
Deathseeker Book 1: The Tale of Zhao Yun

My first ON will try my best not to screw it up. Synopsis: A young man dies by getting pushed in front of the train by a strange shadow. He awakens in the Nothingness were the Judge of all Gods takes interest in him because of the history the soul of the young man contains. He sends the young man out so he can find the protagonist's murderer while letting the protagonist live a new life in the era of the Three Kingdoms. Basically our MC will be traveling from Era to Era starting with the Three Kingdoms. He will be living under the Vikings, participate in the 100-year-old War between France and England and many more before he reaches his goal. The Cover was made by The_Kings_Author. Thank you for making it for me.

Deathseeker · War
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202 Chs

Arthur Profile

Name: Zhao Yun (Arthur)

Age: 18 (56)

Blessings: Eidetic Memory (Athena),

Third Eye (Erlang Shen),

Silver Tongue (Lucifer),

Valknut Tattoo (Tyr),

Instant Summoning (Hermes),

Reinforced Skeleton (Baldr),

Poison Resistance (Asura),

Beast Tamer (Artemis)

Qi Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Metall, Wind,

Thunder, Light, Darkness

Skills: Sword&Shield Mastery(Expert),

Lance&Shield Mastery (Expert),

Staff Mastery (Expert),

Spear Mastery (Master),

Dual Sword Mastery (Expert),

Greatsword Mastery (Master),

Dagger Mastery (Expert),

Knife Throwing (Expert),

Archery (Master),

Halbert Mastery (Expert),

Glaive Mastery (Expert),

Survivability (Master),

Jade Emperor's Footwork (Expert),

Hermes' Footwork (Expert)

Items: Black Dragon Armor (Sleeping),

Black Ring (Spatial Ring),

Black Metal Weapons,

Mysterious Hammer,

Mysterious Sword

Pets: Shadow (Female Black Eagle),

Thunder (Male Endbringer)

Snowflake (Male White Tiger)

Arthur's Progress so far

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