
Death... and me

Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

Suiyan · Fantasy
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2880 Chs

Where to Now?

"There seem to be only five useful options remaining now," Rean went through the giant list. Most options were already bought, and quite a few were removed when new options appeared over the years.

Roan also looked at the list as he nodded. "The five are..."

[Universal Cultivation Enhancement Level 4 - 2000000 Destiny Points]

[Soul Connection Range Upgrade Level 5 – 50000 Destiny Points]

[Soul Gem Alchemy Workshop Upgrade Level 7 - 3000000 Destiny Points]

[Soul Gem Blacksmith Workshop Upgrade Level 07 - 300000 Destiny Points]

[Soul Gem Electrical Formations Repository Upgrade Level 5 - 100000 Destiny Points]

"Sister Orb, tell us a little more about the cultivation enhancement and the Soul Connection Range," Rean requested. "How much would they be enhanced compared to what we have now?"