
Deaths Chosen

Nate works for a funeral home and one day after showing up at work he passed out and then awoke to a new world!!! This is a litRPG inspired by he who fights with monsters and defiance of the fall!!!

Landon_M · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The Open Road

Chapter 3: The Open Road

As Nate gathered a few things for the road, he began to think about where he would look first. In his mind, the best place to look would be his home, his wife Ashlyn, or as he likes to call her, Ash. Nate would get some things together, and he would start to put things in a bag he found but was stopped.

"Sir, you can put things in your inventory. I don't understand the need for this bag."

"Well Westcut I kind of forgot about all that. I have had magic in my world for only about 8 hours, but thanks for reminding me of that. But how do I put my stuff in my inventory?"

"That's not hard; just take what you want to have in it and then shove it on the screen."

Nate then took out a roll of tape and shoved it into the screen, and it disappeared and then put everything else in.

"Well, Let's get on the open road." said Nate

Nate and Westcut began to walk to his car. When Nate got in the car, it would not start, and after a bit of hitting the car and kind of hating all the gods, they decided to walk.

After walking for 30 minutes, Nate began to realize the city is very empty. Maybe a lot of people are hidden, but where are the monsters? Nate had a mission to kill monsters, but there was nothing in sight, and then as if he had summoned one, something hit Nate into the road. Nate looked up to see a giant dog-like creature.

System message

Level 5 Hellhound

"Wow, that's a big dog," said Nate.

Nate liked to avoid fights, and ultimately, if he had to fight, he would have his older brother fight for him, not because Nate was scared; in fact, it was the opposite. Nate was not a person who would be scared easily; it was that he lacked in strength and fighting ability. But now it's different; now he has the power to overcome everything to overcome this.

"I am death's hand. I shall die when he chooses for me to die."

Nate got to his feet, pulled his sword out of his inventory, and walked towards the hound. He then started running to the hound, and it started running towards him. When they met, Nate went under, slicing the back of his front paw. The hound fell on its face, giving Nate the opportunity to climb onto its back and stab down on its head before jumping off its back.

Nate thought he had gotten the victory in the battle, but the hellhound was not finished; he got up still injured, so Nate studied himself, thinking about his next move. The hound had started running towards Nate, and when it got to him, it went to bite, but Nate thrust his sword in an upward motion, finishing the fight.

System message

Hellhound defeated

220 xp rewarded

300 gold coins are rewarded.

Head of first kill rewarded

Nate fell to his knees. Though his body went through massive changes, he was not ready for a battle like that. He only got his powers a couple hours ago, but he had a mission to find his wife.

After walking for a couple more hours, Nate could not help but think about how he had seen no life until his fight with the dog.

"Maybe everyone got to a safe place when I was at work, or maybe something came through the city and killed a lot of people," Nate said out loud.

"What was that, sir?"

"Oh Westcut I kind of forgot you were there. Sorry, hold on. I'm not sorry. Why did you not help me fight back there?"

"Well, sir, I would have, but to be honest, you brew the experience of fighting for your own life."

"I guess that makes sense, but how was I able to fight so well?"

"Because, sir, you have a higher intelligence now, and that helps you learn faster and retain more knowledge."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense, but what doesn't make sense is why I have not seen anyone or seen anymore monsters."

"Well, I have two answers to that: most people are probably in the learning phase, but you did not get chosen by the system to be allowed into it, so you are here alone for now, and as for the monsters, well, we aren't in a monster-filled area, so you are probably just going to find some small monsters here and there."

"Small are you joking right now that dog was the size of a truck, and what do you mean learning phase?"

"How do I put this? When the gods remake the world, everyone is put in a different world, and it is thought by the messengers how the new world they will be apart of will work, so what I am doing, but to be honest, what you are going through will give you the power to come out how the new world they will be apart of will work, so what I am doing, but to be honest, what you are going through will give you the power to come out on top of everyone else. They are going to do that for about 1 month, and they will probably only make it to level 5, maybe 6, but you got a boost in power, so you can probably make it to levels 10, maybe 11 by the time they are done."

"So for my wife."

"Most likely she is not on the world for now. Tell me what she did here on this world."

"My wife is or was a doctor."

"Oh, she is a doctor, so she will probably get some type of healing class."

"So you are telling me she is safe?"

"Yes, most likely learning how to help people. When she gets back, you will have the resources to find her, so don't worry too much about her and worry about getting stronger."

"Where will she appear?"

"Well, she should appear back where she was when she left."

"That would be at our house; she was still in bed. It's a Saturday, so her day off, and my home is kind of far from everything, so maybe we could set up our HQ there and hunt for monsters around there."

"Yes, sir, that would do very nicely, and if anyone else was left behind by the gods, then maybe we can find a way to help them, sir Nate."

"Well, then we have a plan; let's go."