
Debauchery of a Soul-Eating Wraith

"From here on out, I'll only do what I want. What makes me Happy" After years at a dead-end job, Evian finally has enough and quits to pursue his passions but before he could even revel in his new freedom, tragedy struck and he became a creature of Decadence. Condemned to a life of devouring souls in exchange for strength, Evian is pulled out of the world he knew and made to possess the body of a namesake in a different world of Magic and all sorts of wonder. A world home to different races taking residency in their own separate corners of it. In this new world, Evian will find so many opportunities opened to him and it won't take long for him to begin to indulge in those opportunities. After all, Souls taste good but beauties- Beauties taste even better...

NatePrince · Fantasy
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246 Chs

The Most Difficult Of Two Tasks

After taking a few seconds to glare at the spot Behran had been until only a second before, Evian turned his eyes to the Priestess in his arms. 

"Aren?" He called to her but refrained from giving her a shake for fear of worsening her head injury. 

Instead, he retrieved a potion vial from his Spatial ring and placed it at her lips until it flowed into her mouth and down her throat. Immediately, Aren recovered some of her complexion and stirred in Evian's arms but her eyes remained closed. A healing potion was not enough to mend all of the damage she had suffered as well as the possibly complete deprivation of her Spiritual energy reserves.

Evian cast his eyes all around them at the little flecks that were the remnant of the Rogue Arcanist whose bodies had been reanimated and driven to self-explosion. He looked at the debris of the destroyer carriage that started it all and only one name came to his mind and it was her that he reached out to.