
Deathworld Commando: Reborn

What happens when humanity's greatest weapon gets a second chance at life? Commander Kronos wasn't even considered to be a human but rather a weapon to be used for the greater good of his species. He was grown in a tube to be the perfect weapon so he lacked many emotions/experiences most people take for granted. Upon experiencing some emotions for the first time he was quickly eliminated by humanity and was reborn into a world of swords and sorcery, getting a second lease on life. Of course, he didn't see it that way at the start and thought he was being fooled. It took a near-death experience and a lot of growing up but he finally decided to keep his promise to his former comrades and give his new life an honest try. Embark on the story of the former Commander of Hades Squad as he settles into his new life as the Dark Elf Kaladin Shadowheart. --- Chapters avg 3-6k+ words. As of now, I post every Monday morning. --- Support me on Ko-Fi where you can get chapters in advance. https://ko-fi.com/rangerfrank --- Join the Discord- ttps://discord.com/invite/YGSUeuTTwH --- You can also find me on Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/RangerFrank Royal Road- https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/48211/deathworld-commando-reborn

RangerFrank · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
240 Chs

Vol.7 Ch.173- Masked Intentions.

Good morning, everyone. I have an announcement,

First, a tiny update on Vol.1: we are almost halfway through editing via chapters, but as we know, the latter half of Vol.1 is longer so we still have some time on there. 

Next, we have an art update. One of the pieces is completed Grandmasters and War Gods on Ko-Fi can go and see it now in the chat or on Ko-Fi. As for everyone else, I will post it publicly when the other two are finished. Right now, Kelzrenth's artist is secured and slated to begin work soon. Ren and Lauren are taking me some time to find an artist (I've already gotten 2 no-gos)

Now then, for the announcement, which also has to do with more art.

As some of you know, I have been getting artwork done on the sly. That artwork is getting done and built up for Vol.1 and what's to come there, as I am still not ready to announce anything as of yet. But know that it is coming on top of those two pieces of art that I promised to show during Vol.7 (I swear it's real, and you will see it).

However, as I've gone through getting artists and stuff, I realized I hadn't done an art goal in a really long time, and that bummed me out. I personally really like artwork and visually seeing the characters I'm reading about, and we've got so many new characters that could use a good art piece to add to the collection. 

With that being said, I would like to start a more frequent pipeline of art being done. The way to measure that will be to set a goal for total Ko-Fi subs, not total Ko-Fi money made (As I personally think having a total dollar amount is a bit much.)

As of writing this on Sunday, we are at 208 active subs. The first goal will be to get to a total of 225 active subs. At 225, I will probably put up a vote for 1-3 characters to get chosen, and one will get a new piece done. 

But I would like to add an intermediary goal at 215. The minor goal at 215 will probably be something cheap, small, and fast, while the 225 will be of the same quality you have all come to expect. Maybe for the 215, some chibi or something along those lines. 

And for the timeline to get this done, as long as it takes is the answer. If we hit the goal in a day or a month, it will all be the same. Once we hit the 225 goal, I'll make sure to put up another as soon as it happens. 

I look forward to these goals being crushed (hopefully not too quickly :D), and I want to thank everyone so much for being here. And, of course, thank you to all of you who are giving me your hard-earned money every month. You might not know it, but you really have changed my life. Just in these last 3 weeks, you have covered my medical, school, and car expenses, and that means the world to me and my family. 

I will continue to put on the content that you all enjoy, and thanks, everyone.

Ko-Fi- https://ko-fi.com/rangerfrank/tiers


Linnetia "Nyx" Paine's POV

"Are you okay, My Lady?" one of my healers asked me after I had already stood up.

"I'm fine, just a little stiff. Thank you for your concern, Amanda," I told her as I rolled my shoulders with a sigh. She looked at me, surprise evident on her face. I just chuckled and grinned. "Don't be shocked. I remember all my people's names. Thank you for fixing me up."

Terstus was busy being healed by another group of mages, a bitter expression on his features—no doubt brooding over our fight. The battle could have easily been seen as me getting lucky and using my abilities to their maximum, but that wouldn't soothe Terstus's pride.

Not that I cared about his stupid ego.

