
Damn It Hades

So my body has been locked in place for another year and a half. With Hades making me practice my magic non stop, I've learned 1 thing.


I suck with magic. I have no trouble casting my magic on myself but I have Zero aim with anything except my Thunder Element. If I try to launch a ball of water, it fizzles out after a foot of distance. If I use poison, my hand turns black then returns to normal. With Thunder spells though, I'm a cannon. Instead of aiming... I blast everything in the general direction I'm shooting for.


Hades said that I'm banned from Thunder magic until I can tone it down. Hades told me that both the greatest and most incomprehensible User of Thunder magic he's ever seen. If theres one aspect of magic in great at... its mixing my magics together. I can mix water and poison to make a poisonous splash from my hand... it still fizzles out after a foot.


Dark Lightning is a thing... Also banned by Hades.


Poison Lighting... Banned


Frozen Lightning... Banned


Water and Lightning made Mist Lightning. Mist Lightning... SUPER BANNED. For a week, the crater was hidden in Electricity Fog that continued to zap Hades. If I could move, I would have died from physical laughter. Everything was going relatively fine till Hades said the one thing you NEVER say when things are going well...


[Hades: We have been in Purgatory for 7 and a half years. It's been much easier then I expected.]


Once I read his message, my unmovable ass puckered...


[Hades, You have just doomed us all. If we live, ask me what a death flag is.]


Not 2 minutes later, Another message shows up that made my back dampen instantly.


[Gaia: Large amount of mana signatures detected entering the crater from every angle. We will be surrounded within 2 days.]




[Hades: ... I take no responsibility in this. It's just a coincidence. Either way, as long as your stuck, nothing living can get to you. Lord Chaos guaranteed it.]




I fell forward onto my face semi expectedly


[Did it again... Now my last line of defense is gone. You have officially boned us]


[Hades: ... Let's look on the dark side. It cant get any worse right?]


My first action after I could move again was to try and drop kick Hades with my entire existance behind my blow. He sidestepped easly...


[Hades: Woh there, relax. You will need that fight for the enemies incoming. My Silver Bone said 2 days. ... Its time to let you fight for real... and with a weapon ment for one goal.



Hades brought out... a metal rod with a smaller rod through the end of it. I've felt like I've seen it somewhere before...


[Gaia, where have I seen that shape before? it looks like a badly shaped cross...]


[Gaia: User, over 200 years ago on earth... there was a Manga named Soal Eater. The item Hades is holding looks 88% identical to the weapon form of the main protagonist's father Spirit Albarn. It is only missing the Blade.]


THATS IT!! But... that would mean...




Hades didnt type this time. He spoke outloud for the first time in over 3 years.


Hades: MY Scythe was never YOURS. You inherited it as a way to return it to me when my body recovered. This is YOUR Scythe. It will be the only Scythe you will ever use. Even the thought of using another will make you feel sick.


He brought me the rod and placed it infront of my face. My arm instantly grabbed it and I just held it. Hades backed away from me slowly and brought his original Scythe out.


Hades: As Bone Dusted monsters, we are always driven to collect dust to better ourselfs. As the only other Bone Dusted In existence, it's safe to say that I'm the only one who can show you the ropes. The Scythe your using is a blank canvas. The only thing that will influence it will be you.


Let's start with the basics. A Scythe is a medium range weapon and oddly shaped. Find your stance and stick to it. The stance you harmonize with will be your foundation.


My hands spun my bladeless stick some until I found myself with my Scythe horizontal behind my back being held by both hands.


Hades: Good choice, let's begin.


Hades charged at me with his Scythe in a reverse grip cutting into the floor. As he stopped infront of me, he attacked at blistering speeds. I ducked and weaved out of the way all while using my bladeless Scythe to redirect the attacks I couldnt avoid.


Hades: Dodging is good but a Scythe is an attacking weapon. ATTACK!


