
Defenders wandering in Teyvat

(An organization known as Defenders stumble'd upon a gate. High officials hold off sending a battalion of soldiers through the gate as the war against the abyss on the frontline rage's on. Corporal Jeremy, was selected from The 32nd Great Archer regiment. A regiment that consists of 2500 Great Archers. His tasked with scouting what's beyond the gate and if needed, will be sealed off. As he set's foot through the gate, He became the first defender to set foot in Teyvat.) --------------------------------------------------------------- (Authors Note: This is my first work hope you enjoy or don't. I usually like making stories, though It's hard for me to execute it. I hope you don't mind my English grammar, It isn't bad but It's usually me forgetting to type the word so some sentences is needed for me to be double checked. And also some of this are TABS units I made but I realize I put too much lore into now I have to make this story, and also I was bored.)

Plutoisplanet · Others
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Chapter 6: Big Baddie


I was currently walking beside him. Just seeing her... him? nvm picking fruits happily from the tree's like we weren't just fighting moments ago.

"I just wanna say that, we were just having a fight moments ago and you're already back to your Cheerful and hyperactive state." He says to the Magei

"That's because I can change whenever I am happy or serious. Some magei's can completely control their emotions, and I'm one of them. It's useful for times when things are gonna get serious." She replies to him

"That's.. Kind of depressing, you can't let out a real emotion. Without actually making yourself cry intentionally." He says feeling a little pity for his partner.

"You can find it depressing. But I find it a lot of the time useful and amusing! One magei I met tried to scam me, I didn't even know he was lying too! I was just making a stoic face that didn't change the whole conversation. I believed him too! But me not changing my face the entire time made him think I didn't fall for his bullshit." She says very proudly, this immediately makes him retract all pity he felt for her

"He left saying 'I'll just get going.. just cal- actually don't call me back I can get this finished myself.' He said nervously and then left in a hurry." She says in a humorous tone and actually makes Jeremy snort at the man's failure.

"yeah hah-" she stops mid-sentence as she retracts the cheerful aura surrounding him to change into a serious one "You feel that?" she says in a pretty serious tone. "Feel what? The incoming rain?" He says looking at the dark clouds "No not that. The feeling of your instincts screaming at you, as you fight a stronger opponent... Or rather a monster." She replies to him. "The only time I felt this dread was battling an Emperor-Rank Magei. Which is just 1 rank higher than me yet it still shows quite the difference in strength of a King and an Emperor." She states "You got pretty philosophical there." He replies to her statement

"Alright shut up now. I can sense it coming." She says In a serious tone. Hearing this Jeremy Pulls out his bow. "Is it not far here?" He questions her. "Yeah. I can sense it going for that city." She said, "This is gonna get bad." He is a little worried for the people in the city.

They both tried to think of their next course of action, but before they could even do so. The dragon flew out from a mountain. Flying at high speeds before swiftly overlooking the city and letting out mighty roars. After doing so the dragon created tornadoes in the city. While the dragon was doing so, our 2 protagonists or something were already moving in to attack it.

"My arrows won't reach the dragon. His too high." He says. "Don't worry I got a good Idea on how you'll hit it." She says probably smiling under the hood. She starts bear hugging him from behind. "Wait what are doing?" He asks, a little nervous. "Noo... Don't yo-" Before he could even finish what he was saying he let out an incoherent scream.

Screaming like a little girl as he flies through the sky. He finally calms down, noticing he is still fine. He touches every part of his body especially his balls feeling relieved both his golden jewels were fine. "So are you done screaming now?" She asks him. "...Awkward situations that I'd rather stay quiet in. But now's not the time. So Is that the dragon especially seeing how big the thing is." He replies with a slight embarrassment in his tone. "That is the dragon, though it looks quite different from our own. Also looks like this one uses wind magic." She says narrowing her eyes to get a better look at the detail of the dragon.

