

A cop looking for some money because of a huge dept is betrayed by he's close friend to some dangerous individuals who are into shady deals. Now has to fulfil he's own end of the bargain else it will be over for him and he's family.

Eneremen_Joshua · Action
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2 Chs

How we got here




My bro how far now, Did you get any sleep last night? Odion my partner for over

three years gave a slight nudge on my back as I laid my head on my desk


He gave me a cup of coffee made.are you alright?

I didn't need someone to tell me how much depressed I look. Things have been

hard for me lately.

My gambling habits have rendered my family and me stranded and my dear

daughter Osé has been unable to pay her tuition fees. What do I do?

Heyyy! Sammie boy are you alright? Is it the banks again or your landlord?

I answered yes with a nod. My head still laying down, looking at my feet.


I don't know what to do Odion.

Sammie, if you need some cash I know someone willing to help out with a loan

and you can pay it back whenever you have the cash bro, or in installments that

you'll be convenient with.

What? I said lifting my face up

Who is that? A bit of hope sparked in me.

If you want, I could take you to him this evening.

"Yes yes, please"

Alright then, after duty tonight I'll take you to him, Odion said with a smirk face

drinking his coffee as he walked away.

I took the cup of coffee he had left on my desk, still thinking of the good news I

just heard not long ago.

**9 pm same day**

Let's go, mate,

Alright, lemme wrap things off. I'll meet you outside the station.

Alright, I'll be by the car, Odion walked out of the station while lighting his

cigarette as I cleared my desk.

After setting my desk, I picked up my coat and met Odion outside by his car.

Yo! What ride are we using, mine or yours?

Mine of course, who'd want to ride in that old Volkswagen of yours? Hehe, Odion

said mockingly but I didn't care.

Joy overflowed in me since hearing I could get

a loan and as well pay it back whenever I am ready. What sort of person is this



Riding shotgun, I shut the door, Odion seated in the driver's seat ignited the

engine as he drove off from the precinct to whoever this person is that was

going to help me.

**10:15 pm same day**

We are here, are you ready to go meet Santa?Haha, I laughed at the joke my

colleague and best friend just said.

Well if it was Santa I for no dey pay back now haha

Yea you're right, smiling as we both came down from the car making our way to the entrance of a huge abandoned building or a warehouse I wasn't sure.

Hesitant to go any closer I kept feeling spooky and unwilling but then I felt a tap

on my shoulder that yanked me out from my thoughts.


*Pats my shoulder*

it's fine, bro! Why are you so scared??

Why won't I? I said we made our way to the door. Don't be so scared alright?

The Man we are seeing is a very shy and generous fellow that's why he asked us

to meet here okay?

Okay i replied as we walked to the door.

Getting in, two men sitting smoking cigarettes and wearing suits while a hand

full of bodyguards were behind and around the corner of the building which

from the looks of it was a warehouse.

Heeyyy my man!!!! Odion, one of the men sitting stood up exchanging

handshakes with my colleague.

How are you doing my favorite cop? I'm fine,

senior man. Here's my friend I told you guys about.

He walked towards me and offered a handshake which I responded to with a

cake smile as the three of us sat down with the dangerous-looking man who

hadn't said anything yet.

As a cop, I already knew the situation I was in but I was willing to do anything to make sure my wife and daughter don't get thrown out on the street.

Big Don, They are here.Finally the man dropped his cigar and looked at me ' I

will loan you the money you need but you just need to do a few things for me '.

wow thank y..., ' I've not finished talking' the big Don said cutting me short from

my statement.

"you will do something for me" he ordered the first man that gave me a

handshake to drop two bags on the table. ' open the first bag ' I did and there

was enough money in there to fix all my problems, I was so happy but nervous, '

Open the other bag '

' you will help us distribute some products until you pay back your loan' I

nervously opened the bag thinking it might be hard drugs or even guns but it

was neither. Jess

'shhhhh' the Big Don ordered. ' Take them and go ' the address and time of

delivery are there. 'Get out! '

I didn't want the loan anymore, the price is too great and my conscience would

haunt me till I die if I helped them deliver such things.

Looking at the bag again,

Human parts are harvested and kept in a cooling can.

Big Don sir, I can't do this, please. On my knees begging, I don't want the loan

anymore neither will I tell anyone what I saw plea..

**Gun clicks*

Odion pointing the gun at me, ready to pull that trigger if I didn't do as I was told.

' if you don't do as we say then I'll kill you here that's why we held the meeting

here so it's easier to kill and harvest you if you don't cooperate.

Looking properly I could see a doctor and a nurse at the fair end dressed in lab

Cote. Odion wasn't lying at all.. it was either agree or die right now.

A feeling of betrayal and anger swept all across my body and stood up, walking

out of the building, Odion right behind me as well. 'Make sure he does as he's

told Odion!! ' the big Don scary voice roared at Odion. ' Yes Boss '

How could you do this to me Odion??! ' Shut up and get in the Car, we are leaving '

We both got in, not saying a word to each other as he drove off.

1 AM

Odion dropped me off at my apartment, I quietly opened the door with my spare

key not to wake my wife and children and sat in the living thinking about what

kind of mess I got myself into.

I read the piece of paper which contained the

time and date for when I'm supposed to deliver the parts thinking and regretting

* Boom* Gunshots at my door

5 armed men broke into my apartment, face covered but they had a tattoo at

the side of their ear down to the neck.. ' On the ground now!

My wife and child were on the floor crying and begging, myself as well but they

jacked my daughter off from the floor outside to their getaway car and the bag

of Money I had just collected from the Big Don.

They left quickly as they came like they knew what they wanted to do even

before breaking in. . Odion and Big Don had fucked me up, really good.. as it is I

will be indebted to them for life. . My wife is still on the floor crying, our

neighbors rushing in to ask what happened but I could not speak.

The money was stolen and my daughter was kidnapped. What could I say. Feeling guilty

I walked to my wife to pat her while we both cried on the floor.

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

Eneremen_Joshuacreators' thoughts