
Decaying North: To Dream is to Wake

"I never wanted to fulfill this destiny..." Dark clouds rolled over Entoria, and with them came a snowstorm and monsters once thought to be fantasy. Entoria was turned from a prosperous country to a tundra wasteland in a single year. After the bloodshed settled, a large sum of the survivors began to awaken supernatural powers.  ‘Originators’, they were called. These people gained the ability to manifest their Spirit into reality to fight back against the monsters which now inhabit the land.  Follow the story of various Originators 4 years after the disaster, still struggling to see the skies clear.  A story not for the light-hearted. 

Abalisc · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Authors Note

This is a side project I started to improve my writing skills for my main project. There won't be any uploading consistency in the slightest, aside from the plan being to finish this by 2025.

This is also my first work I have published.

An important thing to note when reading is that every 6 chapters there is a perspective change/adjustment. These perspectives act as their own little side story which feed into and converge into the main storyline.