
Mock Battle

There are so many people at the training ground, among them there are nobles with their eyes opened wide. It was because the fight before their eyes are way too amazing that they forgot to blink their eyes.

There is no cheering voice around. All the spectators's immersed by the amazing fight in before them. It was the mock battle of Runa and Shizuku; it was such an intense battle that made Brian, the knight leader had an unbelievable expression on his face.

The mock battle is using a Japanese wooden sword. Runa made the sword with her Transmutation. The time she used it in front of Shizuku, that made her ask what kind of skill that was, and with no change of expression Runa explained the skill she used to Shizuku.

To the spectator, Runa maybe in a disadvantage on this battle. But for Brian and the other Heroes that wasn't the case. It was because Runa is dodging all Shizuku's attack with a minimum movement with no sign of being pushed at all.

It happened because, on the first day after they're summoned, Runa already observed Shizuku's movement on their first mock battle, and now her movement is like an open book for Runa, she can even predict her movement after dodging it for countless time.

"Stop dodging and attack."

It was Shizuku who said it with her rough breath and a flood of sweat on her face. And on the other side, Runa doesn't even sweaty. And it showed how much Runa got the hang of Shizuku's movement. And for Shizuku who realized that her movement are being readed on, she decides to not waste her stamina and go for a counterattack.

"Here I go then."

And Runa accepted Shizuku's request. Now she's the one who does the attacking. Shizuku's barely able to parry Runa's attack, but she keeps on parrying the attack while searching for an opening to counterattack. But she couldn't find such an opening at all, even though all Runa did was swinging her sword around without any technique, yet Shizuku somewhat felt a strange pressure within each attack she fends off.

Then Shizuku realized. That her opponent eyes weren't looking at her, she was being looked down by her opponent. And that made her feel so irritated. Next, Shizuku forgot about her sword technique and just swung her sword with her irritated feeling. And that surprisingly works well against Runa. That worked because Runa never saw Shizuku swung her sword with her feelings mixed in, the sword are swung diagonally and made Runa take a few steps back

Runa is the type of a fighter that's into the manual she made herself. That's just how much she's confidence in her ability. But once something that's not inside her manual occurs, that would make her startled and start to panicking.

Shizuku catches that and doesn't let go of the weakness on her enemy she caught. To put it simply, "If my technique and movement are being readed on, I just need to do the same thing as her." It was to swing the sword without thinking, she needs to become one with the sword.

Next, to the spectator, all Runa and Shizuku did maybe looked like an amateur match as if the intense fight from before was all a lie. But that was not the case for Arata and Brian as for Yamato there's no need to mind the muscle-head. The two completely understood the things going on with the match, it wasn't a fight to think, it was a fight to feel.

After that, the match is even, and this made Runa showed a smile on her face. She had fun in the battle with Shizuku. But, as for Shizuku who saw Runa's smiling face in the middle of the fight, it only made her felt a strange feeling.

(She still has the lax to smile in the middle of a fight?)

That made her movement dulled. Didn't let the chance go away, Runa swung her wooden sword strong enough to make Shizuku let go of the sword. The sword is flying in the air and fell to the ground. And the winner is decided.

When Runa came to her sense, she realized that she was smiling. It was her bad habit when things around her is getting interesting. She put one of her hand to hid her face and rearrange her expression. After she's done rearranging her expression, she walks to where Shizuku is and stretches her hand to help her stand.

"It was a nice fight, you're as strong as I thought Shizuku-san."

Shizuku sighed and looking closely at Runa's face.

"I see, so the rumour about Haruna from the next town is real."

"Rumour?" she said with a curious face.

"Yeah, the rumour about she was called "Sword Goddess," and her fan club is already all around japan. Guess that's why I lost 'huh."

"Shizuku-san, you sure know how to hurt me."

"There's no way something like that can hurt you. I mean you were called Onee-sama by the girl inside your fan page on the internet."

"Please stop it."

"But why? even the manga about your everyday life is amazing you know."

"Please spare me, I get it. It's my lose so, please stop."

Next, Shizuku grabs Runa hand, and stood up. With a refreshing smile Shizuku said,

"Thank you, Haruna."

"Runa is fine, Shizuku-san."

"Then please call me Shizuku."

"Then, please take care of me. Shizuku."