
Deceived by the Delta

After the events of "Betrayed by the Beta," Alpha Dave and his twin sister Daisy face the daunting task of reorganizing a pack that has endured months of mistreatment. Amid this challenge, they must also support their friends Jack and Cassie in capturing a looming threat that could bring them all to their knees. Additionally, they help Jason and Tara come to terms with a difficult past and assist Brian in guiding Mark through his intense need to prove his worth, which could have serious consequences.

Damsell · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 16 - Prisoners

Brian - 

After dropping all of us down that strange chute that was hidden in the caves, the bastards that were taking us to what I assume is the camp where Ace is staying, hit us all in the head one by one, I know this because I was the last to be knocked out, Mark was still out cold from the earlier attack so they didn't need to hit him, I'm not sure I could have handled that, as it is I could have sworn I saw him flinch when they hit me the first time. I have a feeling he is faking, that he is pretending to be unconscious, but to what end I have no idea. I just prayed we would all make it out of this alive, I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to the others, if I had trusted my mate they wouldn't even be here.

I don't know how much time has passed and because I was knocked out I have no clue where we are, how we got here or how to get out. I look around at my fellow pack mates and the guys from Twin Lakes and curse our luck, Ace is better than I thought, more organised. We are all in cages in the middle of a clearing, two to a cage in most cases, looks like Ace tried to ensure mates were separated as Aria and Harry are in cages as far apart as possible. But he did make one mistake, Mark is with me, which gives me pause, we were clearly being watched if they know Aria and Harry are mates, but Mark and I have not been acting like mates, guilt consumes me at the realisation. I have been so focused on the mission I have neglected our bond. Mark is watching me, observing me take in our surroundings, a sheepish, slightly guilty look on his own face. I open my mouth to speak but he shakes his head subtly then rolls his eyes towards the edge of the clearing. On closer inspection I see we are surrounded by at least 10 guards, though they are all chatting among themselves, clearly not on high alert. A faint scratching sound pulls my attention back to Mark, he is using his finger to write something in the dusty ground. I lean forward slightly for a better view and also to hide his movements from the so called guards.

I know the way

He writes then brushes the dust covering the words and he starts again.

We can get out.

I shake my head, we aren't going anywhere, I brush his words away and write my own message.

You go, I distract them.

Again he brushes the letters away.

Not without you

I clench my eyes, understanding his reluctance to leave me here, I would feel the same way if the roles were reversed.

You must, I will protect.

As he lifts his eyes to meet mine I run my eyes over each of the prisoners in turn before meeting his gaze again. A single nod and I know he has understood.

I WILL come back for you.

A lump forms in my throat as I nod, pressing my lips together to hold in the humiliating whimper that wants desperately to escape. Mark nods as well and instinctively I know he is going to wait for an opening and then we will make a break for it, him to get help, me to get caught again. His fingers brush against mine as he wipes the words away and he pauses relishing in the sparks that travel from that miniscule amount of contact, I turn my hand and grasp his, squeezing gently but quickly. A smile flits across his face before he moves from his slumped position revealing himself as awake, I also stir where I am and reach my head up to the place I was hit, though I am healed, as though confused. We both play the part well and the guards who were chatting between themselves take note of our consciousness, after some whispering 2 men leave, I assume to notify someone of our state.

A couple of minutes later Harry comes to and immediately starts fighting, growling and snarling while trying to get out of the cage he is sharing with Keith, clearly desperate to get to Aria who lets out a whimper as she comes around clutching her head. Seeing the torment in their eyes would be enough to bring me to my knees, this is all my fault, they shouldn't be here and because of me they are faced with the real possibility of losing their other half. One of the guards shoves a large branch into Harry's ribs while telling him to shut up growling. Harry grunts and slumps to the floor of his cage as a second branch makes its way between the bars to thud down on his head, dazing him. I hear Aria whimper and I hear Georgina who is in the cage with her make a shushing sound while she wraps an arm awkwardly around Aria's shoulders, Tasha pulls herself into a squat and snarls at the guard that starts to approach Aria with the clear intention of shutting her up himself. A growl vibrates in my chest but Mark's hand grabs mine again and the bond helps to sooth me a little and I am able to contain the sound.

The guards that left when they noticed us all waking up, come back with another wolf. A She-wolf who is looking a little worse for wear, dirt smeared on her clothes and her nails all chipped, hair tossed into a messy bun, clearly trying to hide how dirty and messy it is. The guards who had remained all bow their heads slightly in submission to this she-wolf who can't be more than a Gamma at best based on the aura surrounding. But the way she carries herself tells me all I need to know. This she-wolf runs the roost, she holds herself like that of a queen bee, clearly believing she is better than everyone around her.

She glances at each of us in our pathetic cages and then she zeros in on Mark, a lustful gleam in her eye, thankfully she doesn't see our clasped hands or the spark of fury that must have flashed through my eyes as possessiveness courses through me.

"Him," she says firmly, pointing to Mark, "I want that one, he can answer our questions" she turns away knowing her decision will not be questioned. "And when he is done, well we will see if I can't get anything else out of him," she says, more to herself than to anyone present. Four guards surround our cage and reach through, grabbing an arm each and both my legs, I guess the fight I put up earlier didn't go unnoticed, being the Delta I am the strongest in our group of captives so it makes sense they would have to have 4 people pin me down. Nevertheless I struggle against their hold on me as the cage is opened and Mark is yanked out by two other wolves and dragged away, he is still acting weak which I now know was his intention all along, so he could take note of the route taken to bring us here. I just have to pray to the goddess that he has the opportunity to escape or that he is returned to me unharmed. Based on her attitude I am assuming that the she-wolf in charge is Maddie, who I have heard plenty about from Cassie, but if she is here giving the orders then where is Ace? From all that I have heard of him, he is not likely to give up the reins to another unless absolutely necessary.