

"The countdown has begun. The most anticipated game will be released in less than half an hour. What are your thoughts on this? According to the survey, as many as thirty million people have purchased Arcanum Solutions' gaming pods. We can see that this game is already a huge success even before it is released." The news anchor turned to look at one of the Panelists.

Meanwhile, Ethan sagged on the couch, his gaze fixed on the television.

His gaze was drawn to the clock, which showed that it was 8:30 p.m. The game will go live at 9 a.m.

"Ethan, dinner is ready." Alicia's voice came from the kitchen.

Ethan stretched his body and stood up and strode towards the dining table.

It's been a week since Alicia took over as housekeeper and settled in. Aside from housekeeping, she also prepares breakfast and dinner for both of them every day.

Within a week, he increased the intensity of his body training, and the results were visible. He lost nearly five kgs of weight and his body began to look fit.

Aside from attending university, he spent some of his time at the shooting range, where he became quite proficient in handling firearms. One day, a national coach happened to visit the range and was so impressed by his shooting that he pestered him to pursue it as a career.

But he politely declined; his main goal in going to the shooting range was to increase his body's adaptability to the weapons, and he got back into the zone as he focused on shooting.

His main goal, however, was to explore the game. He had a strong suspicion that the game had something to do with Ebeisia.

And his arrival into this world is not simple as it seems.

He sat in the chair, and a flavorful smell reached his nose, drawing his attention to the steaming hot food on the table.

His brows arched, and he looked up to see Alicia, who was dressed in a white floral skirt, tucking her hair behind her ears and wiping her face with a towel.

His life became much easier after she moved into this house because he no longer had to worry about the food he had to prepare and she didn't interfere with his lifestyle

Sometimes, he felt that his decision was quite good.

She quickly arrived, sat opposite him, and began serving food.

As soon as the food was served, Ethan started gobbling, and from time to time, he stared at the clock.

Alica was amused by his behavior and couldn't help but ask.

"What's the rush?"

Ethan gulped, set the spoon down on the table, and looked at Alicia.

"The Game is going online by nine."

Alicia looked puzzled for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Her life was hectic. She was very busy with university and studies after she finished the work in this house.

But she had a great time. Ethan was paying her a good wage, and she didn't have to worry about housing or rent. He even gave her a two-month advance salary, which helped her a lot, and she sent a portion to her struggling mother.

She was initially concerned about moving into this house because she would be living alone with him. She gritted her teeth, however, and moved in here. But she was surprised to see that Ethan left her alone and didn't interfere with her life.

This made an impression on her as well, and she realized that Ethan was very disciplined and very busy in his own life.

She did notice, however, that he was very interested in the game. Whenever there was any news about the game, he was the first to pay attention.

Even though she was preoccupied with her daily activities, she knew that a game that would change the world was about to be released. Arcanum solutions caused quite a stir in the market, and nearly everyone in this world was aware of the game.

But she wasn't interested in the games because she only had one goal in life: to get a good job and a good salary so she could help her mother.

She looked down and began eating the food, but Ethan's next words startled her.

"You know, you could also play the game. I heard that it would be quite interesting and you can make a lot of money in it."

Her hands stopped, and she looked up to see Ethan, who was also staring at her.


"There are many ways, and there was also a report that many large industries have also prepared significant sums of money to invest in games. Perhaps you could get in contact with them."

After spending a week with her, Ethan discovered that her family's financial situation is not good, and she is only doing this housekeeping work to cover her expenses and to help her mother in some way.

Her mind went blank for a moment before she hesitated and looked down.

"I... I don't have enough money to buy the pod."

She really didn't have enough money. She has sent most of her salary to her mother and she also heard that the game could only be played in the pod, developed by the company, and it was quite expensive.

"Don't worry, I'll buy it for you. You could repay me when you make some money from the game."

Her heart skipped a beat, and she looked up to see that Ethan had finished his meal, stood up, and began walking towards the kitchen.

She knew it wasn't a big deal for him to buy her a pod. But he had already helped her a lot, and even now, he didn't bat an eye to spend some money for her, and she knew he didn't have any ulterior motive behind his words. He was genuinely concerned about her well-being.

Her hands trembled a little. She bit her lips with her teeth, looked down, and quietly ate the food.

Meanwhile, Ethan's thoughts were completely preoccupied with the game's upcoming release. He looked at the clock and saw that there were only ten minutes until nine.

He gave Alicia a quick glance to see that she was eating quietly. He shook his head slightly and dashed up to his room, entering and closing the door.

His heart was beating in anticipation as he looked at the pod, which was placed beside his bed.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to relax before approaching the pod and turning it on.

He laid down calmly on the pod and checked the time, seeing that it was only five minutes to nine.

His fists clenched for a moment, before he put on the headgear, which covered half of his face.

His lips pursed as he noticed a timer entering his field of vision.







Ethan's heart thumped wildly as he watched the timer tick down to zero.


His mind went blank and darkness engulfed him before he found himself standing in a dark space with a female, ethereal voice reaching his ears.

"Welcome to the World of Ebeisia"