"Soo... now what?" He asks her. "Well.. You shoot it with arrows." She says while he looks at her dead in her glowing golden eyes. "This is stupid as fuck. Let's do it." He said feeling adventurous

Flying a little closer, He sees his close enough to hit it. "I want to clarify. As I find it hard to pull back the iron wire of the bow while being bear hugged." He said to her. "You're gonna be fine. You're with me! I can guarantee you won't fall." Immediately hearing this he just felt cold. 'Well fuck it I might as well die in style.' He thought


Jeremy's POV

(Been typing this in a 3rd Point of View)


It's so cold up here. I try to stay comfortable as much as possible. But It's impossible. "Give me some time; I need to charge up the arrow." I tell her while still tryin' to pull the metal wire on my bow. "This has to be the most Inefficient way to attack a dragon." Jeremy said to Erina. "I know. But this is the most thrilling moment you'll ever be in." She remarked.

Shrugging at her remark I finally was able to pull the metal string as far as possible. Releasing it the Metal Arrow flew at high speeds due to her Enhancing it with wind magic. Almost breaking the sound barrier, it made a mini sonic boom as it passed through the air. It hits the dragon causing the arrow to explode.

"Woah it exploded??" She said and looks at him for some answers

"I used bomb arrows. Since It was moving at high speeds I thought 'Oh wait the arrow are enhanced with wind magic to make it accelerate faster and give it better penetration'. So I used one of bomb arrows since It explodes on impact." Jeremy answered.

"How does it explode on impact?" Erina is still looking at him for some answers.

"I'll answer that later. First we need to take care of the big thing. Cuz It looks pretty angry" Jeremy said while charging up another shot.

The dragon was already charging towards them. As Erina flies at her right to avoid getting eaten. "Son of a bitch!" Erina shouted slurs towards the dragon. "Keep it steady! I can't take a shot at it." Jeremy tells her as she tries to restabilize herself.

'This is so stupid.' He thought. "This has to be the most retarded thing I have ever done." He says "Wasn't it obvious from the start?" She replies.

"Oh it was. I just agreed because... Like why not?"

"Looks like we make a good pair to do stupid shit like this!" She says humorously once again.

'This is getting tiring actually... My muscles are sore. My fucking ears feels like It's about to pop.' He thought

"Hey can you drop me on the lake and you finish this."


"NO! wait. Drop me in lower altitudes. I'm not gonna like that impact from this height."

"...ok" She says and start descending... Going at 79KPH "HEYY!!!!!!! NOOOOO!"

He yelled as she drops him going at 79KPH. Hitting the water he makes.. Oh wow he hit that hard. He made quite the splash.


Erina's Pov


I whistle as I see him make quite the huge splash! He's gonna be fine. Now It's time to take care of this big bastard.

Erina flew towards the dragon at relatively high speed. She scans the dragons for potential weaknesses, while doing so she spots bluish purple clots on its back. "Hmm.. I wanna see if that's it's weakness but looking at it gives me an uneasy feeling... It looks disgusting too."

I charged towards it with spells ready to be cast. Among my hundreds of spells which of course It isn't just the blue fire. Magei's specialize In other elements as well. I can see a multitude of Identical clots in other parts of its body.

Seeing this, I started casting an appropriate spell for this. "CHAIN LIGHTNING!" Multitudes of lightning come forth from her hands, barely missing It's intended target. "Shit..." As much as I tried to target the clots on its back. I still couldn't hit it. Jeremy must have been a great shot If he was hitting the thing constantly.

The dragon finally notices her presence after her attack. 'Oh it sees meh.. It probably thought we went to escape after I dropped Jeremy Into the lake going at like.. 100kph.'

The dragon proceeds to form a spear shaped elemental wind attack that hurls towards Erina who quickly puts up a protective barrier of Mana. Hitting her mana shield It didn't pierce it but after hitting it dispersed and became a large gush of wind sending Erina 50 meters or so from her former position. After she gains her footing back and stopping herself from spinning all over the place she quickly realizes the dragon flying towards her.

It quickly became a cat and mouse chase with the dragon chasing Erina; while shooting hurls of Elemental Bombs and Spear Shape Wind Attacks. This was tiring for the dragon, as for Erina who's completely fine.

Then suddenly, It completely stopped attacking Erina. 'Hm..? Did It notice?' She thought. Looking back she sees It completely turning tail's and flying away.

"Oh come on. It was getting good!" She yells feeling a little distraught.


Jeanne's POV


(Few Minutes Before Dvalins Attack.)

