
Sleepless night


She woke up at 3am, only to try and find her phone.

'It was always at this time.

At this time where she'd go back and reread their old chats, go back and repeat the memories, go back and try to revive the things that are already long gone.

She knew it was the perfect time to reminisce, to recall. It was the best time to make bad decisions, the best time to depress over the past.

She immediately found what she was looking for and pressed the power button. It lit up temporarily discomforting her eyesight. When her sight finally cleared up, she went to a familiar app.


She went on the search bar to type in his name.

His name which used to be the first thing she sees when she picks up her phone in the morning.

It slowly disappeared when they stopped talking, and it bothered her till he officially broke it off.

She pathetically clicked on his name disregarding the last dead conversations.

Here she was again lurking in their old chats, she was breaking herself further.

She didn't care

She missed him

She still misses him

She's still in love

She's still not over him

No, never, she'll never be over him.


At 4am, she was crying.

At 5am, she felt like dying.

At 6am, she finally fall asleep.
