

Did you ever imagine that something like this would happen?

Did you search well to realize it?

Don't be fooled, you know it's not true

Shh ..... silence just close your eyes this won't hurt at all.

Annaisha Saito a high school student who is transferred to another school which according to her teachers would be much better thanks to the qualifications she has. After this he enters the Hisao Academy of which he had never heard of her, when he arrives at the place he notices something about which seems quite particular to him and that is that, instead of being a normal building like any school, this looked like a hospital, but I don't care about it. When introducing himself to the teacher, he takes him to the classroom where, when introducing him to the students, the teacher adds some rather strange words: Our only rule here is that you are not allowed to go up to the 13th floor.

Do you know that there is another type of internet apart from the one you know?