I sighed and gave the crowd, still paying attention to me, a small wave. My brother continued shouting my name as I returned to the staging area. I descended the stairs quickly; Kaladin, Cerila, and Varnir were there to greet me, as well as Adria Sandervile.

Before any of them could even say a word to me, the door to the staging room opened and lit up with the whispers of gossiping students. It didn't take long for us to see who it was either as they strode over the exact moment their name was called.

"Tsarra Tel'an'duth and Rosom Dun report to platform two."


I haven't managed to get a glimpse, let alone speak to her, in over a week. She had cut her red hair even shorter into a pixie cut and sported silver and white robes similar to Prince Leopold's. She even had a new staff. The dark oak wood shaft fit in her hand, and a deep green gem the size of a man's fist was affixed to the end with a golden claw.

It was undoubtedly a dungeon core shard, and the way it shimmered in the light left no doubt that it was high quality. If I had to guess, that wood must be from a tree in the Magical Forest in the Republic of Elshara on the other continent. It was a staff befitting Tsarra's royal status.

Varnir reached out and looked like he wanted to say something to her, but Tsarra kept walking past us with a stern face that screamed she didn't want to speak to anyone. I've known Tsarra for a long time and never seen her act like that. Not even once.

Kaladin looked on without much emotion. He seemed unbothered or rather unsurprised at Tsarra's change. But he frowned slightly as he looked at Varnir from the corner of his eye.

Does Kaladin know something that we don't? He must. Maybe Tsarra told him something before she went off to fight for Tel'an'duth.

"You fought well," Kaladin told me.

I smirked a little and shrugged. "Yeah, but I lost. Terstus was just too strong in the end."

Kaladin kept his face neutral, but the corners of his lips turned up ever so slightly into a grin. Cerila nodded and gave me a thumbs-up as well. "It's nothing to be concerned about, Lin. It was a bad match-up, that's all."

"Yes! You did very well, Linnetia! I've never seen an archer show off so much skill before," Adria Sandervile praised me with a wide smile. "Oh, and good luck Rosom!" she waved as the young man climbed the stairs to the arena, nodding at her.

I…I don't really know how to interact with her. We've spoken a few times now, but she is so overwhelmingly kind it's blinding. How does someone like her survive in Sandervile?

"Thank you, everyone. I'm very appreciative for the support," I told them honestly with a slight bow.

Varnir continued to stare off into the distance, watching Tsarra's retreating back. I felt terrible for him, but there was nothing to be said. Tsarra was her own woman. Whatever it was she wanted to do; she was allowed to do it. And if she wanted to do it alone…so be it.

But if Tsarra needs help, then I'll be there for her. I'm sure everyone will.

"Ah! Please don't bow! You don't have to do that, Linnetia! We are all friends here, right?" Adria Sandervile said with a hint of worry.

I met her eyes, and they told me everything I needed to know. "Of course, Adria, we are friends, and my friends get to call me Lin."

Adria's face lit up into a beautiful smile. She looked ready to explode into happiness as her hands reached out to touch mine, but she stopped instantly. She felt it mere moments before I did.

Pure, undiluted malice. It stemmed from a single point in the room.

Kaladin. He was unleashing his bloodlust, and he was not holding back.

He stood tall and stared down with his purple Dragon eye glowing. His face was emotionless and cold enough to send a chill in the room. Everyone nervously gasped, and the announcer, who was in the middle of calling Ren's name, stopped short.

Kaladin was staring directly at a short, petite woman wearing mostly black with a brown leather tunic and straps. Her deep cowl hid her head, and she wore a mask that covered her entire face. It reminded me of a plague doctor but felt more animal-like, probably closer to that of an owl.

A gladius was strapped to her belt as well as a daggers. The only identifying feature on her body was that of a pin holding her cloak together. It symbolized Sandervile, a golden snake coiling around the wheat chaff.

"You, take off that mask," Kaladin ordered.

"No, I won't," she responded, a slight tremor in her husky voice.

Kaladin's mask-like expression never faltered. The bloodlust he was emitting intensified to the point people in the corner of the room were moaning. I even heard someone wretch and another pass out.

Kaladin took a single, large step forward. He looked down at the Sandervile girl. "It wasn't a request. It's an order."

