
Deathclaw Breeder (Eng)

The Sole Survivor wakes up with a monstrous hangover, which is only slightly less monstrous than the creature in the middle of his room. Will our unlucky hero escape a Deathclaw during mating season? —-------- E aí gurizada? This is my first smut, so go easy on me in the comments. This oneshot was inspired by an art by Votron, I recommend checking it out on his profile on Newgrounds. And since I can't fill up some sites with tags and warnings, I'll also put them here in the synopsis: [Monster Girl] [Lizard Girl] [Deathclaw Girl] [Femdom] [Rape] [Cowgirlposition][Furry][Hmoaf] [Female Anthro/Male Human]

AvipBr · Video Games
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1 Chs

I never driking again

Something nudges my shoulder, disturbing my deep sleep induced by my alcoholic coma.

"Leave me alone." I groan softly with my eyes closed.

I spent the previous night getting wasted on Nuka-Cola Dark, and my reward now is a massive hangover. My head hurts, and there's also a terrible smell in the air that resembles something damp, sour, and pungent. It's as if a super mutant sat on my face and let out a fart.

Once again, I'm nudged, but this time with more force, causing my body to sway and throb with pain. It feels like every muscle in my body is pulsating in pure agony even with the slightest movement.

"Go bother someone else, DAMN IT!" I grumble aloud.

Is it really too much to ask for a guy to get some peaceful sleep in his own bed?

I feel the touch on my shoulder once again, but this time I'm pushed off the bed and land face-first on the floor.


Lying on the floor, my head throbbing in pain, I grope in the darkness under my bed for my trusty 10mm pistol. As soon as I find it, I open my eyes while still on the ground and point the gun's barrel toward my tormentor, finally beholding its form.

The first thing that catches my attention is the creature's size. "Big" is an understatement to describe the creature in front of me, standing over 3 meters tall with forward-curved horns protruding from its reptilian head.

"A Deathclaw?"

Even in the darkness, it's easy to identify the iconic silhouette of the creature.

"Why is there a monster in my room?" I speak as if expecting an answer from the creature.

The creature growls and furrows its brow, staring at me with disdain. Is it angry with me? The monster snatches the gun from my hand with its tail and then proceeds to move my bed out of the way to get a closer look at me without any obstructions.

"Do you understand me?"

In response, it nods its head affirmatively.

From a loose floorboard, I retrieve a Stimpak that I keep for emergencies. The sudden movement startles the creature, and it grabs me, lifting me by the neck.

"I'm going to die." I whimper softly in the Deathclaw's claws.

What did I do to deserve this? After dismantling the Institute, imposing a moral check on the Brotherhood of Steel, liberating dozens of synths with the Railroad, and defeating Super Mutant Behemoths, am I going to die like this? In my underwear and hungover.

I close my eyes, awaiting my inevitable death.


Farewell, cruel world.


Any moment now.


Why am I still alive?


Curiosity overcomes fear, and I reluctantly open my eyes, finding the creature right in front of my face.

It had approached me with its large lizard-like snout and began sniffing me from head to toe.

"Are you going to kill me?"

It suddenly stops moving and looks at me, tilting its head to the side like a curious dog. The monster places me on the ground and releases my neck.

"Why... kill?"

"WHAT?!" My shout startles the Deathclaw away from my face. "You can talk?"

"Yes." the monster responds, nodding its head in affirmation.

Its speech is simple, like that of a child, and its voice is rough, deep, and powerful, yet strangely... feminine?

As if in response to my thought, the beast wags its long tail and accidentally hits the wall switch, illuminating the room and intensifying my hangover headache.

I see everything in a white haze due to the brightness, and my head starts throbbing even harder. My brain pulsates and hurts as if someone is hammering an anvil inside my skull.

I stop writhing in pain as a giant hand with sharp claws is placed on my back.

"Human... hurt?"

Is it concerned about me?

