
Deceived by the Delta

After the events of "Betrayed by the Beta," Alpha Dave and his twin sister Daisy face the daunting task of reorganizing a pack that has endured months of mistreatment. Amid this challenge, they must also support their friends Jack and Cassie in capturing a looming threat that could bring them all to their knees. Additionally, they help Jason and Tara come to terms with a difficult past and assist Brian in guiding Mark through his intense need to prove his worth, which could have serious consequences.

Damsell · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 18 - Elsewhere.

Author POV - 

While Cassie is being rushed to the hospital by her concerned mate, Jason is steeling himself against the bond that pulls him to his Luna. Though he is concerned about her, having seen the fall but being too far away to help in anyway, he knew she would not want the attention to remain in her, so he had decided that though his bond with his Luna was calling him to be by her side, he knew that Jack was there and that the best place for him to be, was in his office where he could continue to await news from Brian and the others regarding their mission. This had been Jack's instructions to him before and he was sure that the importance of this mission would mean that Jack wanted him to keep following orders.

Rubbing his temples in an attempt to ease the tension building behind his eyes, his thoughts turned to his other abused bond, the bond he shares with his mate, Tara.

Tara has been avoiding him for weeks now, she leaves the room as soon as he enters and she seems to have memorised his schedule to prevent them coming upon one another around the pack house. Jason has been getting weaker due to the bond being ignored, but he refuses to show it. He doesn't want her to come to him out of guilt, though he knows she must be feeling it as well. He will be there for her when she is ready; he knows something is holding her back, stopping her from accepting the bond, and he refuses to cause her more distress by trying to force the issue one way or the other. Jason has been coming to terms with the thought that though he has waited for her for years and he would do anything for her, he may end up being rejected by his mate, he has resigned himself to the fact that this is beyond his control and comprehension, he just hopes that by being understanding and patient, he will win her over, a chuckle escapes him as he realises that Cassie, being the beautiful meddler that she is, is sure to get to the bottom of the issue for him and will help him if he doesn't manage it himself. Grinning to himself he wanders into his office which is attached to Cassie's via a connecting door and waits to hear from either 1. Jack regarding Cassie's fall, the whole pack is talking about it, she has been doing so well, improving daily and the pack love her, they admire her strength, they know her story, they all have been told and have done all they can to help their Luna overcome her demons. 2. Brian with an update of the mission he and his mate are on, or 3. Dave with news from his pack members who were sent on the same mission when it became clear that Mark was a concern.

Over in Twin Lakes Pack, Dave is pacing around his office, he should have heard from someone by now, Daisy should have arrived in Forest Haven and Keith should have checked in by now. He hated not knowing what was happening, he hated knowing that whatever was happening he had no control over the outcome, he hated having to rely on others. In the last few weeks he had become accustomed to having everyone rely on him, not the other way around. He trusted his pack members, well Keith, Aria and Tasha anyway, he wasn't sure about Harry, he couldn't get a read on him and that frustrated him as well, even as a Beta he had been able to read anyone he came into contact with. But Harry was an enigma, the only reason he sent Harry at all was because he trusted Aria and refused to separate mates unless it was absolutely necessary. He hoped everything was going OK, Keith was supposed to check in 5 hours ago, but so far no news had come in. Worry was crawling up his spine and Daisy not calling or even messaging wasn't helping, he needed to know that everyone he had given tasks to were safe, he didn't know what he would do if anything happened to them, the guilt and worry threatened to consume him as he marched from on end of his office to the other, glaring accusingly at the two phones sitting, stubbornly silent, on his desk. Crossing the room in three long strides he rips one of the phones from it's holder and scrolls through it looking for the number for his sister. Pressing the send button he puts the phone to his ear and waits with growing anger for her to answer.

"Dave? Is everything OK? Has something happened?" Daisy answers on the third ring and Dave clenches his teeth to stop from snapping at her.

"Where are you?" He asks, fighting with his temper.

"I just pulled up to the gates and spoke with the Delta, he is on his way to let me in, what's going on? I was going to message you as soon as I got inside and call you later when I have spoken to the Alpha," Dave forces his shoulders to relax slightly as he listens to her voice, she always had the ability to calm him down, must be a twin thing, but he hadn't realised how tense he really was until he knew she was safe and unharmed.

"Sorry," he huffs down the line, "I haven't heard from anyone and I expected you to call by now and Keith should have called ages ago, I don't know what is happening." 

"You haven't heard from them? They should have checked in like what," a rustle comes through the phone as Daisy shuffles to get a view of the time, "5 hours ago, what the heck…Dave… ugh I hate being so far from you, what can I do? How can I help?" Daisy knows her twin as well as she knows herself and she knows that he must be feeling awful right about now, "I'm sorry I didn't call yet today, I stopped to freshen up a bit so I don't look like a hag when I arrived, but I didn't think to check in, I'm so sorry." She is genuinely apologetic and that makes Dave feel guilty for being impatient with her, his concern for his pack members should not have clouded his judgement of his sister, he knows her, he knows she would have called if anything happened.

"Sorry," he repeats gingerly, hanging his head slightly though she can't see him, "I'm freaking out about Keith, Aria, Tasha and Harry. That is no excuse for taking it out on you, I'm glad you are OK and I will let you know if I hear from them, please be careful, I don't know how I would survive without you."

"Don't let your future mate hear you say that, she will be jealous," Daisy grins cheekily down the phone, she wasn't upset with her brother for his tone with her, she understood him too well to take it personally, his love for his pack is so pure that of course he is worried. She wished she could do more to help but being here will help, hopefully, if she can get the information she needs.

This is all because of Ace, they both know that they need to get him handled and then they can focus on everything else without that pressure trying to crush them. 

"Dave, I have to go, I can see them coming, but remember, these guys are good, you've seen it yourself, they know how to handle themselves, they will check in as soon as they can, if they don't well, you know what to do, you need to follow them and find them, I would say give them 2 more hours then begin the search for them…"

"You're right, thanks Daisy, be safe and I will speak to you later, if I go after them I will let you know before I leave." Dave scoffs at the Mate comment, knowing that his mate, if he has one and ever manages to find her, will understand that the bond between twins is different, sacred and unexplainable.

"Love you brother." Daisy hangs up the phone before he can respond, the wolves racing towards her position in her car taking all of her attention.