
Deeds of love

Catherine, a beautiful, young girl lives with her mum in an apartment downtown. She is uninterested in love and believes all men are bad. Things begin to take a new turn after she joins working with the Kingsley family to fill in for her ailing mum. There, she meets Sebastien one of the young but cold sons of the family who does not like to associate with people or care about their feelings. Find out through the exhilarating chapters why Catherine is uninterested in men and how she is able to change Sebastien, bringing out a sense of warmth in him. Also, how Sebastien changes her idea about men, stays by her side at her most difficult moment and brings out the happiness Catherine never thought lies in her.

Habibat_Olanike · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter thirteen

 After cleaning the living room, she moves to the kitchen and set to make lunch. She hears the fridge in the kitchen opens and looks back.

 It is one of Michael's friends. He brings out a juice and glass from it and closes it back.

Turning back, he sees Catherine eyes on him.

'Hi,' he greets seeing the way she is staring at him 'I'm Richard, one of...'

'Michael's friend', Catherine completes the statement and turns back to her work

'Oh', he replies and pours the juice in the cup 'You seems to know me. So Catherine right?' he ask. He continues getting no response from her. 'Oh! seems you're busy'. He walks to the door and drinks the juice then stops 'Wow!' he shouts in suprise

Catherine startles. She turns and flashes him a look

'This juice is as tasty as you're are', he says , winks an eye at her and leaves.

Catherine looks at him disgustingly and sighs.

 She opens the door and serves the coffee Bianca ordered for. She is sitting by the dressing mirror combing her hair.

'Thanks Catherine', 

Catherine turns to the door

'You should take the day off tomorrow', Bianca declares carrying the coffee cup gently.

'Ma?' Catherine asks in suprise.

'Take the day off tomorrow ', she repeat on blowing the coffee

'Thank you ma' Catherine appreciates and leaves the room

 Catherine finishes her work late in the evening to make sure there won't be much things needed in the house the next day.

She is about to leave the compound when she hears her name


She turns and sees it is Richard coming out with the other friends including Tara. They are also going home.

'Will you like us to drop you home?' he asks

'Don't tell me you're letting her enter this car with us?' Tara asks raising her voice for Catherine to hear

'Is it bad?' Richard asks back

Tara folds her hand 'Seriously ? despite the fact I told you I was embarrassed by...'

'It's fine', Catherine cuts in, tired of watching the drama 'I know my way home' she replies and faces Richard 'Goodnight'. She says and walks out of the compound.

 She gets home and decides to visit her mum the next morning so she can stay with her all day.

 She showers , makes dinner and eats. She recalls she has not been exercising and suddenly wants to see the ice cream shop and possibly, finally have a taste. She plans beforehand to buy it on a night she will take her mum out. There, they will also smile and laugh to each other like the people from the shop when taking the ice cream. 

 She changes to her crop top and joggers and moves out. She jogs down her street as usual and up to the ice cream shop. 

 She opens the glass door and enters.

The shop is a big one, paints in pink. Various ice cream pictures are on the wall She walks straight to the ice cream man at the middle end of the room.

 'Good evening', she greets 

'Evening madam', he answers cheerfully 

'I want', Catherine continues and points at one of the flavour samples in the display glass 'two of this please ', she demands.

'Here you go ma'am' the ice cream man presents two ice cream strawberry flavour.

 She pays and walks out. She sit in a corner outside the shop and places one of the ice cream beside her. She takes a spoonful of the one in her hand and smiles to herself.

'Hmmm really good ', she comments and looks at the other ice cream she placed down. She sighs and wish her mum is the one occupying the space beside her rather than the ice cream she intentionally bought one to imagine sharing it with her.

She sniffles and tries to stop the little tears lining round her lower eyelash. She doesn't want to spoil the atmosphere. She enjoys the ice cream in silence throwing an occasional look at the stars in the sky.

 As she sets to take the last bit in the spoon, she sees a young girl at the other corner of the street, starring at her.

She is a little bit tattered and dirty.

Catherine licks the spoon and walks to her holding the other cup. 

'Hi',Catherine bends low and look intently in the girl's eye. She sees she is a little bit distracted with the ice cream in her hand.

'Do you want?' Catherine ask showing it to her face.

The girl nods

'Here you go', she gives it to her.

The girl happily collects it, bows to her and runs forward.

Catherine stands and breathes deeply. She jogs back to the house.

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