"Just a hangover."

"Humpf," the creature huffs near my neck.

I'm not sure if it understood me, but it seems distressed about my health, which is at least peculiar for a Deathclaw.

In order to end my suffering, I apply the Stimpak, and within a few seconds, the headache begins to fade, and my vision becomes clearer.

This isn't my first rodeo waking up nearly blind from a pounding headache, so I always keep this prepared Stimpak that cures my hangover instantly.

With the room illuminated and my vision back to normal, I can better examine the creature, and at first glance, I notice that it's not a "normal" Deathclaw.

She has a tall and muscular body, covered in scales and with sharp claws. She has a long and rounded head with horns protruding from the top pointing forward, her mouth is full of teeth sharp as blades, and her eyes are bright yellow. Furthermore, does she have a pair of breasts? They are large, bigger than my head, and with human-like nipples… strange… nipples aren't the kind of thing typically found only in mammals?

I try to recall my biology lessons from before entering the Vault, but it's in vain when I realize that besides the impressive tits, the creature also possesses a giant, uplifted, and rounded buttocks.

If I encountered a woman with such an ass, I would throw myself on the ground and beg to marry its owner.

In a sudden movement, the creature grabs me once again, but this time, it wraps its claw around my chest and brings me down to the ground. The impact doesn't hurt me, but it knocks the wind out of me.

"Huuuuuuum," the creature purrs as it sniffs my underwear. "Strong scent… yes."

I'm being judged by a monstrosity that's a fusion of an iguana and an instagram twerker?


This is getting weird.



"Breedable!" The last word carries a tone of hunger and lust.

Okay… we've gone from odd to intriguing and looped back to frightening.

"What do you want with me?"

With its left hand, the creature ripped my underwear and sat on my stomach.

"Oof!" I moaned with the weight in my belly.

I opened my mouth to complain, but I felt that big ass was sitting on my waist and how my dick was already lifted and squeezed between her cheeks and the feeling was…

The best thing in the world.

In addition to being large, that pussy was also firm and soft, snuggling my member in the middle of my buttocks as if she was preparing to milk me right there.

Despite the divine pair of pillows massaging my cock. I still had a monster weighing over 200 kilos on top of me, I struggled trying to get free, but the body movement made my cock rise and fall in the middle of the beast's rear end.

"O Jesus!"

I moaned and writhed in pleasure beneath the creature as it smiled and reveled in my reactions.

After a few minutes wasted idly trying to free me, the Deathclaw approached the side of my skull and whispered in a rough, lustful tone.

"I… want… to breed!"

I'm ashamed to admit that I got a hard-on, I could pierce a Power Armor I with my dick, I was so thirst that I was going to get into that monster ass.

She sniffs my neck and sighs excitedly.

"Your scent… you want it too."

"Is it because the hard shaft stuffed in your trunk is too subtle, right?" I replied with feigned courage.

The muscles in the creature's shapely thighs tensed and it rose to its feet as it used its hands to pin me to the ground by my shoulders.

"Oh Lord! Sorry ma'am, I didn't mean -."

I was cut by the 200 kg of flesh and bone of hot Deathclaw falling on top of me, 100 of which must have been just her ass.

She just lined up the pussy that oozed a transparent liquid with a strong and pungent smell from her opening to then go down hammering that huge ass on my thighs, finally sticking my cock inside her.

"Yessss…" she groaned the creature aloud.

She lays down on top of me pressing those huge tits to my face.

The smell was like wet earth and sweat, at first it disgusted me, but when I smelled it again I was intrigued. It was strong and addictive, leaving me warm and aroused.

As soon as she let go of my arms, my hands flew to her ass, giving that gigantic booty a squeeze.

When I squeezed her ass Deathclaw roared loudly, the sound was like a tyrannosaurus rex in heat, as soon as she finished roaring she turned to me with her mouth open and kissed me.