I've never felt more humiliated In my life than now. The things I've done everything right my whole life. I served the people, Defended them, and did everything to fix up most of mondstadt. I did this while the taking up the role of Acting Grandmaster. I wasn't gonna sully the role of Grandmaster.

It wasn't perfect but It did get the Job done. Until Amber came with bloody nose. And explained what happened. I was quite shook that someone just mercilessly beaten down our Amber with punch after punch to the face.

But I was quite surprised the person who did this also patched up her nose up. Maybe It was out of pity or a passing Good Samaritan who also knows how to fight. Who knows!

After we were told this. Me and Other Knights came to Investigate or even capture the man and have him questioned. Scowering the forest for the man we only found a few clues after ending up on the other side of said forest.

(A/N: Instead of teyvat being Ingame size. Teyvat is Bigger and much more dangerous.)

We found a camp near the shore of the lake. Where we searched the area founding nothing of value. But It did seem the man left quite early since the campfire was still hot.

After all this we returned back with barely any clues. We know his a warrior and Archer. That's pretty much it, his mysterious.

But the next day we got a call from the guards at the gate with 2 Individuals carrying a cart of women. And the 2 Knights guarding the gate already started attacking the 2 of them without Informing us. Amber also attempted to strike down one of them with an Arrow but the man dodged it at the nick of time.

We arrived about 2 minutes later. With both Knights that was guarding the gate ;Knocked out with the other one no where to be seen.

After our arrival both of them looked at me specifically and spoke to each other. I recognized one of them to be the person Amber described. But not the other one. He.. she? never mind that. When I decided to strike first I don't know why I went for a downward strike.. Because moments later I would come to regret it, as the man side stepped broke my sword with his bare hands.

It was shocking. Not only did he break my sword. He broke the one thing given to me by the grandmaster as a parting gift before he left for the expedition.

But when I finally gained my senses I saw that white robed hooded person. Using both Rock and Wind. 'THAT PERSON IS USING 2 DIFFERENT VISIONS AT ONCE?!' As I looked at that person wide eyed and shocked. Not only is he gifted by the Wind Archon of Monstadt, But also Liyue Harbors Geo Archon!

I saw the very same man took out his bow. With this I saw him quickly and skillfully Incapacitate my knights with near perfect accuracy at the shoulder, arm, and leg. The man I didn't even know at the time before Lisa Informed me that the man aimed purposely for spots that didn't gush out blood like a waterfall. He knew anatomy well.

I will take my revenge from that asshole.. whoops. Didn't mean to say that...


Back to Jeremy's Pov


Holy shit... That lake is so cold. Anyways I'm drying my clothes now, not that I complain since I haven't bathed since I got here. The water here Is clear unlike most lakes and rivers due to Industrialization. Pretty sure a plague also happened due to that.

This is nice and peaceful. Until that Erina got back here.

"Yoo!" - "I'm back from fighting that cowardly dragon!" She said with hidden malice In her voice.

"Hm..? Cowardly? I thought dragons usually have high a sense pride and egotistic maniacs. I thought you came back from killing it." I say to her while wiping myself.

"Yeah am pissed!! I thought I could get some dragon meat and whatever this different world has to offer!" She said with frustration and anger.

"Wait. I get harvesting some dragon scales off a dragon. But the dragon's meat?" I said a little confused.

"A small explanation then! Dragon meat is very tasty! Believe me when you taste dragon meat you can never live without It no more! Dragon usually have high amount of mana to protect there special organ we call Jokingly a dragons flamethrower. That organ usually need a barrier so they don't burn to death from the hot fire It produces. But there flesh is also Highly flame resistant so when they do run out of mana they can wait for it to regenerate back without burning to death." Wow.. never have I felt more surprised with this new Information, now I want to taste dragon meat to.

"So wait. How If there meat Is Highly Flame Resistant. How do you cook it?"

"Good Question! We have a special cauldron where we hang the meat Inside like a barbeque while turning It. Then we use a giant furnace usually used to smelt ores and other metals where we make the fire so hot that the cauldron I mentioned Is specially made to withstand the heat so It doesn't start melting." She says excitedly.

"Oh wow. Do nobles and High-Ranking members get to eat it only?"

"Not really, Magei's eat It too because It's tasty and It also contains a lot of mana. So magei's might have It by there side for consuming later to regenerate there mana back. And yes to answer your question too. You can buy one If you have the money to get one." I see now.. So It's not exclusively reserved to the Upper-class of society. You just need to have the money.