"Kaladin, please wait—"

Kaladin tilted his head just enough to glare back at Adria. His golden eye silenced her the moment she looked at it, and she stepped back on shaky legs. Her breathing was erratic, and she looked ready to faint.

There was a scramble of armored feet as guards cautiously approached Kaladin. They were all from Luminar and Tel'an'duth, and the lead guard hesitantly reached his hand out. "Sir Dragonslayer, please control yourself. We can't have you harming another student."

Kaladin turned his attention to the guard, who instantly shrank back at his gaze. Kaladin scanned the room slowly, and his bloodlust disappeared. Varnir took a deep breath from beside me, sweat dripping down his face. Cerila looked ready for a fight as she glared intently at the masked woman who walked past our group and up the stairs.

"Understood," he responded coldly. He let out a deep sigh and looked over to Adria. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. You as well, Varnir," he apologized.

Varnir shook his head and waved Kaladin's concerns away along with his sweat. The words tried to come out of his lips, but Adria meekly nodded her head, her breathing still lacking control. At least the fear in her eyes subsided.

"Who was that?" Kaladin asked her, his voice calm.

"I—I can't tell you that…" Adria muttered weakly.

"Why not?"

"Because she told me to keep it a secret," Adria said with downcast eyes.

Kaladin just nodded, seemingly ready for that response. His eyes slowly turned to me, and I stared back at him. He didn't say anything, but I could understand his intent.

It seems like I'm going to be busy. I was hoping to enjoy the rest of the tournament with friends and family. I should start a tab for the Shadowheart family at this point…

Kaladin Shadowheart's POV.

To think I would find another person with a soul like mine just walking around.

I used my Dragon eye to casually gauge Ren's next opponent and found more than I bargained for. That woman's darkened, void-like soul was closer to mine and Lins than it was a Dragon's or Sylvia's. It wasn't a guarantee that she was a person that was reborn into this world, but it was too much of a connection to simply ignore.

I set Lin to find out more information, and I'm sure she will be able to dig up something. I was tempted to press Adria for more details, but I couldn't do that in a public space…and forcing her to didn't sit right with me. Adria never forced me to do anything, and I didn't want to do that to her, even if it was illogical.

I'm confident the masked woman's identity will come to light sooner or later. I'll have Lin watch her with agents outside the tournament when possible and keep a close eye on her personally. It's not like I've ever met that person before…there is a chance they are simply trying to live an honest life…but why hide their—I guess I can't complain about that, now can I?

But if I'm—

"Daddy? Are you not going to eat?" a voice rang in my ear as I felt my arm get tugged.

The world around me refocused as I opened my eyes, and the many worried faces of my friends and family greeted me. I had been so unfocused, and in my own head, I forgot I was sitting down for dinner with everyone. Even Sylvia, who was pouting and sending me angry glares since I returned, seemed worried.

I scratched the back of Mila's head with my hand. "Sorry, I was just thinking about some things. I'm actually quite hungry today," I said with a smile as I took a bite of bread.

Mila hummed in agreement as she mimicked me with her own slice of bread. Everyone's faces softened at the display, and we ate a wonderful meal together consisting of freshly caught fish. Everyone was present tonight besides our parents. Even Ren and Lauren joined us for dinner. The only person missing would be Tsarra, and Varnir looked more distant tonight than usual.

The jingle of silverware followed a loud thump as Lauren let her head hit the table. "Ahhhh, I'm so tired. If I have to speak to another noble from nowheresville, I'm going to lose it," she moaned.

Ren sighed and poked her sister in the arm with a fork. "Now is not the time to be complaining. We are eating," Ren chastised.

Lauren rubbed her arm and puffed her lips out at her sister. "That's easy for you to say!" Lauren swished her fork around like a sword with a mocking face. "You get to have fun for a few minutes once a day and get to go home afterward! I have to spend hours talking to people who just want to marry me for my position!"

Ren finished a bite of the pink flesh of a fish and shrugged. "Sounds awful," she responded uninterestedly.

Lauren rolled her green eyes in exaggeration until she met my eyes. She slowly licked the tip of her fork. "Well…Kaladin could just marry me, and then it won't be a problem."

Sylvia stared daggers at Lauren, but the princess maintained her usual practiced smile. Even Cerila, who was pretending not to pay attention, stiffened slightly at Lauren's boldness. Something most of us have gotten used to over the last year or so.