Kissing wasn't the right term, she put my face in her mouth, while her 20 cm long tongue licked me and tried to penetrate my closed lips.

"Rargh!" She grunted when she managed to get inside my mouth.


The offending organ was hot, slimy, long and thick, it felt like a living creature exploring the inside of my mouth and then into my throat where it gave me gagging for 1 second before quickly retreating into the creature's mouth.

"Taste… good."

"Cough-cough! I'm glad I pleased you, you fat fucker."

Two open palms slammed against the floor cracking my floor, my head in the middle of the monster's arms trembling in fear of the sudden impact.

She was staring at me with those big scary yellow eyes.


I try to make a fool of myself.


She rolls her tail doing wonders massaging my cock, already the bones in my pelvis started to creak and crack.


She gives me a sadistic smile drenched in pride. With her hands still on the side of my head, she lifts her hips once more and brings them down hard.

"Yes… fat."

She starts to pick up the pace.

"Fat… healthy."

Desperately, I start to struggle, but instinctively end up keeping pace with her.

"ROOOOOAR!" She roars up once more, but hasn't stopped bouncing that ass off me.

"Fat… strong." She holds my chin with one of her claws, forcing me to look at her, lightly piercing the skin, enough to bleed. "FERTILE!"

She concludes by screaming in my face and "kissing" me again.

I should control myself, I should look for a way out of there, to at least get her off me.

But that smell…. That ass wiggling and bouncing on me… that pussy massaging and milking my cock… I couldn't control myself, I didn't want it to stop.

"Do you want babies that look like me?"

"YEEEEEES!" Roared the creature, accelerating the pace.

"Then I make a point of cumming in that stinky gecko pussy."

Throwing away my modesty and fears, I started hammering even as I was lying under her, this time with all my strength.

"Yes… impregnates me… I want strong babies."

The Deathclaw put her hand under my back, squeezing me against her breasts, her pussy squeezing me with strength and desperation as if she didn't want to let go of me.

"More… more." She moaned needy in my ear.

It woke something primal inside of me, making me want to answer it, I accelerated even more and q When I felt close I stuck my dick with all my strength inside her.



Never in my life have I come so hard for so long and yet I kept pushing myself deeper into her as her pussy massaged my cock, pulling my cum inside her.

After what seemed like hours I relaxed my body on the floor exhausted, while panting the creature let go of my cock and lay down beside me.

Now would be the perfect time to escape, but before I could get to my feet the creature grabbed me and placed my body on top of hers.

"My male." Murmured the beast that then began to lick me like a puppy.

That shit had to be a lizard monster not a dog.

"Are you leaving now that you got what you wanted?"



"Why not?" I complained loudly.


"Are you crazy? I've never come so much in my life, you don't need more."

"Huuuuuum." murmured the irritated creature.

I need to stop insulting this animal.

She got up from the floor holding me between her breasts, walking calmly she arrived at the garage that had its metal door torn apart as if it were paper.

Fucking horny bitch monster comes to rape me in the middle of the night and still hurts me.

As soon as we left the garage, I noticed that the damage was greater, it destroyed all the turrets that protected the post.

"I want compensation! I want a pension! Call The Paternity Court and the Maury Show?" But my complaints are cut short when I spot a pair of yellow dots amidst the darkness.

Before I even asked, my jailer let out a loud snarl and more yellow dots began to appear in the darkness and get closer.

As they approached the light it was clear from their silhouettes that they were more Deathclaws… all females similar to the one I had impregnated.

"We have no male… we mate humans."

I don't like where this conversation is going.

"But humans…. break."

Oh, no.

"You… different… strong."

Oh, no!

"You… sturdy!"


Surrounded by 7 Deathclaws all in heat, I can only think of 1 thing.

"I'm going to need a Nuka-Love Elixir."

"What?" Asked the now impregnated monster.

"It's basically a case of Nuka-Cola Dark and a bottle of Viagra."