
Disastrous Article


"Have you heard about the article lately?"

"Damnn! I sure do wish all of it is truee!!"

"God I can't wait to ask the two of them if its real."

There were murmurs scattered around the school roundabout. I have no idea of what they were all talking, but one thing is for sure, it is the hottest issue occuring this semester.

I went straight to the classroom of my first period and when I got in, everyone is busy around the same news.

I got curious, of course, so I checked my phone. I checked on the school line"s forum and saw something so unexpected.

I called Dale immediately to ask him if it was true, however, he wasn't answering. I went to my seat and dropped my phone on the table, I decided to take some nap first.


God, how are they able to do these kinds of things? I know it is their desire, but this one went overboard.

On the school's forum was a picture of me and Blake about to kiss, and the person who uploaded it added a caption saying, "The Perfect Two kissing out of the blue." along with a heart emoji.

It was quite a hassle, if you'd ask me. I know I am shipped with Blake, but spreading fake news all over the school forum is not funny at all. They have went too much.

When I went to the classroom, I saw Blake bombarded by our classmates however, some saw me when I got in, so some rushed towards me.

I walked straight to my chair and then some started throwing questions at me.

"Omg so you guys are official?!"

"Is that photo real?"

"Since when did you two started going out?"

All of them were giving me headaches.

"None of it was real." I said calmly as I try not getting it on my nerves.

However, more questions were asked and it gets more and more annoying. I looked at Blake, he seemed to be just smiling over it, but I can't take it anymore. I feel like just a little more, I'd burst out this anger.

But then, when I thought I can hold it, I shouted unexpectedly.

"I said, none of it is fucking real!"

Then everyone looked at me, including Blake.

Blake was shocked, I saw from his face. He stood up as he push everyone that blocks his way and went to me. He placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Blake, stop it. I am not in the mood." I told him as I push away his hands.

I am mad, I knew. Everytime I couldn't seem to catch up with the situation, I become uncontrollable. Whatever I feel, it continues until something calms me.

I stood up, carried my bag and went out. I don't know where am I suppose to go but all I know is that I want to calm myself down.

Until I walked pass through Men's classroom.

I decided to call on him to calm myself down. I knocked on their door even though he's napping.

Everybody looked at me, the issue is all over the school.

As I come inside their classroom, I didn't look at anybody but straight to Men.

"Men, come with me." I told him as I tap his head.

He woke up so I knew he have not fallen asleep yet.

He stood up and retrieved his bag, but he is moving slow.

"Faster!" I said.

I grabbed his arms as I rush outside their room. Then I dragged him until we reached the school garden.

"So what is your problem?" he asked me.

"Are you not aware?" I asked him.

"Of course the hell I am." he said.

"And you have so much explaining to do." he said again.

"Listen I-" before I could even finish,

"Shush, somebody's here." he said as he dragged me close to him and he covered my mouth with his hands.

He dragged me towards the back of the tree and we both looked at where he thought there is someone.

He was correct, there was someone behind us, but that person looks familiar.


"Aww. I am pretty sure I saw him walking with someone." I told to myself.

I have been following Men ever since he helped me yesterday. I don't know why, but everytime I see him, I always smile and get nervous, I think I like him.

Moments later on I heard something behind a tree. I looked back, feeling nervous that someone might have saw me following Men.

Later on, two guys went out. It was Men, along with...

"Dale?" I said.

Dale is an older cousin of mine.

I was shocked when I saw the two of them together behind the tree.

"Lenon?" Dale asked.

"What are you doing here?" he asked again

"W- what are you guys doing there?" I asked him too.

"We were doing something really fun, and I enjoyed it." Men said.

I don't know if whether Men is joking or not, but I was shocked on what he said.

"W- what?!" I asked.

"Stop saying nonsense stuffs Men." Dale explained.

"It was nothing Lenon. Now answer me, what are you doing here?" he asked me.

I paused for some time before answering him. I am nervous, I don't know if I should tell him that I was following Men.

Come to think of it, Men is with him, I shouldn't tell my purpose.


Dale was wondering while Men is smirking. I have no idea why, but I really have to escape this situation.