My body reacted in concert with my instincts. My Scythe flashed with speed and struck a few dozen times as I continued to dance away from Hades's onslaught. My Scythe never came close to touching him but my control over it was skyrocketing by the moment. I slashed down infront of Hades's face only to remember that my Scythe was bladeless. Once the shaft hit the ground infront of Hades, I punted the pole bact up and caught Hades by surprise. I cought Hades's elbow and he drastically missed his next attack. By pivoting my body and spinning so my Scythe rotated around my body, I was able to launch a solid attack towards Hades as he was caught off guard.


Or so I thought. Hades spun his Scythe in one hand and let the blade catch mine mid swing close to where my hands were. My swing lost all its momentum in that second.


Hades: Not bad for your first time swinging around a Club. I refuse to call that a Scythe until it has a blade. The kick was surprisingly effective. What gave you the idea?


[Watching Soccer back on earth. There was also a book where an assassin in training caught a knife by its blade with his hand to save his life.]


Hades: Catching a knife by its Blade bare handed? That's stupid, it's a great way to lose the hand.


[Would you choose to lose a hand or your life?]


Hades: ... ok, point made. For the remaining time today, I want you to spin your club around your body until you can move it effortlessly. I will go hunt. You havent eaten in years. Get ready to eat till you pop.




I had Gaia show me a Holographic mannequin using Staff and Scythe forms through my Focus's interface. As I watched, I got use to the weight of my Scythe twearling around my body. I started off slamming it into my head or knees when i tried to spin it faster. For some reason, I found the thought of my Scythe being bladeless to be cool so that's what i named it.




Hades returned many hours later empty handed...


[Hades, where's all the food? Struck out?]


Hades: Ha brat, you're not the only one that has a Storinum ring.


Hades summoned his Scythe and a metric fuk ton of raw meat fell to the ground. Hades started cooking the meat with Gaia's instruction.


He was correct, I ate till I popped. I've never used the bathroom so hard in either of my lives. Turns out Chaos froze my body functions for the time he forced me to be still. Close to 3 year fermentation poop REEKS.


The next day was more of a relaxer for me. I watched more technique videos from Gaia. Hades found the Holographic fighter to be annoying due to the fact that it couldnt he hit.


Gaia: User, I have a present for you. I have crafted a replacement for your protective glasses you lose.


Gaia hands me Goggles that fit comfortably on my face. They covers my eyes and are almost weightless. Before I could thank her, the gravity in the crater broke.


The Gravity Horn that was being eaten by my Heavy Sword started to crumble. From within the MASSIVE horn, a Heavy Sword with irregular edges running up both sides of the blade floated.


[Its done? Took it long enough!! I've always wanted to try this...]


I held out my hand and mentally called it over. My Heavy Sword flew to my hand like Mjolnir or StormBreaker. The instant it touched my hand, Gravity turned back to crazy.


Hades: Well that's going to be a problem. With the gravity back to normal... anything can attack us. Tomorrow just got harder.


[You dont feel the gravity return to normal?]


Hades: Uhh no? You do?


[Maybe it's the swords new passive?]


My Heavy Sword rippled and turned into dust. The dust reformed into an open ended tee with a hoodie. Gravity is still crazy but it's only on my body... or maybe...


[Hades: Please attack me. I'd like to check something.]


Without missing a beat, he struck my head with a wooden pole. The pole snapped like a twig and Hades grunted.


Hades: The gravity returned the second I hit you and left the second I stopped touching you. Nice. Armor made from Bone Dust and a Heavy Sword.


[Susanoo, My Heavy Sword will be named Susanoo.]


After a few hours of rest, and I was as ready for the invasion as I could be.


Bladeless in my right hand, Susanoo in Shirt mode, Orb of Treasure floating over my left hand and Hollow in its sheath on my utility belt.


Time to forge Bladeless's blade through slaughter.

Sorry for the late post. Been playing Ark... I might have a problem.

let me know what you think.

Beviscreators' thoughts
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