
Decimation Proclamation Issolation

Death is a boundary to be crossed it is the only way to get power over life itself but not many have the strength to do so but some few are born with that power Tragedy comes hand in hand though making rage DOMINANT.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Haunted

It was the day I died it was so bright but everything collapsed so quickly.I was just all alone from that point onwards. The day before I had collected 10 rare mana crystals Rank C the best I could find on the Rank D mountain and it was it was risky to do so because I was only level 2. I woke up that day and looked over at my two Identical Twin brother who I could tell apart Xalen and Zalen who constantly messed with everyone but everyone loves them for they would always pay the person back in kind action and only pranked each person once a month. I saw Zalen slip off the bed with a loud think which woke up Xalen who started laughing when Zalen hit his head on their table beside the bed. Opening their eyes they were a light red bordering on pink due to the happy emotions we all felt.I checked my status real quick to see if anything changes but it was all the same but my agility increased by 1.

~Status of Stealth System~


Species: Human / ??? Mixed









Supreme Stealth

Benign Aura

Aura Detection

Mana Detection




My benign Aura was the only unique one all the others were self explanatory which was excellent but benign Auras effect could be considered horrifying to those who wanted to hurt me.

~Benign Aura~

The user is exceptionally Benign granting them an aura of peace and safety which causes monsters to attack less because this Aura makes them content. It also causes merchants to give better deals to the host without a thought Can not affect extremely greedy persons. Causes killer of host to gain S Rank Curse Call Of The Fallen Death.

I could not find any information about this curse of mine from the Baron who was extremely interested in the Curse so he decided to support my family as long as I spend a day getting inspected by master mages and even they could not found anything about it over the 3 years he knew about it. I get up and jump at the twins giving them a bear hug as I do every morning they both try to slip out of my grip and end up tickling me so I let go. another then calls and says "If you holigans are ready to eat get in here" in a playful happy tone. I Run to the kitchen table sliding to get there faster then the Twins as they like to sit together on the same side. I get there and quickly sit down seeing my sister Aniara sitting down across from.mr and I recall the mana stones I get yesterday and I pull them out from the bag I forgot to pick up yesterday under the table. I have 3 Rare C Rank mana crystals, 5 Rank E, alongside 10 F Rank. A F Rank Mana Crystal can go for 5 coppers and it triples with Rank depending on the quality which doubles the price Rank C or higher so I'm very glad about these 3 Rare crystals. My sister smiles at me with her cute face with the Bright crimson hair she has complementing her eyes which are crimson like the rest of my family. She is the most amazing with her one ability World Blessed which helps the host in all ways and gives her a foresight like ability which tells her when dangerous situations happen and how to get out of them it also gives extreme intelligence and it's a unique ability like Benign Aura which no one has seen before. Everyone gets to the table when she stands up and says with a face going pale "We are dead The demons are coming and they even have a general with them all we can do is hold up here to fight them. The village is surrounded all our friends are dying giving us more time but it's no use." We hear alarms echoing throughout our tiny village surrounded man reinforced walls as she screams this. My father grabs the family heirloom sword which shines with a crimson light. My Mother grabes a bow and a container of arrows which gleam with a red light.The twins grab their hammers and smile they love combat and have been training against monsters in The F Rank forest but even the weakest demon is C Rank almost 10x their strength. I start to cry while grabbing the sword my parents gave me for my birthday a week ago.