Is it even worth it, Saye thought in the remote darkness surrounding him. He had returned to the capital as quickly as possible since Saye knew Levay would be making a decision in a few days. After confronting his father; the old king; after 27 years, Saye wasn't exactly excited. His father was as usual reductive and judgmental. But Saye was the only option to handle the kingdom, now that the second prince and his family was killed. So when Saye asked for a peace treaty to be initiated, the old king had to agree.
Saye obviously had no intention to become king. But for the sake of Master Ilseu, he made a fake promise. He would run away again once a peace treaty was signed. Until then he wouldn't accept the throne nor the Dào pearls power. But little did Saye know that the old king had already foreseen this.
After the old king sent a fleet to capture the killer and start the peace talk, he very carefully trapped Saye in the palace. The cell was especially made for a silver dragon; it would weaken their constitution just enough to keep them powerless. Saye didn't react at all, he just sat in the cold dark cave wondering; is it even worth it?
Master Ilseu had no use for him now that the peace talks have started. He doesn't have any reason to wait for me. Why should I resist being the king? Is it even worth it? Heh. Who am I kidding? I'll give everything to stay by his side even as a servant, Saye thought in a weak state of mind. He really wanted to meet Master Ilseu. Although he had been held in this cell for less than a day, it felt like a whole lifetime had passed by.
He could escape from this cell if he wanted to, but where would he even go? Back to his hiding place? Continue to see Master Ilseu from afar as he spends a life without him? No I'd rather just stay here and embrace this cold darkness.
"Little old man, why do you look so troubled? Today morning you were all happy. The people from my city came here right? And you also wanted that so what's wrong?" FengYi asked looking up from his parchment, as Ilseu had entered the room in a really bad mood. On the parchment were barely passable strokes, Master Ilseu had been teaching him Caligraphy.
Shu XinYi rubbed his temples trying to figure out what went wrong. When he looked into Saye's PoV, Saye was in a dark room with barely any light. Probably a holding cell. The dragon fleet came to form a peace treaty so why is Saye trapped in a cell? Why the heck is he not escaping? He told me to wait for him. Shu XinYi had too many thoughts on his mind so he didn't clearly hear what FengYi had asked.
"Huh? I don't know. Maybe he is in actual danger. Maybe they will execute him for his rebellion those years ago. I don't get it. Why is everyone trying to kill him?" Shu XinYi rambled on without understanding the situation.
"Master, it probably isn't the case. Logically speaking, Saye's father wouldn't kill the only potential king he can rely on. You need to calm down and think this through." Snow said noticing the weirdness of Shu XinYi's behavior.
Shu XinYi took a deep breath and actually thought everything through. Saye would never agree to become king, but the old king wants a new king. Ah, I understand. I can't leave him there regardless.
"Hey, Little old man, are you okay? You are worrying me." FengYi asked politely, with some fear in his small grey eyes.
"I am sorry if I scared you. This won't happen again. As for my worries, leave them to me to solve. How is your practice coming along?" Shu XinYi said after calming down, he seemed genuinely sorry for causing distress to the boy.
"I have done ... something. It's not good as yours." FengYi said showing Shu XinYi the parchment.
"Oh, this is actually better than last time. But there is still a lot to learn. Haah.. I am afraid I don't have enough time." Shu XinYi said with some sadness in his voice.
"Why? Are you about to die Ilseu?" FengYi asked uncharacteristically.
Shu XinYi raised his eye brows as he chuckled softly, "You actually said my name huh? No, I don't have plans to die anytime soon. It's just .. the people from your city are here. They will take you back before they sign the peace treaty." Shu XinYi said sighing. He felt something soft hold his hands.
"Ilseu, I don't want to go back. It's not good. Please. I love it here with you. If I stay then you can teach me everything and I can become a good man like you. Even if I go back to my city, I want to go with you. You said you would protect me back in the forest, don't go back on your words now." FengYi said holding Shu XinYi's large hands with his small fragile hands. It did seem that his family didn't allow him any hardwork at all, yet the boy wanted to do everything on his own.
"Yi'er, Do you understand what you are asking of me? No one in your family will allow me to be your gaurdian." Shu XinYi said sighing. This little boy had too much to say, and Shu XinYi was willing listen to everything. But this decision was not on him to make.
"Uncle Saye would agree. He would definitely agree. He is my Godfather, he would agree to what's best for me. As for the rest of the family, I will talk to grandfather myself." FengYi said confidently.
"You don't have to act like an adult. But if you really want this then I have a plan. But are you really willing to live with me and Uncle Saye?" Shu XinYi asked with disbelief.
"It's not a bad idea. It's better than living with any of my other relatives. I would rather eat a snake alive." FengYi said making a disgusted face.
Ah so we are the only option available huh? No matter. "Then let's wait for a few days and we'll confront your grandfather together."
After that Shu XinYi made some dinner for them and had a good night's rest.
The next day in the court room, Bane was stood on the podium and confronted by the council and the 3 dragons. Since Levay had already announced his decision to go forth with the peace treaty, the council had become vigilant against Bane. If anyone from the council still asked for a war then they would easily be kicked of the council. So for the sake of their positions, everyone stopped interacting with Bane.
Bane obviously had thought about what he would do after this. First of all he had to make sure he escaped form here, then he could incite war through other ways. For this he had a foolproof plan.
"The pearl of your little dragon is here. If you want to see him alive then you will have to let me go. Chose. A healthy child or a murderer, you get one." Bane said with coldness without any of that previous polite pretense.
The 3 dragons had to bring the little dragon back as the old king had asked. He was the key to getting the far south lands from the second dragon kingdom, it was the dead queens last wish. Moreover, the 3rd princess from the second kingdom would be very angry if the little dragon is not betrothed to her. Yet the murderer had to be bought to justice as well.
"Mr.Bane, we have considered your offer. We first need to know that the little dragon is safe. So you can take us to meet him now. Then we can decide on negotiable terms." A dragon said.
Bane gave a smug smile as he was unlocked from the podium cage. He was still handcuffed as he walked through the door with many behind him.
"Your little master has some serious attention problems. He causes trouble at every interval. You sure you want him back?" Bane said as he made his way out of the castle.
The dragons couldn't do anything to take the necklace away from him forcefully as it was covered in wormwood dew. If Bane wanted he could crush the pearl at anytime using the magical dew. It seemed that this Bane was very well versed in the sacred knowledge of the lands. Obviously something like a dragon's pearl won't be easy to just destroy, so Bane was someone worth being vigilant towards. Because of this advantage the 3 dragons could only drown their anger they had towards Bane.
Bane who was fiddling with the necklace, suddenly deepened his already formed frown. Oh no, this is not good. Or this actually a blessing in disguise? Bane thought.
Oh boi, this fever ain't going no where. Hope you all are safe and sound. Take care of yourself. Thankyou for the reads and reacts ╮( ˘_˘ )╭.