to live just you wait." Virgil replied confidently.

But Ann ignored him and went outside. Virgil on the other hand was pumped. He once again played and immersed himself in the game. Meanwhile, Lorian sat there unmoving, that he looked like a statue.

Virgil played on and on, not noticing or greeting Lorian. When he wins a game he was silent and collected but every time he losses he would rant the living hell out of his teammates, trash-talking them like crazy. After nonstop playing for hours, 5 pm arrived and Ann sent Virgil a challenge.

"Now I'm fully warmed up. Let me see you cry you bitch!" Virgil laughed menacingly on his headphones microphone.

Ann didn't respond to Virgil's words and this made him feel ecstatic. Virgil was full of smiles as he kept on earning gold and pushing more towers than Ann. He was successful in killing her 3 times, while Ann only killed him one time.

However, as time passed the smile on Virgil's face slowly turned to a frown. First, he dodged and ran away from Ann, but the second time Ann caught him in a combo and killed him. The death didn't affect him whatsoever and focused more on his gameplay.

But Ann just kept on getting better and harder to beat. Virgil tried to fight back, his hands sweating while he was gritting his teeth. When he tried hiding in Ann's blind spot waiting for her. As he jumped and attacked, Ann flipped the tables because she was baiting him all along and killing Virgil the 10th time.

Virgil couldn't believe it with his eyes as he was defeated by Ann. He thought he had a good start and that he felt the game was decided, but he was wrong. His silence was broken when Ann sent him a question mark followed by the word noob.

"Argh! Let's play again!" Virgil shouted as he challenged Ann once again. They kept on playing for 4 hours straight and Virgil never won all 10 games.

"You witch, how can you be so good?" he complained.

Ann didn't reply to Virgil's constant cursing. She only listened to his barrage of words, smirked, and typed; 'Skill Issue'. Ann turned off the game, leaving the fuming Virgil on his own.