
Defeat The Vampire King

In order to defeat the vampire king, Oliver must improve his skills as a knight by entering many dungeons in Rouran world. Each dungeon will give Oliver a power he can use to defeat Vladimir, the vampire king. However, there are many obstacles to defeating various monsters in the dungeon, fortunately 7 rebel vampires are willing to help Oliver defeat many monsters in the dungeon, and work together to defeat Vladimir. Will they be able to defeat Vladimir by gaining the various powers that exist in the dangerous dungeon?

HarukaYagami_22 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Clever Vampire

Goblin blood was splattered everywhere, Oliver was panting for breath as he used all his strength without leaving a shred of it. The huge goblin he killed exhausted him, his stocky and huge body was very difficult to penetrate. However, with all his strength, he was able to cut his body into two pieces and lose the battle.

"Oliver, are you all right?" asked Shiro who approached Oliver.

"Yes, much better."

In that dungeon, a lot of blood splattered, the cave that once looked very beautiful and decorated with blue crystals, now had to be stained with goblin blood.

"Let's go, it looks like it's getting dark, we should stay in this dungeon first," concluded Shiro while help Oliver was still weak.

Oliver carried the blue sword in his right hand and tried not to let go. There used to be a lot of blood on the sword, but now, it's all clean. Before leaving the place, Shiro took some of the gold that was there just in case, because they didn't have any money with them.

Shiro brought Oliver near the mouth of the dungeon, because of the blood smell that spread everywhere. They made a bonfire to prepare for the night there. They also have to re-match the direction to Arkansas so as not to get lost again.

Oliver leaned against the dungeon wall and took a deep breath, his body ached all over, his chest still ached to breathe. He used too much energy to feel very tired.

Shiro approached Oliver and saw the man's condition.

"Are you okay?" Shiro asked who was starting to get worried about his Adam.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe just too tired," Oliver concluded to Shiro.

He opened his bag and took some food that was already prepared in the bag, Shiro gave a drink to Oliver and he immediately took it and drank a lot of water because he felt his throat was very dry.

"So the one that's painted blue on the map is this sword huh?" Shiro came to a conclusion.

"Seems like that, I just checked the map I brought from home, it's not as detailed as Seijuro's. There are several colors painted on Seijuro's map, however, I don't want to go over all these colors, I just want to focus on going to Arkansas alone," said Oliver who was still leaning against the wall of the cave.

"Well, it looks like we don't have enough time to deal with big ones like the goblins just now. They all really tire me out," Shiro said to Oliver.

"I feel really tired too," said Oliver who felt weak all over his body.

"Just rest, I'll be on guard tonight. You used all your strength, and it's not good for you," Shiro said.

"What do you mean?" asked Oliver, clearly not understanding what he meant.

"Humans have a limit of strength, and having my power in your hands, makes your limit beyond that of an ordinary human. Maybe you will feel tightness in your chest after using all my strength with my strength, it doesn't matter, everything will be fine," explained Shiro who in the middle of explaining the subject of excess power to Oliver.

He didn't want Oliver to use his power wrong and fatal to himself, Oliver who understood this began to try to be careful not to drain all his strength. It's just that it's hard to breathe.

Shiro, who saw Oliver's condition, was even more worried, because he was still too young, but he had to carry out a fairly heavy task. Saving Rouran's world and its safety would definitely be impossible for him.

Oliver immediately rested beside Shiro and closed his eyes because he was so tired. Shiro who saw Oliver tired couldn't help but smile a little.

"This child, his spirits are so high, even though he is only 17 years old. Why is his destiny so heavy?" Shiro muttered slowly.

Three days ago, they left the city of Halphas and headed to the city of Arkansas to find a blue sword that has great power and the sword is located in a dungeon in the city of Arkansas.

Oliver, who is a 17-year-old man, has to do a pretty tough task, which is to kill the vampire king in order to save the world of Rouran. Fortunately, he meets Shiro who is a traitor to the vampire king, and is believed to be helping Oliver to kill Vladimir, the vampire king.

He left Halpas because his city had begun to be colonized by wild vampires and he had to enter several dungeons so that Oliver could become a great knight and save his world.

"Oliver, you did your best. I'll help you!" said Shiro who whispered softly in Oliver's ear.

Shiro changed his form into a white cat, and went back into the dungeon. He hoped, there was something he would get in the dungeon, besides the blue strong sword that Oliver had pulled out earlier.

"Why do things with this kind of power only exist in dungeons?" Shiro muttered while looking around.

Until he found a door that was big enough. Shiro slightly opened the door until his head managed to enter the room.

He saw a treasure box that was brown and quite large. Shiro nodded his head as if he already knew his target after Oliver managed to recover his strength.

Shiro returned to where Oliver was, and still saw Oliver sleeping. The man smiled slightly and turned back to his half-human form.

The creature opens Oliver's map, where there are tons of dungeons marked and they must go.

"In order to gain the power to defeat Vladimir, the task of such a small man is quite heavy and unreasonable." Shiro chuckled in annoyance and looked at Oliver. "I applaud you for wanting to learn from experience," Shiro continued.


Shiro's sharp ears heard everything, he immediately woke up from his sleep and changed his form into a cat. He left Oliver. Actually he didn't have the heart, however, he would be back soon.

Shiro searched around the cave because his voice came from outside. He was very worried about his surroundings, until he heard a strange sound approaching him. This is the sound of flapping wings, the animal instinct says to immediately catch the flying animal.

When it was almost close, Shiro jumped and bit the creature that was approaching him.



The animal screamed, until both of them turned into a vampire with a human form.

Shiro, who recognized the bat's figure, immediately glared at him.

"What are you doing here, smart vampire?" Shiro asked the man with jet black hair.

"Tsk! You always treat me like prey, you lazy bastard!" teased the man while rubbing his arm which had been injured by Shiro's very hard bite.

"Come with me, we have to go." Shiro grabbed the man's hand and immediately left the forest. Shiro is worried about Oliver who he lives alone in Goa. He was afraid that a creature would attack him, he must have needed a long sleep to restore his drained energy.

The shrewd widened his eyes when he was invited to meet someone Shiro's Adam.

"This is your man?" the man asked.

"Yes, he is the son of the two heroes who were fighting with us at that time," Shiro explained.

"Really! How did you find him? Tell me!" The man was so excited to hear the story.

Shiro explained everything, although their speech was quite loud, it seemed Oliver was really tired and fast asleep.

"You've got your powers again?" asked the Clever One.

"Not yet, I'm still trying to awaken my power." Shiro lowered his head while slightly sad.

"It's okay, maybe not. You have to be patient," said Clever to Shiro.

"Yes. I'm trying to slow down." Shiro saw Oliver's tired face.

They also talked about the world chaos that had occurred in Rouran. After all, this world has gotten more and more chaotic since Vladimir who came back and tried to rule the world.

"You know, I've met the others. They've had their own Adam." The Clever Vampire began to talk about his restlessness.

"Really? And then?"

"Looks like it will be quite a fierce competition for all of us, they have faith in their respective adams. We also don't know who can awaken your power, right?" asked the Clever Vampire.

"Yes. That's why I'm wandering around looking for you guys, because I need your opinion too. I think you'll get along well with Oliver, and I think he can control us too."