
Defenders Of Time

Defenders of Time is a story about people who can travel in time and keep the time line safe from some creatures called time monsters, but what if the danger came from the defenders them selves! ,this story talks about two strong defenders facing the revolution army and restoring the balance Note: this is my first novel I hope you'll enjoy it, and don't forget to give me some advices in the comments

WorldChanger0 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Infinite Void

Sam stirred awake, his eyes groggily adjusting to the surrounding room.

"What? Was I dozing off in my chair? But that's nothing new. Why am I questioning myself? Anyway, I'm famished. It's time for breakfast—the only meal I can truly savor in my day."

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Sam began his search for something to satiate his hunger.

"Damn it! I miss my mom's dishes. She always urged me to prioritize health and engage in daily physical activity. I guess I've been a lousy kid, never adhering to any of that after she... No, I won't delve into the dramatics now. I need to stay focused on my goal—to accomplish something even my great-grandfather couldn't achieve. But who am I talking to? It feels like I'm having a conversation with someone. No matter. This stingy Catlin should at least leave something decent for me to eat. I'm not one of those defenders; I need sustenance to survive!"

"The fifth dimension."

Within the fifth dimension, there existed a place where young defenders were nurtured, trained in the arts of time manipulation, and educated about history and the adversaries they would confront. It resembled a school, specifically tailored for defenders, and it was presided over by one of the gifted individuals—Defender Nebun.

In a classroom filled with young defenders, anticipation filled the air. Suddenly, the door swung open, and in walked Nebun.

"Hello, my dear little defenders. Today, I, Manager Nebun, will be conducting a special lesson. As most of you are aware, significant events are unfolding—the kidnapping of Defender Wally and the mysterious disappearance of Defender Viole. Consequently, I have chosen to teach an important lesson on the Infinite Void. The Infinite Void is an alternate dimension, created by the brilliant scientist, Loyd Tucker. It possesses no discernible beginning or end, hence the name 'infinite.' The former 'Comun' defender, Catlin the leader of the revolutionaries, have claimed a substantial portion of the Infinite Void to establish their hideout. They enlisted the aid of Sam Tucker, Loyd Tucker's grandson, in this endeavor. However, there is another faction within the Infinite Void—a group comprising solely of humans. Their leader, Sebastian Lacomie, possesses the ability to manipulate time and is also gifted with a unique power. This is owing to Loyd Tucker's utilization of the remnants left behind by the former 'Ales' defender, Tyler. Tyler had relinquished his powers in exchange for becoming human, and Loyd Tucker utilized the time remnants within Tyler's body for his own purposes, transferring them to Lacomie. These time remnants granted Lacomie the gifted ability once possessed by defender Tyler and allowed him to live for 120 years without aging or losing his vitality. Both these groups—the revolutionaries and Lacomie's faction—pose grave dangers to us defenders and the higher entities. Any questions?"

As Nebun concluded his introduction, the classroom buzzed with curiosity, the young defenders contemplating the intricate web of alliances and enmities that enveloped their world.

Sorry for not posting this past days, I was dealing with some webtoon problems but now I can post like usual, have a nice day!

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