"I'll pass, thanks," I said.

I heard Padraic snort from a few chairs over, and Lauren ruffled her nose. "Oh, come on. Just an engagement to stop people from harassing me. It won't be any more than that, I promise."

Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. If I agreed to it, her father might legitimately force me, and if that man came after me, I wouldn't be able to stop him. He would cripple me for life before I broke an engagement with his daughter. That's if the queen doesn't kill me in my sleep first…

Ren poked her sister harder, this time eliciting a yelp from Lauren. "Quit bothering Kaladin at dinner."

"Ow, ow, fine, fine…" Lauren groaned as she pushed her sister away. "If I can't marry Kaladin, I'll just have to do the next best thing!"

Lauren jumped out of her chair and made her way over to what I thought was me. But she stopped beside Mila and hugged her from the side, rubbing her face against hers. Mila started giggling and rubbed her face back in the most adorable way possible. It was like two kittens playing with each other.

Not that I've seen that before…it's just what I imagined it looking like.

"Aw, look, my little Mila will marry me one day, right?" Lauren cooed.

"Marary? What's marary?" Mila asked innocently.

"It's marry, sweety. And it's when you spend forever and ever with a person you love the most," Lauren said back just as innocently.

Mila, not even stuttering for a moment, just nodded. "Then I don't want to marry Aunt Lauren. I'll marry Daddy."

Lauren deflated instantly at the brutal retort. Padraic snorted from a quick laugh, and the rest of the room laughed. Even Varnir grinned as he ate some of the soup he hadn't touched.

"Go on! Ask the other one, common!" Padraic urged as he pointed at Sylvia. "You are zero for two. Might as well ask the others!"

Lauren just passed over the silently smoldering Sylvia and looked to Cerila with a half smile, to which Cerila gave her a thumbs down. Lauren, seemingly expecting that, then turned to the quiet Dallin. She smiled brightly at him from across the table.

"No…no, thank you," Dallin said politely.

Lauren's shoulders slumped, and Padraic's laugh echoed in the dining room. "Oh! My sides! A princess can't even marry into a family…oh, you just can't make this stuff up anymore. You know I like you, but you just have to give up at this point!"

I just smiled to myself. I wondered if Lauren did all of this on purpose. No, I'm almost certain she did. She was willing to make everyone laugh, even if it was at her own expense.

Lauren sent Padraic a disgusted scowl and said, "Why is some old man commenting on my marriage proposals, mm?"

Padraic's eyes looked ready to bulge from his head as he stood up from his chair. Well, he was about the same height anyway. "Old man! Who are you calling, old man?! I'm not old!"

Lauren put a finger to her chin and looked down at him. "You have white hair, and just look at you…small, stumpy, and round. If that's not the definition of an old man, what is?"

"Stum—stumpy and round?! I am not! I am thick and stout, as any well-respected Dwarf man should be! And I'm not old at all! I'm only a few years older than Kaladin!" Padraic protested.

"Wait…really?" Varnir mumbled as he looked Padraic over again.

"Varnir?!" Padraic gasped.

"Ah, it's…not that I thought you were some old man. I knew you and Kaladin grew up together, so…but I mean, I thought maybe there were a few extra years between you guys…" Varnir said with a shrug.

Padraic slowly turned to Jen. "Say it ain't so… I don't look like an old man, right?"

Jen smiled brightly at Padraic. "I think you are a very handsome gentleman."

"Look at Jen right now. She is just so adorable, and she is a Dwarf as well," Lauren pointed out. "So what's your excuse, old man?"

I pat Padraic on the back. "I told you that you should run more."

"I should have stayed at the damn forge…" Padraic grumbled as he sat back down and crossed his arms.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly after our little friendly skit. Although Lauren was brustling against some people, it all felt like it was just for fun. Or at least that's what I hoped.

Everyone cleaned up and wished each other goodnight. I also excused myself to clean up after dinner and set Mila to bed. Thankfully, she brushed her teeth and, with her little knight doll, fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow—a truly remarkable ability.

I let out a satisfied sigh and rolled my shoulders. It was good to see her rebounding so quickly. She was far more active today than she was yesterday.