"Also will you ever explain me how those arrows of yours explode?" She asks with glittering glowing eyes like a puppy. While leaning towards him face to face.

"Alright. It uses a fire piston. It has a safety cap on It too because It was made to explode even If it lands side ways. So after It lands It explodes. but It has multiple safety features such as you have to turn this." I pull out the same arrow showing her the tip of it. "You have to turn this now It's to allow it to be able to detonate."

"Whoa. It's much simpler than I thought."

"Oh It is, It can be mass produced which is why I loved it."

"So also next course of action?" She say while taking a bite at an apple.

"We need to report back to the main base. Were here as a scouting party remember okay?"

"Alrighty let's head back then!" She says while stretching her arms out.

I start getting dressed while Erina quickly went to the forest to grab fruits.

After she got back we Immediately moved out.


4 Minutes later


I guess she got tired of walking already. As she's now carrying me while flying. We both got to the portal In less than 10 minutes.

"Well that was a quick trip."

"Flight makes things easier doesn't it?" She said with a smug look. Doesn't matter if you wear a hood that completely hides your face. The smug aura still Irradiates outwards.

As the duo enters the portal there greeted with a Heavily fortified fortress than a small camp.

"What. The. Fuck." He says wide eyes and mouth.

"There fast workers. Didn't think they'll take the dragon threat that seriously."

They continue marching forward a guard notices him. "Oh It's you." The man said.

"It's me alright. Anyways get the man In charge here. We've got some news for em."

The man nods and signals the duo to follow him.

They both follow him through the fortress which looks like It wasn't actually newly built, but been there the whole time.

They enter a room where there greeted by the officer In charge.

"Corporal, Jeremy Lirio. Reporting Recon Mission!" Then he takes out note pad.

"So what have you found once again corporal?" The officer said.

"We report that there are similar creatures to goblins."

This catches the eye of the officer. "Go on.." He said with curiosity in his voice.

"There height Is about 5'6 being taller that of a goblin. They possess more muscular mass. I found one that was on fire and charged at me relentlessly. And what Erina found was that they seem to use other humanoid species to reproduce, this includes humans." I said finishing my first report.

"Wait there were different variations?!" Erina said In shock and excitement.

"yea- yeah..."

"Miss Erina please calm down. Ask him about it later his got a Job to do." The Officer ordered.

"Aw. Fine." She says pouting probably.

Jeremy makes a fake cough and continues. "So where was I? Alright."

"So the other things we found Is that the dragon attacked a fortified human town." This one really got the officers attention. "I presume there Is another civilization on the other side?"

"Yes. There is sir. I speculate that there civilization Isn't as advanced as ours yet. They did not possess any Anti-Air guns to protect themselves against the dragon."

"How big Is the dragon?"

"I think he maybe the size of our Dreadnoughts sir."

"So about 150 meters?" The officer speculated

"Yes maybe."

There was a short silence which Jeremy broke with a question. "Sir I have a question"

"Go on" The Officer said. As he leans back to relax on his chair.

"Why was a heavily fortified fortress constructed here? I know theres a dragon threat but don't we have the firepower to fight the dragons?"

"Well you see me boy. When you report about a dragon's nest being near the goddamn portal and It's another world, we need to be prepared for it. Since It's also another world we don't know how strong their dragons are. So It's better to be safe than be sorry later when It become a massacre."

They both were thinking or multiple occasions on what to do next. Since this a new world and Civilization was found on the other side then a diplomatic mission would be a good way to do a first contact.

But since a language barrier still exists they still need someone to learn there language.

The officer then had a small smirk on his face. "Have you started learning there language yet Miss E.R.I.N.A" He said In a mischievous tone.

She starts sweating like crazy. "Eh- uhm. Well I got sidetracked a lot on from my main mission hehehe."

"Well my fault for thinking you'd wont be sidetracked. Well continue on, but... just make sure you at least translate there language little by little."

"Yes sir!" She salutes.

"Well both of you are dismiss. You may leave now" The officer waves them to go out.

The duo exit the door but before they return through the portal they decide to explore the fortress.


Yo. I'm back sons of bitches!

Been busy hehehe...