

"What fresh hell is this?" Simons's unique green speckled blue eyes were as wide as saucers as they took in the scene unfolding before her. She rubbed her eyes thoroughly double checking that she her tired mind wasn't playing cruel jokes on her and unfortunately, it wasn't. Her stomach twisted and her vision turned blurry as the steely scent of blood wafted to her small button nose that scrunched up in distaste. Her bare feet remained rooted to the ground in utter shock as she watched the crowd dissipate from the body of a young man that lay on the ground motionless with the thick red liquid pooled around his body. Her body quaked for the first time in along one with fear as she watched the Jessica, the school queen bee of the squatted beside the boy's corpse and dragged her long index finger elegantly in the scarlet fluid and lifted the finger to her red full lips. Simons's mind went hazy as her previously uncompliant body finally obeyed her mind that had been screaming at her to run. Her feet fumbled in an attempt to go back up the torch lit staircase causing her to fall backwards. She swore under her breath and closed her eyes anticipating the pain that was to come but none came. Her eyelashes fluttered open to meet a pair of blood red orbs looking down at her. She was captivated by the danger that swirled in them that seemed to invite her in deeper. His strong sturdy arms were wrapped around her slim waist as she looked at him with surprise painted on her delicate face. Simone broke out of the stranger's spell and realised their awkward position. She was about to shout and push away from him when his hand flew to her parted lips in prediction of her next move. He pulled her behind a pillar adorned with lit fire torches and tightened his hold on her. Simone became alarmed and started to fight to get free but the boy's didn't budge. The auburn haired boy was getting irritated by the girl in his arms who wouldn't keep still."Unless you want to end up like the guy lying on the ground, stop your fidgeting and corporate "He whispered in her ear. Simone stopped moving to his pleasure. She didn't like being told what to do but now she had no choice but to do so as she didn't want to end up like that unfortunate boy whose murder she had witnessed. The boy lifted the girl's small physique like she was paper and ran up the torch lit staircase. The passage which Simone had come through was now closed and its way was a wall with a single fire torch. The boy knowledgeably pulled it down and the wall opened into Simons's room just like before. Simone's hands were tightly clasped around his neck with her head buried in his chest.

TorKF · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter Four: He's What?

A few minutes ago

"Honey are you Sir e we shouldn't call the police yet?We've been trying to message and call them for two hours with no result. What if my precious baby girl has been kidnapped?!"Mrs. Lavinge had been panicking and pacing about the luxurious and well furnished modern living room. It was already after midnight and it had just snowed six more inches meaning it was freezing out there. Early in the evening, Simons's boyfriend Xavier had dropped by and picked up their little princess saying they were going out on a date. She trusted Xavier so she didn't think he had done anything unpleasant to Simone but she couldn't help but wonder where he took Simone. If they flew to another city shouldn't they have contacted her. As she was worrying herself to death, her husband was seated elegantly on the sofa with right arm on the arm rest and the right leg resting on his left knee.

Unlike his wife that was all over the place , he was in total control as he knew Simone was more than capable of handling herself not to mention the fact that Xavier was also with her.

From childhood Morris Lavinge had made sure his only daughter was taught in all firms of combat for her own safety. With his and his wife growing fame, he knew she would be in danger from all kinds of criminals who would want to get their hands on their fortune. The Lavinge's were very protective of their daughter who had been adopted at the age of four since they couldn't have any children of their own. They made sure to treat Simone like a child of their own and showered her with all kinds of gifts from time to time.

Mrs. Lavinge was tired of being 'patient' like her husband who just sat there while their daughter was in a God knows what condition. She whipped out her phone and quickly started to dail in the emergency number.

Morris finally got up from the sofa and snatched his wife's phone from her shaky hands. She looked at him desperately silently begging him to just let her have her way when the doorbell's chime sounded echoing in the large mansion.

Alonzo, the butler, quickly walked up to the door praying it was the young miss since he couldn't take anymore of the tears Mrs. Lavinge was shedding. He thanked the heavens when the doubled doors opened up to the young miss and her boyfriend. He greeted them with at most respect as though they were his elders as he made way for them. Mrs. Lavinge was the first to approach the young 'couple' as they walked into the living room. She enveloped her daughter in a bear hug the moment she in proximity. Simone hated hugs a lot but fro. her mom, it was another item on the daily routine.

Simone stood still as she waited out the excruciatingly long hug while Xavier stood beside her trying but failing to his the smile that sprung from his light pink lips. This scene he was watching was too funny not to laugh at. He shook his head in refusal when Simone glared at him silently asking him to intervene; no way he was stopping this, he would definitely tease her about this the later.

"You two are finally back home. My lovely wife was almost losing her mind over your delay." Mr. Lavinge's said as he walked over to his emotional wife and pryed her carefully off his daughter who was frozen stiff in the type embrace. Simone released a sigh of relief .She could finally breathe in again. She sent a sharp glare to Xavier which made him aware he would regret not helping her.

"So Simone, Xavier, what have you two been up to?" It was Mr. Lavinge that inquired in a casual yet curious tone his arm curled around his wife's shoulders. Mrs. Lavinge was standing akimbo her arms on her hips waiting for their reply. "Well Mrs.Lavinge, we were at the movies watching 'Dawn Of The Night'. It's four hours long" Xavier smoothly replied as though he was telling someone his name.

"Really? But it's been more than four hours since you left."

"That's because we then went to an amusement park. Simone said she wanted to ride the rollercoaster."Simone looked at Xavier her eyes almost bulging out. She didn't know he had a talent in lying. Well both his parents were actors so it shouldn't have surprised her that much. Xavier squeezed Simone's hand that was in his on noticing Simons's stare. She was a horrible liar and was gonna make it hard for her parents to believe him.

Simone understood what Xavier meant and averted her gaze to her dad flashing him a bright smile. Simone's smiles could lighten up any room or situation and it worked like a charm." You two should be resting now then" Mr. Lavinge said in a retiring tone. "Okay then, have a good night. I'll be off now." Xavier turned to exit the mansion but then Mr. Lavinge spoke up once again.

"Xavier, you can't be serious. Its past midnight and very dangerous to go out. Your going to have to spend the night here, we can't risk something happening to you." Xavier wanted to protest as it wasn't going to be his first time driving after midnight but judging by the way his girlfriend's dad spoke, there was no room for bargain.

"Alonzo" Mr. Lavinge called,"please go up and make sure a room is prepared for Xavier. " "I am sorry sir, but have you forgotten that all the guest rooms were exterminated this afternoon. The gas hasn't completely cleared yet." Alonzo explained to his master informatively. The fumigation had occurred as a result of Mrs.Lavinge's fear of the cockroach she saw entering on of the guest rooms the day before She threw a complete tantrum and had spent the night a hotel refusing to step into the house until the vermin was dead. Whenever Mr.Lavinge called in the late afternoon to inform her about the fumigation, she finally agreed to go back home.

After pondering on the matter for a while, Mr. Lavinge declared rather nonsensically in Simons's opinion that Xavier would have to spend the night in Simone's room.

"He's what? I didn't get you there dad" Simone was flustered for a moment. "Your room is really spacious with lots of couches too.." Mr .Lavinge didn't sound too happy with his own decision but found no other way around it.

"" So what dad?!"Simone asked stubbornly unable to believe her ears.