Now…it was time to soothe an angry bloodsucker…

I made my way to Sylvia's room, but before I could even knock, a voice called out to me. "Excuse me, Kaladin? Can we talk?" Ren asked me.

"Sure. Is…something the matter?" I questioned as I walked beside her.

Ren was wearing the same outfit she had on at dinner. I thought she would be going to bed, but she managed to seek me out. I needed to talk to Sylvia, but I also haven't spoken to Ren in some time, and I figured it was important judging by her face.

Ren guided me to a small sitting room, and we sat in the chairs facing each other. "It's about that woman in black with the mask. I felt your bloodlust, so…I…I was just wondering why you did that all of a sudden?"

Mmm…how to go about this.

"I'm sorry about that. I sort of lost control for a moment. And unfortunately, it's difficult to explain, but I believe that woman you fought today could potentially be dangerous," I said rather vaguely.

Ren furrowed her brows in confusion but nodded slowly in agreement as she massaged her hand. "I see…I think she was hiding her abilities."

"Oh? It should be obvious that anyone trying to win the tournament is hiding their abilities this early on. So what makes you so certain about her?" I asked.

"It's just…would she hide her abilities to the extent where she purposely lost? I don't think many people would do that," Ren explained.

"It really depends on the person. It might have been a good idea if she believed she would face you in the regular tournament. But there is no way she would know if you would be her opponent then…" I countered.

Ren shrugged weakly. "I felt like she was an excellent swordswoman. Her abilities, footwork, all of it was supreme and well practiced…but she ended up letting me win. I felt… I felt a lot of hatred from her. Every swing carried a strong amount of emotion."

An excellent swordswoman from Sandervile? That narrows it down a bit more. She must be from the Knight Academy. I'll have to tell Lin so she can narrow her search more.

"Throwing a match isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility. Was that hatred sent toward you?" I asked.

Ren shook her head again. "No, not at all. Which is why I was so confused during the fight. Her hands were shaking, and she was muttering things under her breath that I didn't understand."

"But after thinking about it for a while…I think she hated you. It's the only thing that makes sense. This is why hearing you say that she is dangerous only confirms my suspicions even more. I think that person might try and do something drastic, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, Kaladin."

I smiled at her kindness. "Thank you for looking out for me, Ren, and telling me all of this. It really will help me find out more. I promise to be careful around her in the future, and I already have people looking into it. If you learn anything else, please tell me, okay?"

Ren smiled meekly as her face flushed. "Yes, of course."

"Oh, and congratulations on making it to the tournament, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to watch any of your matches," I apologized.

"It's nothing, really. You've been really busy with your family and everything that's happened, so it only makes sense that you wouldn't stay to watch every fight…" Ren belted out at lightning speed.

I smirked at her embarrassment, which led her to look away bashfully. "Even so, I look forward to seeing you fight in the tournament for real. I can already see just how much stronger you've gotten."

Ren let out a quick breath from her nose and balled her hand into first. "Yes! It's all thanks to you and your grandfather! I promise I won't let either of you down!"

I stood up from the chair and offered my hand to her. "You don't need to prove anything to me, Ren. I already know how hard you work. Just have fun, okay?"

She cautiously took my hand and stood up. "Have fun…I…I'll try."

I'm sure you will. Now…I have a Vampire to talk to…and I have to go for my nightly activities…sigh.

Consider supporting me on Ko-Fi where you can get up to 10 chapters in advance-


Family Artwork- https://imgur.com/a/9rjEOMR

Vol.3 Veme+Bella- https://imgur.com/gallery/onDyhEB

Vol.4 Cover- https://imgur.com/gallery/nfZMIzW

Vol.5 School Artwork- https://imgur.com/gallery/c7RLP41

Vol.5 Avasta Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/BroScLP.jpeg

Vol.6 Reunion Artwork- https://imgur.com/a/4p7hXsT

Vo.6 Lin+ Nyx Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/kwh5Eua.jpeg

Vol.6 Grandpa Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/3eIbeY2.jpeg

Chibi Christmas Art- https://i.imgur.com/z5LG3vB.jpg

Vol.7 Cover- https://i.imgur.com/mBYLldy.jpg

Join the growing community on Discord- https://discord.com/invite/YGSUeuTTwH

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