
Chapter 63: Losing A Dear Friend

It didn't take long before the two returned to the Academy and just like Gravin instructed, they made their way to Vice Principal Claire's office.

It was already lunch break by the time they got back so they were able to avoid suspicious gazes other than the one from Jessica.

At the moment, the two were standing in front of Claire's desk while she stared at them looking clearly upset.

Claudia had an awkward smile on her face while actively avoiding eye contact with the vice principal but Arsha stared right back at her with his usual poker face.

"Are you two aware that your class lost five students to beasts in a space of three days?" She inquired. "Why am I even asking? You saw it happen live and as someone who was involved in both occasions, Arsha, the last thing I expected from you was to go and do something like this.