



Jordan POV.

If I have the chance again, I'd kill Joshua, I'd kill him for hurting Micah, even if he's mine, I waited for my mate, but I don't blame Micah for trying to find love somewhere, anywhere, even if that place happened to be with Joshua, the good thing is he never got him, he never won my baby, but he broke his trust, he had hurt him, and he'd pay for it.

After he left the room, I locked our door, he can't come in and out without anyone's permission, Micah wasn't taking it well, he was worried I'd be mad at him for what happened, but I can't blame him, I wouldn't, not after seeing the life he's living here.

Everything that passed had passed, the future is with me now, he's mine, and that's all I care about, what's about to happen, the future we will hold together. Micah tried to skip out of the room to get us some food, but I didn't allow him to, I was the one who went and got us food, I made us some cold meat sandwiches.