
Deep Sea Vestiges

The world has become strange and bizarre due to an unknown catastrophe, where most of the land has been submerged by seawater and the remaining parts of humanity can only survive on islands. For unknown reasons, something abnormal has contaminated the entire world, and strange objects or phenomena always appear inexplicably. Humans have vigorously developed steam-powered technology to connect islands with ships, study abnormalities, and survive in this abnormal world.

DaoistFweqX4 · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

The Sacrifice

The scale of the sewer system was immense, far exceeding what Duncan considered necessary for mere "urban drainage." The rune-etched gas lamps and reinforced structures scattered throughout, which could serve as shelters, only fueled his speculation about the purpose of this underground facility.

Regardless of the builder's original intentions, one thing was clear: Deep within this massive structure, far from the world above, this dark and cold place had become a breeding ground for some malevolent force.

A cult that ostensibly worshiped the sun, yet only inspired chills.

At the confluence of several sewer corridors was a vast underground space, supported by solid concrete pillars and a domed ceiling of bricks and stones. A web-like network of cast-iron pipes crisscrossed near the ceiling, illuminated by bright gas lamps. The light also revealed the congregation gathered at this junction.

At least hundreds of black-robed individuals were assembled in this dank, grimy space. In their midst stood a raised platform, where an equally black-robed figure towered above the rest – the leader.

This person on the platform didn't wear a hood like the others but donned a golden mask instead. The bizarre design resembled a flaming disc radiating endless light, its surface etched with numerous disjointed cracks.

Behind the masked figure was an odd totem – a tall wooden stake topped by a blazing fireball. The core of the fireball seemed to be some kind of metal, with many small holes from which the flames spewed forth.

When Duncan was brought to this place, this was the scene he beheld.

The black-robed individuals in the assembly noticed him too.

"We caught a runaway sacrifice on our way to the gathering!" One of the robed figures who had escorted him stepped forward, speaking respectfully to the leader on the platform. There was a hint of self-congratulation in his voice. "This sacrifice has spent too long in the darkness, and his mind is somewhat addled. May you display your power, allowing our Master's glory to descend upon this pitiful body!"

The cult leader with the golden mask turned and stared intently at the expressionless Duncan, a trace of surprise and coldness in his voice. "A runaway sacrifice?"

Duncan offered no response, merely observing the place with curiosity, including the golden mask on the cult leader's face and the burning fireball totem behind him.

To the ordinary people of this world, these symbols might be bizarre and mysterious, but Duncan instantly recognized them as imitations of the sun.

Not the "orb of light" bound by flame streams and double-ringed glyphs in today's sky but the familiar, radiant, and fiercely burning sun.

These people genuinely worshiped the sun – a sun that had seemingly "fallen" in some ancient era – as some sort of deity.

Duncan raised his head, his expression serene as he gazed upon the robed priest who looked down on him from the elevated platform. But perhaps due to the necrosis of his facial muscles, his calm appearance seemed more like a mindless numbness to the other.

The priest, donning a golden mask, locked eyes with Duncan for barely two seconds before turning away to instruct someone standing nearby: "Go check the place where the offerings are kept—be swift and return quickly."

After giving the order, the priest nodded his approval to the black-robed figures who had escorted the offerings back. "You have done well," he said with a hint of praise. "Even for such a minor contribution, you will find eternal glory when the sun shines on all things once again."

It was merely a routine compliment, yet it seemed to inspire the black-robed figures immensely. Excited, they praised the "true sun god" while pushing Duncan toward the platform. The masked priest only then addressed Duncan: "Poor, misguided soul... have you felt the bitter cold between the lightless rocks and the earth?"

Duncan had no idea what the charlatan was talking about, and so he remained silent. The priest didn't seem to care whether the "offering" before him reacted to his words. His speech was not for Duncan, but for the surrounding believers and the "sun god" in whom he had unshakable faith:

"The cold and darkness are the suffering the false sun has left in this world. Under the false sun's reign, the ocean of deep darkness ravages the earth, with only fragmented lands allowing life to cling on. Yet even on these shattered lands, people cannot escape suffering. Shadows of the past lurk below, their lightless lairs crawling with creatures that devour humans. Above, the earth is filled with hatred and strife, human souls tainted by the breath of evil gods...

"How can we endure such long-lasting suffering? How can we tolerate the twisted, absurd world brought by the false sun?

"We cannot. We long for our lord's return, for the true sun god to descend upon the earth once more, to burn bright from blood and fire, bringing order and prosperity back to mankind!"

As the masked priest's stirring words incited the crowd, Duncan could feel the atmosphere in the gathering shift. The black-robed believers grew increasingly excited, first echoing the priest's words, then transforming their agreement into fervent cries: "May the true sun god descend upon the earth once more! Burning from blood and fire! May the true sun god descend upon the earth once more! Burning from blood and fire!"

"May the true sun god descend upon the earth once more," the priest on the platform declared loudly, pointing at Duncan. "And today, our lord shall awaken further, and the blood of this lost soul shall soothe the scars left by the sun's shattering!

"Bring forth the offering!"

Several black-robed figures rushed forward, but Duncan was faster than them all. Without needing to be pushed, he climbed onto the altar himself.

This body might not be the most useful, but climbing a platform was still within its capabilities.

Upon climbing the platform, Duncan found himself face to face with the masked priest, who still maintained his stern and mysterious demeanor from giving orders moments ago. The sudden change of events, far beyond the scope of the cult leader's experience, left him momentarily bewildered. The golden mask separated him from Duncan as an eerie silence fell around the altar.

Duncan, however, seemed entirely oblivious to the shift in atmosphere. He merely felt as if he'd collected more information about this world and eagerly anticipated what other odd sights he might witness before this temporary body expired.

"So, um," Duncan rubbed his hands together with a sense of inquisitiveness. "What's next? What do we do now?"

The masked priest said nothing.

"Didn't hear me?" Duncan frowned, though his facial muscles didn't quite cooperate. "I asked, what do we do next?"

Finally, the priest snapped back to reality. Despite the barrier of the mask, confusion flashed in his eyes for a moment before he spoke in a deep, somber tone. "The shadows of darkness have indeed affected your mind, but fear not. The almighty and sacred sun will end your suffering... Bring the offering before the totem!"

Two black-robed figures immediately stepped onto the platform and led Duncan by the arms toward the totem pillar topped with a blazing orb. Duncan didn't understand this part and couldn't "cooperate" in advance. Still, he remained compliant, standing beneath the roaring fireball as the two robed figures held his arms tightly.

Despite Duncan's lack of resistance, the black-robed figures exerted tremendous force to restrain the "offering's" arms, as if fearing a sudden struggle at the last moment. Their grip was so strong that Duncan could feel the bones in his temporary body cracking under the pressure, prompting him to glance at the two robed figures in astonishment.

Then, the masked priest approached once more.

Duncan's attention was immediately drawn to the peculiar dagger the priest pulled from his robes. The dagger, twisted and gnarled like a withered finger joint, bore an obsidian-like black blade that reflected the firelight from the totem. It looked eerily extraordinary.

Silently, Duncan readied himself to sever his "soul projection," knowing this temporary body had likely gathered all the information it could.

The cult leader's prayer echoed atop the platform:

"O almighty and sacred sun god! Please accept this offering upon the altar! I present to you the heart of this sacrifice, that you may return from blood and fire!"

Duncan abruptly halted his attempt to sever the soul projection, staring at the cult leader before him as if he were a fool.