"I- I was just wandering, looking for some place to calm down so that I could start off a new novel." I lied to them unsincerely.

"Is that so?" Dale asked and I nodded.

Luckily, the bell rang, I am able to leave the situation smoothly.

"I- I'll go now. Bye!" I said and I left the two of them there.

God, my heart is beating so fast right now I don't know what to do.


"Well that is one shitty situation." Men said.

I laughed when he said that, and I slapped his arm softly.

"What was that for?" he asked while laughing.

We both laughed a little bit and started walking.


"Where have you been?" Blake asked me as we both walk towards the cafeteria.

"I've been with Men." I said cheaply.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Hmm." I said as I nodded.

Later on, I felt his hands bushing around my shoulders. I immediately pushed it away.

"Would you stop, Blake? Aren't you affected by the issue that is spreading on our school? Why does it seems like you don't care at all?!" I shouted as I slowly feel disappointment.

"Why would I get affected if I knew I like you?" Blake said calmly.

I was shocked by what he had told me. I didn't like it. I hate him, I hate the forum, I hate the issue, everything is a mess.

I glared at him as my eyes felt teary all of a sudden.

"I- I have never looked the same way about you." I said as I look down.

He grabbed my hands and slowly picked it towards his lips.

He kissed my hands.

"It's alright. I wanted to pursue you." he said.

I immediately took back my hands.

"Blake you misunderstood—" I said but he touched my lips.

"I know it's imposible for you to like me, but at least, let me show you what I really feel for you." he said.

I looked down once again. This time, any moment I feel like leaving.

And so I did.

I ran away from him. I ran as fast as I could and as far as I can.


My phone rang the moment I closed my eyes.

I am tired and exhausted, everything that happened today just seemed to be mind-blowing.

I hate it.

When Blake said he likes me, I- I don't know what to do.. I have never looked like that to Blake, and I will never.

I checked my phone whoever might have called and I saw it was Blake. I was doubting for some minutes before actually answering it.

"H- Hey Dale how are you?" he said.

I paused for some time. The tone of his voice seemed to be different.

"Why did you call?" I said.

"I want to say sorry for what I said this afternoon." he said calmly.

I took a deep sigh before responding.

"It's fine. I was just surprised." I told him and then the call was wrapped in silence.

"So umm... Have you eaten yet?" he said.

"Seriously?" I said as I laugh.

"What? I told you I like you, is it bad showing concern?" he said and he laughs too.

"I- I'm fine." I said.

"So are we good?" he asked.

"Y- yeah. I guess." I said.

"Would you let me pursue you?" he asked too.

I paused for some time.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"Yes I am." he said in a serious tone.

I wasn't sure on what to say. I have confirmed it to myself that he would always be my best friend and nothing else. But now, everything seemed to be somehow different.

"I- I guess so." I said with unsureness.

The call was again wrapped in silence, and then,

"Yes!" he said as he shout.

"Shush! Be quiet." I said while laughing.

"Well thanks! It's quite late now, I think you should sleep. Goodnight!" he said with joy.

I hang the call up and placed my phone on the desk beside me. I covered my face with a pillow.

"So everything should be different starting tomorrow doesn't it?" I said while heavily breathing.

"God, please help me." I said then I took my sleep.


I still can't forget though what I saw this morning. Men looked so damn tough and manly which makes me like him more.

As I enter my room, I went straight to my desk and opened up my journal.

"From this day and on, you'll be my one and only hero."

After I finished writing, I re-read what I wrote before gently closing my journal.

Damn, just by saving me from being ganged up, I had fallen in love already. My heart is pounding so hard.

I grabbed my bag on the bed and put out my stuff. As I pull out one of my notebooks, a film fell out.

God, how could I forgot?!

I took a photo of Men while he is laying his back on a wall on my camera. The film was still fine as it was wrapped inside my notebook.

In front of me is my desk, along with a film garden I made by myself. It is composed of pictures of me, my family and my friends clipped on a rope looking like a garden.

I put a clip on the photo of Men and gently hang it on the rope. Behind it was the date I met him.

If you have any comments, please do express it! I really need some inspirationn lmao. I feel like nobody's concern about this at all huhuhu.

ElegancedBlackcreators' thoughts